Skin Treatment – Procedure and Risks

Skin Treatment – Procedure and Risks

Skin is the largest organ in the human body, and like all other organs it has an important role. It’s your skin’s job to protect you by preventing any harmful infections from entering the body and not letting you get sick. Hence, it is imperative to keep it in good health. Taking good care of your skin will ensure low chances of future problems, like wrinkles, scars and many more. Apart from that, good skin has mental and social benefits. Having good skin boosts your self-confidence and when you look good, others might have a great first impression of you. Thus, proper skin care is very important.

Nowadays, people do not wish to have any skin problems and want to look good all the time. Skin problems might include- scars (from acne, injury or surgery), wrinkles, discoloration and age spots. These skin problems can be treated with the help of cosmetic skin treatments. These treatments are performed by highly trained and experienced dermatologists/cosmetic surgeons.

Who is a Dermatologist?

Dermatologist is a doctor who specialises in the treatment of conditions related to skin, hair and nails. A dermatologist can identify internal problems in your body by looking at your skin. They diagnose and treat skin medical issues like acne, rosacea and other skin problems. Many dermatologists also perform surgeries like doing skin biopsies or removing warts. They also do skin cosmetic treatments which make your skin look rejuvenated, younger and smooth. This may include treating scars, smoothing wrinkles, plumping up saggy skin, removing age spots and much more.

What are Cosmetic Skin Treatments and why do you need them?

Cosmetic skin treatments are various surgical and nonsurgical procedures that are done to treat your skin, to enhance your appearance. These skin treatments help to restore a more rejuvenated, youthful complexion by eliminating the outer damaged skin layers to reveal a new and healthy skin from beneath and also encourages the growth of new healthy skin cells. 

Various types of skin treatments are used by Cosmetic surgeons to address a myriad  of skin concerns. They include- Chemical Peel, Laser Skin Resurfacing, Dermabrasion, Microdermabrasion, Botox, etc. Some of these treatments encourage the growth of new cells and collagen production, while others use the techniques of removing scar or filling in wrinkles to make your skin look smooth and clean. The level of invasion, recovery time and how long the treatment will last differs from treatment to treatment. 

Cosmetic Skin Treatments

  • Chemical Peels

Chemical Peeling is a type of skin treatment, in which a chemical solution is applied on the surface of the skin which results in the peeling away of the damaged outer skin layer. Chemical Peeling is used to treat skin problems by removing scars caused from acne, injury or a surgery, smoothing out wrinkles, removing age spots, discoloration and freckles. It also helps in tightening and toning of the skin.

Chemical peel should be done by an experienced cosmetic surgeon. In this, a chemical solution is brushed on your skin and then it will be left there for a certain period of time. Over time, this chemical solution causes the damaged skin to peel apart, revealing a cleaner, smoother and younger looking skin.

Depending upon the severity of your skin problems, chemical peel can be classified into a range of 3- light, mild and deep. This classification is based upon the number of skin layers that need to be peeled. Light peels use Alpha Hydroxy acid (AHA), mild peels use trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and deep peels use Phenol. Light chemical peels reach the outermost layers of skin which is called the epidermis. Deeper peels on the other hand go further down, they will pass the epidermis and go to the next layer- dermis. This is recommended for more severe skin issues and must be performed by a trained and experienced cosmetic surgeon.

By evaluating your skin problem, your cosmetic surgeon will recommend the types of peel you require to get a healthy and rejuvenated skin. After the chemical peel heals, you will be able to see a brighter and smoother skin.

  • Laser Skin Resurfacing

As the name suggests, Laser-skin treatment uses pulsating laser beams to treat the damaged skin by improving its tone, texture and removing deep lines and wrinkles on the face and neck. In this, the outer layer of the skin is removed and the deeper layers are heated up. This triggers the growth of collagen and new skin cells in the skin layers. It is also used to remove unwanted facial or body hair and scars caused from acne, injury or surgery. There are 2 types of lasers- Ablative Lasers and Non-Ablative Lasers.

Ablative Lasers

Ablative Lasers remove the outer skin layer, it is used to treat deep wrinkles and scars. This laser shows results faster but takes longer time for recovery. 

Non-Ablative Lasers

Unlike Ablative lasers, Non-Ablative lasers do not penetrate the skin. Their work is to heat up the skin below the surface to push the growth of collagen and help to treat early signs of aging by making the skin firm and toned. Non-ablative lasers work just like Ablative lasers, the only difference is the time of discomfort and recovery is very less. And they also have long lasting results.

Laser Skin Treatment is a long-lasting treatment but sometimes, it may take several months for the results to show (effects of collagen and new skin cell) depending upon your skin type. Side effects such as redness might take several weeks to go away, you also might have to stay away from sunlight for several months. Your cosmetic surgeon will make you understand the expected results which vary from patient to patient, depending upon their skin type and problems.

  • Botox Injections

In Botox skin treatment, a small amount of liquid which includes a substance called Botulinum toxin is injected in the face muscles. It is a very common type of skin treatment these days and is used for both cosmetic as well as problems. Cosmetic problems include- frown lines, crow’s feet, furrow lines, lines at the corner of the mouth and much more. A temporary paralysis is caused in the muscle in which the Botox is injected. The muscle is unable to contract as all the nerve signals to it get blocked.

This procedure does not take more than 15 minutes depending upon the amount and area in which the Botox needs to be injected. You can start seeing the results between 24-72 hours after the treatment. This treatment may last for 3 to 12 months depending on the type and area of treatment.

Some patients may face side-effects like- Bruising around the injection site, eyelids drooping, swelling in the eyes area, headache, weakness, numbness, dry eyes or allergic reactions like rash or itching, but they all go away in a few weeks time. In case that does not happen, immediately contact your doctor. People who are breastfeeding, pregnant, have a neurosurgical disease or are allergic to any of the ingredients used in Botox should not get Botox done.

  • Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion, often used for facial procedures, is a surgical procedure in which your doctor uses a wire brush or a rapidly rotating device to remove the damaged skin layer by layer. The number of layers to be removed/ depth of the procedure depends upon how severe the skin problems are. Once the skin is removed, the treated area heals which allows the growth of new skin in its place by encouraging new cell growth. This treatment is used to remove acne and pimple scars, wrinkles, skin whitening and smoothening. 

This treatment is performed only by trained dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons. Before the procedure begins, to numb the skin, you are injected with an anesthetic so that you don’t feel any discomfort during or after the treatment . Dermabrasion is not recommended for all, as it goes deeper into the skin and can affect skin pigmentation. There might be some side effects including redness, pain, burning or swelling. Since the treated skin is delicate, it is very important to protect it from the sun and infection.

  • Microdermabrasion

As the name suggests, microdermabrasion is a mild version of dermabrasion, which is used on the face, hands, neck, or body. It is done to remove light acne scars, discolored skin, enlarged pores and age spots and also helps in skin brightening. In microdermabrasion treatment, the area is exfoliated with the application of fine abrasive crystals or with the help of a fine tipped instrument. This exfoliated skin is then vacuumed away. Unlike Dermabrasion in which there is a high risk of side-effects, it requires no recovery time. Also, microdermabrasion carries a low risk of side-effects and can be used on all skin types. It might take a long time, sometimes a few months to get visible results and how long the results will last depends upon how severely the skin was damaged.

It is one of the most common wrinkle treatments as the procedure is quick and does not take a long time. In some cases, more than one session of microdermabrasion might be required to get the desired skin results. After getting the treatment, it is necessary to keep the skin away from the sun as it is very sensitive and can get damaged easily.

We use the next generation machines in all our treatments, you can click here to check our hospital and avail our services.

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