Top 10 Best ICSI Treatment Centres in Chennai
ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) is a simple procedure done with IVF to ensure the fertilization of the egg, typically used in cases of severe male infertility.
What is ICSI Treatment?
To fertilize a woman's egg, the head of the sperm must attach to the outside of the egg firstly. Once attached, the sperm pushes through the outer layer to the inside of the egg (cytoplasm), where fertilization takes place. Sometimes, for a variety of reasons like the thickness of the egg’s outer layer or the inability of the sperm to swim, the sperm cannot penetrate the outer layer. In such cases, a procedure called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) can be done along with in vitro fertilization (IVF) to help fertilize the egg. For complete information on ICSI treatment. Here we are listing the top best 10 ICSI centers in Kolkata with their location, rating, and other needed information for your complete research for the best ICSI center:- Chennai Fertility Center and Research Institute
- Nova IVF Fertility
- Prashanth Fertility Research Center
- Srushti Fertility Research Center
- Iswarya Fertility Centre
- Jananam Fertility Centre
- Aakash Fertility Centre & Hospital
- Indigo Womens Center Hospital & Fertility Cent
- Apollo Fertility Centr
- GBR Fertility Centre & Hospitals
1. Chennai Fertility Center and Research Institute, Chennai

Infertility Services offered:
- IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection(ICSI)
- In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Embryo Transfer (IVF and ET)
- Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) (Husband or Donor)
- Donor Oocyte/ Embryo Programme
- Sperm Retrieval Techniques
- Surrogacy
- IVM (In Vitro Maturation)
- Egg Sharing/ Frozen Embryo Transfer
Esteemed Panel of Infertility Doctors
- Dr. V M Thomas – IVF & Infertility Specialist - Chairman & Institute Director
- Dr. GAUTAM. B. HANJI (Medical Director)
- Dr. Smisha Sridev (Consultant and Course Director for Reproductive Medicine)
2. Nova IVF Fertility, Chennai

Infertility Services offered:
- Infertility Assessment
- Embryo / Egg / Sperm Donation
- Blastocyst Culture
Esteemed Panel of Infertility Doctors
- Dr. J Krithika Devi (Fertility Consultant)
- Dr. Madhupriya (Infertility Specialist)
- Dr. Rini Ezhil (Infertility Specialist)
3. Prashanth Fertility Research Center, Chennai
Infertility Services offered:
- IUI Treatment
- IVF Treatment
- ICSI Treatment
- Laser-Assisted Hatching (LAH)
- Donor Programme
- Cryopreservation
- Laparoscopy Treatments
- Blastocyst
Esteemed Panel of Infertility Doctors
- Dr. Geetha Haripriya (Chairperson) (Specialist in reproductive medicine and laparoscopic surgery)
4. Srushti Fertility Research Center, Chennai

Infertility Services offered:
- ART - IVF (Green IVF)
- Laser-Assisted Hatching
- Blastocyst Transfer
- Male Infertility
- Donor Programmes
- Surrogacy
- Frozen Embryo Transfer
Esteemed Panel of Infertility Doctors
- Dr. Samundi Sankari (Founder & Chairperson)
- Dr. Divya Sivaraman (Medical Director & Fertility Consultant)
5. Iswarya Fertility Centre, Chennai

Infertility Services offered:
- Surrogacy
- Male Infertility
Esteemed Panel of Infertility Doctors
- Dr. Veluswamy (Chairman)
- Dr. Chandralekha (Founder) (Infertility Specialist, Obstetrician, Gynecologist)
- Dr. Arun Muthuvel (Infertility Specialist, Gynecologist, Andrologist)
6. Jananam Fertility Centre, Chennai

- IVF Treatment
- IUI Treatment
- ICSI Treatment
- PICSI Treatment
- Frozen Embryo Transfer
- Surrogacy
- TESE & PESA Treatment
- Egg Donation
- PGD/PGS Treatment
Esteemed Panel of Infertility Doctors
- Dr. Vani M Sundarapandian (Reproduction Medicine Specialist)
- Dr. Mangalam R (Assistant Fertility Specialist)
7. Aakash Fertility Centre & Hospital, Chennai

Infertility Services offered:
- Intrauterine Insemination
- In Vitro Fertilization
- Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection(ICSI)
- Embryo Freezing
- Hysteroscopy
- Laparoscopy
Esteemed Panel of Infertility Doctors
- Dr. T. Kamaraj (Reproductive Medicine)
- Dr. K.S. Jeyarani Kamaraj (Infertility Specialist)
8. Indigo Womens Center Hospital & Fertility Center, Chennai

Infertility Services offered:
- Frozen Embryo Transfer
- Blastocyst Transfer
- Donor Egg/ Sperm/ Embryo
- Cryo/ Egg/ Sperm/ Embryo/ Oocyte Freezing
- Varicocele Ligation
- Sperm Retrieval Techniques
- Surrogacy
Esteemed Panel of Infertility Doctors
- Dr. Sarat Battina (Director of Reproductive Medicine)
9. Apollo Fertility Centre, Chennai

Infertility Services offered:
- ICSI Treatment
- IUI Treatment
- IVF Treatment
- Sperm Retrieval
- Semen / Sperm Freezing
- Oocyte Vitrification
- Laser-Assisted Hatching
- Cryopreservation
- Sperm & Egg Donor Program
Esteemed Panel of Infertility Doctors
- Dr. Rini Ezhil (Gynaecologist & Fertility Specialist)
- Dr. (Major) Uma Maheshwari M (Fertility & Assisted Conception/ Gynaecology)
- Dr. S. Ashok Kumar (Andrologist & Fertility Specialist/ Sr. Laparoscopic surgeon)
- Dr. Dakshayani D (Gynaecologist & Fertility Specialist)
- Dr. Monisha (Andrologist & Fertility Specialist/ Gynaecologist)
- DR. Hemlatha Pugalendhi (Gynaecologist & Fertility Specialist)
10. GBR Fertility Centre & Hospitals, Chennai

Infertility Services offered:
- Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI)
- In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
- Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection(ICSI)
- Laser-Assisted Hatching (LAH)
- Donor Sperm | Oocyte
- Embryo Donation & Adoption
- Surrogacy (Only for Indian Citizens)
- Freezing – Sperm | Embryo & Vitrification
- Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA)
- Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA)
- Computer Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA)
Esteemed Panel of Infertility Doctors
- Dr. G Buvaneswari (Medical Director, Senior Consultant) (Infertility Specialist & Laparoscopic Surgeon)
- Dr. Indumathi Joy (Senior Consultant) (Reprod-Medicine and Gynec Endoscopy)