IVF treatment is the first option for any couple who are unable to get pregnant naturally after trying for years. It has various steps to perform in order to get a successful result, and these are-
- Hormone injection to stimulate healthy eggs.
- Eggs and sperm collection.
- Fertilize the eggs(Embryo creation).
- Remaining embryos to be cryopreservation for later use.
- Embryo transfer to the uterus thru catheters.
- Conduct a blood test after two weeks to check pregnancy results.
How does age matter for your infertility?
Complications in women appear mostly after the age of 30 years as the rate of fertility declines as age increases. Irregular or absent periods are signs of disturbed ovulation, leading to a 20% chance of getting pregnant, sometimes women conceive but are unable to maintain the pregnancy. Miscarriages are to be seen quite often as it happens in the early 20s, by the age of 45 fertility decreased to that extent where getting pregnant naturally is nearly impossible for most women. As age increases the strength, elasticity, and lining of the uterus decrease and may create the same equilibrium impaction with endometrium as well (which is termed as endometriosis). For man, infertility depends on individual medical background, genetic hereditary, lifestyle and habits. Apart from this after the age of 40 years most men experience low sperm count, due to work stress, sedentary life, no exercise, which leads to a decrease in sperm Fertilisation.
IVF babies vs Normal babies
There is a myth about IVF babies are born with abnormalities. The majority of the babies born through this method are healthy both physically and mentally. When a couple fails to conceive naturally, there could be defects with both (male/female) in their reproductive system. IVF works as sperm and egg stimulate fertilization in the lab to create Embryo and place it into a woman's uterus because a baby-making role will only work inside the human body. It is the genes of the family or donor (if used) that may come along with the baby and are born with defects or else IVF babies are normal and healthy.
What are the reasons for IVF failures?
Embryo plays a crucial role in the success or failure of IVF. When Embryo is built in the Lab it shows healthy but powerless to implant later when the uterus gets defects that cause them to decline rather than building. The quality and fertility rate of the egg plays a major role along with the amount of follicular count, when the quality of the egg is not efficient enough and the amount of the follicular is below the normal leads to the failure of IVF. The improper lining of the uterus, endometriosis, accurate uterus, uterine fibroid, runs along with the failure of IVF.
Note: If you have previously undergone IVF treatment and have been unsuccessful, we are here to help. For more information or to simply talk to fertility expert of the VinsFertility team, get in touch today by giving us a call on +91 9643264509 or via Email at- info@vinsfertility.com