Best IVF Centres in Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh, Cost of IVF in Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh
Chhatarpur is a small city located in the north-central part of Madhya Pradesh, India. The city is also a municipality and the administrative headquarters of Chhatarpur District. Chhatarpur is a major road junction and also a trade centre for agricultural products and cloth fabrics. It is located in an area of scattered hills, which is about 19 km east of the Dhasan River.
How To Choose The Best IVF Centre In Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh
Knowing that you're dealing with Infertility is definitely heartbreaking for almost all couples out there, but you do not need to worry now. With the advancement in technology and Assisted Reproductive Techniques like- IVF, ICSI, IUI, Surrogacy and more, you can now fight and defeat infertility. Opting for IVF treatment can be a life altering experience for most of the couples, because finally, you can welcome a baby into your lives. And once you have selected a fertility clinic, you come one step closer to achieving your dream of parenthood. So it is very important to know that the clinic you have selected for your treatment is the best.Best IVF Treatment In Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh

Best IVF Centre In Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh
Vinsfertility provides the best fertility treatments which are performed by highly trained and experienced medical professionals. Being linked with the top notch fertility providing clinic all over India as well as abroad has helped us complete more than 30,000 families so far. And if you want to look for the best IVF centre in Chhatarpur, you are at the correct place.Benefits of IVF
In IVF, female eggs and male sperm are fertilized together in a lab to make an embryo, and then the fertilized embryo is transferred to the woman’s uterus. Today, more and more couples are seeking IVF treatment due to its success rate and affordable price. Benefits of IVF-- The ultimate benefit of IVF is that it makes possible a successful pregnancy and a baby, reviving the dream of parenthood.
- IVF can not only used by an opposite sex couple, but also by single parents or same sex couples to have a child. Even surrogacy requires IVF, as an embryo (self or donor) is implanted inside the surrogate’s womb.
- Women who do not want to have a child soon can now cryopreserve (freeze) their eggs through IVF and then unfreeze them at a later point in their life, whenever they are ready to have a child.
- IVF has made it possible to stop the passing of genetic conditions from parents to the child. This is done with the help of pre-implantation diagnosis (PGD), a technique in which before implantation, embryos are screened for genetic conditions and chromosomal abnormalities, like- Down Syndrome, cystic fibrosis and many more. The doctor selects the healthiest embryos and then implants them in the mother’s womb. This also reduces the chances of miscarriage.
- Sometimes due to certain medical conditions, there is a problem in the production of eggs or sperm. In such cases, through IVF, you can choose donor eggs, sperm or embryos. This is manly for same sex couples, single parents or when you are using a surrogate.
What are the infertility symptoms in men and women ?
If a couple is unable to conceive a baby even after having unprotected sexual intercourse for a year, it is known as infertility. Also, if a woman is not able to carry a child till full term and keeps having miscarriages or stillbirths it is termed as infertility. The man, woman or both could be infertile. And there are certain symptoms, which could hint towards infertility.Female infertility symptoms-
- Irregular periods
- Heavy or painful periods
- No periods
- Experience pain during sex
- Other symptoms- more acne, facial hair growth, change in sex drive, hair loss and weight gain.
Male infertility symptoms-
- Issues in sexual function
- Pain or swelling in testicles
- Small or firm testicles
- Change in hair growth
- Other symptoms- abnormal growth of breasts, inability to smell.

IVF Cost In Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh
The cost of IVF in Chhatarpur ranges between Rs. 1,25,000 to Rs. 2,50,000. Vinsfertility is driven by a team of highly motivated and experienced IVF Doctors. We offer IVF treatments at affordable price, which includes a full spectrum of infertility diagnosis, customized treatment plan, dedicated staff and top-notch fertility treatments with high success rate. Also, there are certain other factors, which affect the cost of IVF. They are-- Number of IVF cycles needed.
- Credibility of the doctor.
- Cost of Donor eggs, sperm or embryo.
- Cost of embryo freezing.
- Additional treatments required with IVF, like- ICSI, TESA.
Types of IVF Procedure | Average Cost IVF Treatment Cycle (not inclusive of Medicines and Blood Tests)* |
Cost IVF Programme per cycle | Rs. 1.35 Lakh TO Rs. 2.5 Lakh (INJECTION & MEDICINE EXTRA) |
IVF Treatment Cost (Single Cycle) with Self Egg | Rs. 1.25 Lakh TO Rs. 2.2 Lakh |
IVF Cost Single Cycle (with Donor Egg) | Rs. 1.55 Lakh TO Rs. 2.5 Lakh |
IVF Cost with ICSI | Rs. 1.55 Lakh TO Rs. 2.5 Lakh |
IVF Treatment Cost with PICSI | Rs. 1.85 Lakh TO Rs. 2.5 Lakh |
IVF Cost with Donor Egg | Rs. 2 Lakh TO Rs. 3 Lakh |
IVF Treatment Cost with Donor sperm | Rs. 2.5 Lakh |
IVF with Laser Assisted Hatching | Rs. 2.7 Lakh |
IVF treatment with PGD/PGS technique | Rs. 2.8 Lakh TO Rs. 3 Lakh |