International IVF

International IVF Treatment in India

Are you looking to avail reasonable and successful IVF Treatment worldwide? If yes then you can get the best IVF treatment in India at affordable prices. We offer reliable and authentic services to our international patients worldwide. There are millions of peoples who are suffering from infertility issues worldwide and we can help you with incredible solutions to enjoy parenthood. We know that there is nothing more pleasant in life than having a complete family. A child is precious and is a complete bundle of happiness. It weaves a family together. It not only completes a lady but also gives reason to a man’s life. So, reach us anytime if you are willing to fill the emptiness of your life.

How to Avail International IVF Treatment in India?

Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai are some of the extremely famous destinations to get successful IVF treatment. Their centers are full of the latest facilities, technologies, and experienced staff members. There are various clinics that offer the highest success ratio of infertility treatment. We have tied-up with the best centers where you will get all the facilities and the latest ART techniques to treat your infertility issues permanently. Once you get in touch with our team we will offer you clinics with high success rates that are amazing in their treatment. They offer completely transparent test tube baby treatment, so if you wish to have a child through IVF, consider Vinsfertility the one-stop destination for your infertility issues.

What Really Occurs in an IVF Treatment?

IVF is an essential procedure in which the fertilization of the egg is done with the sperm and it takes place outside our body. First, the doctors check and fortify a lady’s ovulation process, after that, they expel the eggs from the ovaries. It is then treated with the sperm of her male partner in the laboratory. The egg, when fertilized, is then refined for about 2-6 days and when the embryos are formed they are implanted inside the intended mother’s uterus to conceive successfully. The Fertility Clinic that we suggest to you will ensure to offer the best IVF Treatment for international patients. Feel free to contact our experts anytime without any hesitation.

IUI (Artificial Insemination)

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is one of the oldest methods which is known to cure the problem of infertility issues. IUI technique is a form of assisted conception. When the woman are going through her ovulation period then washed and prepared sperm is deliberately placed into the uterus of the mother. This is placed in such a way that the fertilization of egg and sperm can take place properly. This is one of the simplest and most effective kinds of treatment used for special cases of infertility. This process of treatment is also cost-effective. The reason for doing an IUI is to expose the egg to the sperm so that the chances of pregnancy increase thus making a healthy embryo. There are some prerequisites of using this technique over the patient that are listed below.

  • To perform IUI, the patient should not be more than of 40 years of age.
  • The patient, who is the expected mother, must be capable of induced ovulation. If the mother is unable to do it, then the infertility treatment will not work as expected.
  • At least one fallopian tube should work perfectly fine and the mother should have a healthy tubo-ovarian relationship.
  • There must be at least 40% motility of sperm counts in the spouse. The sperm count should be more than 40 million per ml to get better results during this process.

These are some of the prerequisites of the IUI technique but still, we will suggest you first

consult with your doctor before taking any decision. As in different cases, there are different things to work on.

Let’s Talk About Steps of IUI Technique

  • The first step in IUI treatment is to increase the number of eggs in the intended mother. For this, the mother is kept on medication. 
  • Follicular growth in the mother is monitored through ultrasounds. If everything goes according to the favorable conditions, then the time to inseminate is decided.
  • Once the time for insemination has been decided by the doctor, then the work for the spouse starts. His sperm is collected and washed to prepare for artificial insemination. All the works are done in the laboratory itself.
  • After the sperm is washed it is ready for the insemination process, the sperm is then placed in the uterus near to the egg for fertilization.

This technique generally gives good results and is safe under expert handling.


ICSI in Ethiopia, ICSI Treatment Cost in Ethiopia, ICSI Cost in Ethiopia, ICSI Treatment Clinic in Ethiopia, Best ICSI Centre in Ethiopia. This treatment is basically designed for the couple that is facing problems with the sperm of the spouse. ICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection) is a highly sophisticated and successful technique as it is doing wonders since the 1980’s by giving hope to millions of couples. This technique has given birth to millions of babies to the couple that was facing male infertility problems. In this treatment, a single sperm is directly injected into the mother’s egg for better fertilization. Over the last few decades, because of the disturbed lifestyle of ours, the cases of male infertility have increased a lot and hence this treatment of ICSI proves to be a very good tool to fight the same.

Why Choose Vinsfertility IVF Fertility Centre for International Patients?

  • 40000 + Successful IVF Cycles
  • 60 Dedicated Centers
  • Over 75% IVF Success Rate
  • 40 Years of Experience

Facts How Vinsfertility is The Best Platform to Experience Parenthood?

  • Individualized care
  • High IVF Success Rates even in failed infertility cases
  • One in every two couples get successful pregnancy at our Vinsfertility IVF centers in the first attempt
  • In 2020 itself 310 babies born from 3 continents & 10 countries worldwide
  • Highest Test Tube Baby Success Rate: 5 Babies born every week
  • Test Tube Baby Cost: Highly affordable IVF treatment and no hidden cost
  • The 60-year-old couple blessed with a baby recently & many other successful stories
  • A highly skilled team of trained Test Tube Baby Doctors, Embryologists & counselors
  • International Treatment Protocols, evidence-based Test Tube Baby Treatment, the center of Excellence for Training & Research
  • World-class infrastructure, State of the art equipment & latest technology
  • Comprehensive fertility treatment under one roof

 Success Rate

We are maintaining the highest success ratio of about 60 to 65% in India while treating our infertile international couples. You will be provided with an excellent facility and team of professional doctors here who will never disappoint you.  All you have to do is to get in touch with our expert team by dialing our mentioned phone number on the website. We are one of the top infertility centers in India which are treating international patients with care and dedication. Our clinical pregnancy rates and live baby rates are the same. Around 6 out of 10 couples are having a healthy baby in their first IVF treatment attempt. We ensure that once you are pregnant, and you take proper care of yourself then you will be able to successfully complete your pregnancy journey with us. We believe that each patient has the right to get the best treatment at affordable costs and that is how we have designed our packages. 

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