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Reliable & Guaranteed Surrogacy Support

Guaranteed Surrogacy in Gurugram | Surrogacy Cost in Gurugram

Gurugram surrogacy rate of ethical altruistic surrogacy is around INR15-20 lakhs and you can find the best surrogate mother at a low cost. To make it even safer, assured surrogacy packages begin from INR20 lakhs and with better success rates along with support. The city also offers the most favorable condition for surrogacy than any other place thanks to the qualified professionals and facilities in Gurugram. Verified by Doctor Sunita

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Vinsfertility has assisted over 10,000 couples in achieving parenthood through our Guaranteed Surrogacy Program.

Guaranteed Surrogacy Program

Experience parenthood with our 9-month miscarriage assurance guarantee.

Best Egg Donors in India

We provide highly qualified and carefully selected egg donors in India, ensuring the best genetic match for a healthy and happy baby.

100% Success Rate with Guaranteed Surrogacy Program

We ensure successful surrogacy by selecting the best embryos through advanced PGS/PGT techniques, offering a 100% success rate with our guaranteed surrogacy program.

18+ Years of Expertise in Surrogacy

With over 18 years of experience, Dr. Sunita in Delhi, India, leads our surrogacy programs, including specialized options like the twins surrogacy program. Trust us for expert care and guidance.

Surrogacy Services

Explore the comprehensive surrogacy options we offer, from cost details to legal guidance and payment plans, all tailored to help you on your journey to parenthood.

Surrogacy Overview

Who doesn’t know Shah Rukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra, and Aamir Khan for their acting career? But did you know these celebrities have also chosen Surrogacy to grow their families? One might think surrogacy is a bit of an overdo for normal people like us, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming because we are here at your assistance to simplify the whole surrogacy process and why it’s an option for many families today.

What is Surrogacy?

Let’s understand what surrogacy means. Surrogacy is when a woman, called the surrogate mother, agrees to carry and give birth to a child for another person or couple, and after birth, he/she becomes the legal responsibility of the intended parents.
Types of Surrogacy
There are two main types of Surrogacy: Traditional Surrogacy and Gestational Surrogacy

Gestational Surrogacy: This is pretty much the only type of surrogacy that has been performed lately. In this situation, a surrogate becomes pregnant with the eggs and sperm derived from the mother the father, or the donor, while the surrogate does not have any genetic ties to the child.
The table below explains the difference between the past techniques and the present advanced techniques available for Gestational Surrogacy:
Aspect Past Technique Present Technique
Genetic Link Surrogate is often genetically related to the child Surrogate is not genetically related to the child
Embryo Transfer Only fresh embryo transfer was available Fresh as well as frozen embryo transfer is available
IVF Success Rate Low IVF success rates High success rates with advanced technologies
Tests to check Genetic diseases/abnormalities Not available PGT can be done for embryo health assurance
Uterine Preparation protocols for a surrogate Basic hormonal support Advanced tailored protocols are available
Technological Tools Basic lab equipment Advanced incubators and cryopreservation techniques are available
Traditional Surrogacy: In this case, on the other hand, a surrogate mother is artificially inseminated with either the father’s frozen sperm or one from a donor. This means that the surrogate will turn out to be the child’s biological mother. Still, this type is for now practiced less frequently. The law is more favorable towards gestational surrogacy.

Surrogacy involves a surrogate mother carrying a child for another couple, often due to infertility or medical issues. There are two main types: Traditional Surrogacy and Gestational Surrogacy.

What is the surrogacy process at Vinsfertility?

 "Bringing Dreams to Life, One Step at a Time with Vinsfertility"

At Vinsfertility, we believe in doing things with transparency where each step is taken care of with utmost sincerity while considering your priorities throughout the process. In the first, parents intending to use a surrogate mother, and the surrogate herself meet to sign contracts and conduct legal activities. Second, an application is submitted to the state board for approval, an evaluation by a district board, and finally a state board granting the final permission to continue with the surrogacy. After all these approvals have been received, IVF is carried out to create and transfer the embryos.

Now the embryo creation can be done by following two ways:
  1. Using self-eggs and the intended father’s sperm
Self-eggs refer to the eggs from the intended mother
  1. Using Donor eggs and intended father’s sperm
Donor eggs refer to the eggs from a female donor chosen by you and provided by the clinic.
If a divorced or widowed woman is applying for Surrogacy, embryo creation can be done
  1. Using Donor sperm and the intended mother’s eggs or Donor eggs
Donor sperm refers to the eggs from the male donor chosen by you and provided by the clinic.
Pregnancy is then attained through a surrogate after proper care and attention has been given to her health. Legal procedures follow after the child has been born, the surrogate gets paid and finally, the baby is given to the intended parents.

Vinsfertility provides virtual surrogacy services including consultation, surrogacy, profile assessment, and IVF technology with an above 90% success rate in metropolitan cities in India, specifically Gurugram

Do you need Surrogacy?

“When one door closes, another opens, bringing hope and happiness”.

 At Vinsfertility, we wish health and happiness for everyone, but we understand that infertility can be a challenging journey, So, don’t worry, we have got your back. Surrogacy offers a ray of hope for individuals and couples who face difficulties in conceiving naturally.

Surrogacy is followed by people or couples who do not find it easy to have children naturally. Like married couples, who are infertile these couples can be legally married for not less than “five years” and certified medically incompetent to conceive a child. Surrogacy can be opted by a couple where the intended mother is medically unable to conceive. Women with health-related Issues like women with no womb or deformed womb, cases of multiple miscarriages or failed procedures in IVF cycles, and health issues that will render pregnancy a threat to the woman’s life can also consider Surrogacy as an option.
Surrogacy is a viable option for infertile couples, medically incompetent wombs, and women with health issues, providing a viable alternative to natural childbirth.

Who is eligible to opt for Surrogacy in Gurugram?

There are several eligibility criteria for couples or individuals seeking surrogacy as an option.
a. It is legal for only Indian citizens or Indian citizens occurring abroad to avail of Surrogacy in Gurugram, India.
b. In the case of Indian couple they can opt for Surrogacy in India after they have been married for 5 years or more.
c. Age is also a factor in deciding the eligibility for Surrogacy, permissible age for the intended mother is 23-50 years and 26-55 years for the intended father.
d. The intended parents’ medical reports confirm that they are unable to bear a child naturally.

Surrogacy in India is legal for Indian citizens after 5 years of marriage, with permissible age for mothers and 26-55 for fathers, and medical reports confirming inability to bear a child.

How is a Surrogate Mother Selected and Arranged?

We respect the beliefs and ethics of every individual, especially in a culturally rich country like ours. At Vinsfertility, we understand that choosing a surrogate is a deeply personal decision, and you may have your terms and conditions for this process.
  1. A surrogate mother is expected to fulfill several medical, psychological, and social conditions, which include age usually between 25 and 35 years. The health of Surrogate is expected to be in good health and has at least one successful pregnancy and childbirth and also has undergone an assessment by a psychiatrist to affirm that she is ready to engage in surrogacy.
  2. Surrogates are most often sourced from clinics or agencies that are involved in ART processes. These centers have data of women ready to offer their services as surrogates and ensure all legal and medical aspects are adhered to.
  3. Medical screening is extended to both, the intended parents and the surrogate, as well.
  4. Preparations of the applicable legal framework are done with an emphasis on preparing a contract detailing the terms of engagement of the surrogate mother and the intended parents.
To ensure your comfort and satisfaction, we provide the best arrangements for Surrogates for you and your family to meet your expectations from our clinic. You will have the opportunity to choose the Surrogate that aligns the best with your preferences. Your journey towards parenthood is our top priority, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Surrogate mothers must meet medical, psychological, and social conditions, including being 25-35 years old, having a successful pregnancy, and having undergone a psychiatric assessment.

What is included in the Surrogate mother's compensation?

Surrogate mothers are provided with monetary compensation for several purposes including medical expenses, dietary requirements, and loss of income during gestation. Yet this does not mean that they can be employed, as it is stated that surrogacy should be done on altruistic grounds. Payments vary according to different factors such as clinic and medical procedures, surrogate’s medical history, number of pregnancies, and complexity of the procedure. This payment also depends on the costs that the IVF treatment and medical care and delivery expenses involve. In India surrogate services are legal and valued but are unpaid.

Surrogate mothers in India receive compensation for medical expenses, dietary needs, and gestational care, but cannot be employed due to altruistic reasons, varying based on clinic, procedure, and surrogate history.

What are the Treatments involved in Surrogacy?

Treatment Description Specimen
  1. IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)
IVF is a method, where eggs are retrieved from the intended mother or egg donor and fertilized with sperm from the intended father in a laboratory. Sperm
  • Intended Father
  • Sperm Donor
  • Intended Mother
  • Egg Donor
  1. IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination)
IUI is a process where sperm is directly placed into the uterus of the intended mother or surrogate during ovulation. Sperm
  • Intended Father
  • Sperm Donor
  1. ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
ICSI is a specialized form of IVF where male infertility is a concern. In this procedure, a single sperm is injected directly into an egg to facilitate fertilization, ensuring that even with low sperm count or motility, fertilization can still occur. Sperm
  • Intended Father
  • Sperm Donor
  • Intended Mother
  • Egg Donor
  1. PGT (Preimplantation Genetic Testing)
PGT is performed on embryos before they are transferred into the surrogate’s uterus. This test screens embryos for genetic disorders and chromosomal abnormalities, ensuring that only healthy embryos are selected for implantation. Embryo
  • Embryo formed after IVF/IUI
  • Embryo Donor

Surrogacy includes medical treatments like IVF, IUI, ICSI, and PGT which are all aimed at attaining maximum success rates.
Surrogacy Overview For Guaranteed Surrogacy in Gurugram | Surrogacy Cost in Gurugram

Cost of Surrogacy in Gurugram

It needs to be noted that India ranks among the top countries offering fairly cheap surrogacy with good results. The anticipated cost of surrogacy in Gurugram is between INR15 lakh to INR20 lakh inclusive of costs such as medical expenses, compensation to the surrogate mother and agency, and legal charges. In the case of altruistic surrogacy which involves the use of a surrogate mother, such a woman may only be paid for expenses associated with her care and health during pregnancy, and may not be paid more than what is allowed by law in India.

What Factors can affect the Surrogacy cost in Gurugram

Reputation Factor of the clinic: Renowned clinics in Gurugram may tend to offer higher prices for their services in comparison to others.

Medical Background of the Surrogate: The surrogacy process may tend to be more challenging should the surrogate require extensive medical help or additional fertility procedures.

Multiple IVF Cycles: In case the number of IVF cycles provided is unsuccessful, there will be a need for further treatments or embryo transfers, which will affect the cost.
Legal Complications: As simple as surrogacy might be, it’s always known that some of the components may make parents pay more. For instance, where there are complexities related to parentage throughout the procedure of surrogacy, the costs in the legal undertaking will be higher. 

Twin Pregnancy and Caesarean Delivery: Sometimes it happens that a surrogate woman gives birth to twin babies or when surgery is needed during delivery called cesarean. In such instances, the overall costs of covering the surrogacy may go high because so many medical procedures would have to be done.

Tests and Scans Costs for Surrogacy in Gurugram

Tests/scans (for intended parents and surrogate) Purpose Cost
Blood Tests for Hormone Levels Evaluate hormone levels (FSH, LH, TSH) INR 1,500-5,000
Blood Tests for Infections (Disease Screening) Check for HIV, Hepatitis B/C, Syphilis, etc. INR 3,000-7,000
AMH tests (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) Assess ovarian reserve INR 2,000-4,000
Pelvic Ultrasound (transvaginal and abdominal) Examine the uterus, ovaries, and endometrium health INR 1,500-3,500
Hysteroscopy Detect uterine abnormalities INR 15,000-25,000
Semen analysis Assess sperm quality and motility INR 800-2,000
Genetic Testing (e.g., Karyotyping) Check for genetic abnormalities INR 5,000- 10,000
Mock Embryo Transfer Simulate the embryo transfer process INR 5,000-10,000
HSG (Hysterosalpingography) Check fallopian tube patency INR 5,000-8,000
Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) Screen embryos for genetic issues. INR 20,000-50,000
Beta-HCG Test Confirms pregnancy INR 500-1,000
Early Pregnancy Scans Monitor early embryo development INR 1,000-3,000 per scan
Thyroid Function Tests Checks the level of TSH, T3, and T4 levels. INR 800-2500
Prolactin Test Measures prolactin levels in blood INR 800-1,500
Vitamin D Levels Checks for deficiencies affecting fertility INR 800-1,500
Fetal Anomaly Scan Assess fetus health in later pregnancy stages. INR 3,000- 5,000
Total cost   INR 1,50,000- 2,00,000
Surrogacy Procedure Cost in Gurugram
Procedure Description Estimated Cost
Initial consultation The first step involves meeting with fertility experts to discuss medical, legal, and procedural details. INR 10,000-Rs 20,000
State board approval Submission of documents to obtain official approval from the state regulatory board. INR 30,000- 50,000
District board verification Verifying eligibility and obtaining the necessary permissions from the district authorities. INR 20,000- 30,000
Final state board approval Final clearance from the state board to proceed with the surrogacy process. INR 10,000- 15,000
Surrogate matching and screening Selection and testing of the suitable surrogate INR 1,50,000- 2,00,000
IVF process Includes egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer using advanced IVF techniques. INR 1.5 lakhs - 2.0 lakhs
Embryo transfer procedure Transferring embryos inside the surrogate’s uterus. INR 20,000- 40,000
Pregnancy and medical care Covers regular health check-ups, prenatal care, and medical support for the surrogate.       INR 3.5 lakhs – 4,00,000
Delivery and legal formalities Includes hospital delivery charges and completion of all legal documentation for parental rights. INR 1,00,000 – INR 1,50,000
Surrogate Mother Compensation Covers the surrogate’s expenses, including medical care and other necessities during pregnancy. INR 7,00,000- INR 7,50,000
Total duration- 12-18 months The entire surrogacy process typically takes 12-18 months to complete. Total cost- INR 15,00,000- INR 20,00,000

Add on Costs for Surrogacy in Gurugram
Protocols Cost (INR) Notes
Additional Costs for Donor Eggs INR 1,50,000 to INR 2,50,000 This cost adds up to the total cost when you use donor eggs instead of self-eggs.
Additional Costs for Donor Sperms INR 25,000 to INR 65,000 When there is low motility and sperm quality is poor, donor sperms are used which adds up to the total costs.
Additional IVF cycles INR 1,50,000 to 2,00,000 per cycle Necessary if the initial cycle does not result in successful embryo transfer.
Additional embryos transfer INR 50,000 to 1,00,000 per transfer Cost depends on whether embryos are frozen or fresh
Surrogate Mother Compensation INR 4,00,000 to 8,00,000 The total cost will increase if the surrogate has health complications, Insurance coverage, nutrition, and other contingency fees.
Cesarean Delivery (C-section) INR 1,50,000 to 2,00,000 Cesarean Delivery costs more because it takes experienced professionals to perform the C-section.
Twin delivery INR 1,00,000 to INR 2,00,000 extra Normal delivery delivers one child per pregnancy but in some cases when the surrogate delivers twins, it will add to the total cost.
Additional Legal Cost INR 2,00,000 to 3,00,000 Compliance with updated government regulations. If there is any legal complication, it may add up to the total costs.
Psychological Screening INR 2,000-5,000 To make sure the intended parents are ready to raise a child.
Donor Workup Cost INR 50000 If your case needs a donor then the donor workup cost covers medical tests and screenings for donor suitability.
Embryo Freezing and storage (6 months) INR 5000 If you want to preserve your embryo which will be useful for future fertility treatments, the total surrogacy cost might include freezing and storage charges.
Coordination and Management and caretaker services INR 1,50,000 Ensures smooth surrogacy management through authorized channels.
NICU Charges After Baby Birth 10,000 Covers neonatal care which is required after the delivery of the baby.
Baby DNA Report (Available after birth) INR 20,000 Confirms genetic linkage of the baby to the intended parents.
PGD/PGS for Embryo Testing (10 Embryos) INR 1,50,000 to 2,50,000 Ensures healthy embryo selection.

Surrogacy costs in Gurugram span between INR 15 lakh and INR 20 lakh approximating the esteem of the clinic, demographics of the surrogate mother, and the number of rounds of IVF undertaken, among other legal implications.


Life is all about finding the right balance- whether it’s between work and family or affordability and quality. At Vinsfertility, we excel in balancing both to deliver the best surrogacy outcomes. At Vinsfertility, we aim to offer the best surrogacy experience with excellent services, quality care, and modern facilities in all the surrogacy packages selected. We realize how life is precious and how emotional it can be when bringing new life to the world, thus we make sure that nothing is left to chance. We have provided the happiness of birth to many families all along the years. Depending on whether you are using your eggs and sperm, or donor eggs with the intended father’s sperm, the pricing will change. We provide up to three cycles of IVF in our surrogacy program and our IVF specialists are highly competent so the process of assisted reproductive treatment is smooth resulting in a success rate.

What is the success rate of surrogacy in Gurugram?

Due to the inexpensive cost, highly qualified medical personnel, advanced equipment, and medical facilities offered throughout the surrogacy procedure, surrogacy has a high success rate in India. The legality of the surrogacy procedure in Gurugram has made surrogacy here hassle-free. Clinics like VinsFertility, which use the high-tech method of applying IVF technology, carefully selecting the embryo, and then offering outstanding care towards a fine surrogacy result, are primarily responsible for making this one of the most sought-after locations for any intended parent worldwide.



Vinsfertility offers high-quality surrogacy services in India, utilizing advanced equipment and advanced technology. With a high success rate, they provide up to three cycles of IVF, ensuring emotional support.

Guaranteed Surrogacy in Gurugram | Surrogacy Cost in Gurugram

Surrogacy Payment Schedule In Gurugram

Installment Payment Schedule for Surrogacy Costs

The last thing any couple wants to know is how much a surrogate journey will cost them, or if they can afford it, but you don’t have to go through the process alone. Instead of completing the payment at once, they are done in segments, which are the different phases through which payment is made. The procedures for each step are indicated below from the early viral marker testing of the mother up to high-resolution fetal scans. Such an approach fully discloses all the possible costs with affordability to enable you to set your goals in the quest for parenthood.

Installment Time-Period Services /procedures covered Approx. cost (INR) Remarks
1st Installment Month 1 Viral Marker (HIV, VDRL, HCV, HBsAg) INR 2,50,000-3,00,000 Covers Initial Medical Screening and Surrogate Selection
    Blood Group, CBC, RBS,
LFT, KFT Tests
  Includes Surrogate Intended Parents Tests
2nd Installment Month 2 Legal Agreements INR 2,00,000-3,00,000 Drafting Signing and Registering Legal Contracts.
    Matching Fees for Surrogate   Ensures Surrogates Compatibility
3rd Installment Month 3 Fetal Sac Scan(5-6weeks) INR 3,50,000-4,50,000 Covers Embryo Transfer and Confirmation Of
    Fetal Cardiac Activities (6-7 weeks)   Confirm Heartbeat and Viability
4th Installment Month 4 NBNT Scan (11-12 weeks) INR 1,50,000-2,00,000 Chromosomal
Abnormality Screening
    Double Marker Test (15-18weeks)
   Down Syndrome Risk Assessment.
5th Installment Month 5 Level 2 Scan (18-20 weeks)
INR 2,00,000-3,00,000 Detailed Anomaly Scan for Fetal Health.
    Fetal Echocardiography
(23-24 weeks)
  Evaluates Heart
6th Installment Month 6 Routine Scan (28-30 weeks) INR 1,00,000-1,50,000 Regular Monitoring of
Fetal Growth.
7th Installment Month 7 Routine Scan (34-36 weeks) INR 3,00,000-4,00,000 Ensures The Well-Being
Of The Fetus in The Final
8th Installment Month 8 (At Delivery) Delivery Charges (Normal or C-Section) INR 3,00,000-4,00,000 Covers Hospital Delivery
and Newborn Care.
Total =INR 15,00,000 -20,00,000

At Vinsfertility, we provide you a way to sit comfortably throughout the Surrogacy process through our installment program, under which you have to pay the surrogacy cost in Gurugram in parts within the timeframe of completion of the Surrogacy.
Payment Schedule For Guaranteed Surrogacy in Gurugram | Surrogacy Cost in Gurugram

Guaranteed Surrogacy Program In Gurugram

We are in a field dedicated to spreading happiness by giving the ultimate gift of life to childless parents, which should never be misunderstood as selling a child or turning happiness into a transaction. Surrogacy is a deeply sensitive journey and we, at Vinsfertility are committed to ensuring you experience the happiness you deserve, by helping you welcome a child into your life with a guaranteed surrogacy program.

What is Guaranteed Surrogacy?

Guaranteed Surrogacy is to describe a surrogacy arrangement that ensures a successful pregnancy outcome or birth for the intended parents. Under this program, we provide transfer of multiple embryos and also additional IVF cycles, if the initial attempt fails. Under this program surrogate mother will be properly reviewed and monitored throughout the pregnancy, reducing the likelihood of complications by providing high-quality care to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. This program covers all the required medical treatments, legal expenses, and surrogate matching under a single fixed cost. It definitely will reduce financial anxiety and uncertainties. It will be much easier to handle the surrogacy process without any surprises in trying multiple times.
Guaranteed Surrogacy ensures successful pregnancy or birth, including multiple embryo transfers, IVF cycles, and monitoring for complications, covering medical treatments, legal expenses, and surrogate matching.

Key Features of Guaranteed Surrogacy:

  • Multiple IVF Attempts
  • Miscarriage Coverage
  • Complete Testing and Screening
  • Live Baby Birth Assurance
  • Legal Permissions and Protections
  • Comprehensive Insurance Coverage
  • Emotional and Psychological Support
  • Dedicated Case Coordinator
  • Financial Transparency and Fixed Pricing
  • Post-Birth Support
Features Definition COST
Multiple IVF Attempts This program offers more than one chance to conceive by way of IVF, thus offering patients the best possible opportunities for success. Rs 2,00,000 to Rs 3,50,000 per cycle
Miscarriage Coverage If a miscarriage does occur, this program still provides further coverage of attempts, along with needed medical care. Rs1,00,000 to Rs 2,00,000.
Complete Testing and Screening
If a miscarriage does occur, this program still provides further coverage of attempts, along with needed medical care.
There is proper testing and screening of the surrogate and intended parents to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
Female Partner Tests: Rs25,000 to Rs50,000
Male Partner Tests: Rs10,000 to Rs20,000
Live Baby Birth Assurance It gives the chance for a healthy baby to be born with compensation or additional cycles if needed. Rs10,00,000 to Rs15,00,000
Legal Permissions and Protections It guarantees legal support through the process with contracts and protection of all parties involved. Rs 1,50,000 to Rs 2,50,000
Comprehensive Insurance Coverage The surrogate receives medical and health insurance to guarantee peace of mind during pregnancy. Rs50,000 to Rs,00,000
Emotional and Psychological Support It offers counseling and emotional support services both to the intended parents and the surrogate. Rs10,000 to Rs50,000
Dedicated Case Coordinator A coordinator who would coordinate the process, give personalized support, and ensure seamless communication Rs25,000 to Rs50,000
Financial Transparency and Fixed Pricing No hidden fees, and pricing upfront is transparent. The financial process is as transparent as possible. Included in the package; ensures no hidden charges.
Post-Birth Support Post-birth support includes handling the baby and making the transition easier for the intended parents. Rs25,000 to Rs50,000
Guaranteed surrogacy program Rs17,00,000 to Rs19,00,000

Comprehensive Medical Tests for Female and Male Partners:

Surrogacy is a complicated procedure with both psychological and medical components. Both the intended mother and the intended father must undergo thorough medical examinations to increase the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. These tests assess their fertility reproductive health and general health to ensure that both parents are ready for the surrogacy process physically.

Medical Tests for Female Intended Parents for Guaranteed Surrogacy Program

In the case of the female intended parent, the tests are mainly concerned with the evaluation of ovarian reserve, the condition of the uterus, hormone levels, and reproductive capability in order to determine the appropriate method of embryo creation. Comprehensive evaluation to test for communicable diseases and general well-being is equally important in preventing possible adverse effects during the course of the pregnancy.
  Test Definition Specimen
Ovarian Reserve Testing
Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) Test It analyses the amount of AMH, the hormone that shows how much egg supply is left.  Blood sample.
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Levels It measures the level of FSH, which affects reproductive function. Blood sample.
Antral Follicle Count (AFC)
Counts the number of small follicles, present in the ovaries to check the number of eggs. Pelvic ultrasound.
Genetic Testing
Karyotyping Examines the chromosome structure to identify genetic abnormalities. Blood sample or tissue sample.
Genetic Carrier Screening Screens for carrier status of hereditary disorders. Blood sample or saliva
Hormonal Testing
Thyroid Function Tests
Measure thyroid hormone levels (for example TSH, T3, T4). Blood sample.
Prolactin Levels
Measures levels of prolactin, a hormone with relation to fertility and menstrual health. Blood sample
Estrogen and Progesterone Levels Monitors levels of estrogen and progesterone, key reproductive hormones. Blood sample
Infectious Disease Screening
HIV, Hepatitis B & C, Syphilis Screens for infectious diseases that may affect either the pregnancy or the surrogate. Blood sample
Rubella and Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Checks for immunity or active infection for prevention of congenital infections in the baby. Blood sample
Pelvic Ultrasound Transvaginal Ultrasound Uses an ultrasound probe placed vaginally to view reproductive organs. No physical specimen; imaging examination.
Blood Type and Rh Factor   It checks blood type and Rh factor which should be known before conception. Blood sample
Comprehensive Medical History Review   Elaborate review of personal and family health history to identify any risk factors.

No physical specimen; assessment through documentation and consultation.

Medical Tests for Male Intended Parents for Guaranteed Surrogacy Program

The male intended parent has to go through a few semen examinations to assess the quality of sperm, including sperm density, active movement, and the form of the sperm. A genetic screening is also included in the assessment to establish the possibility of any inherited disorders. Moreover, blood investigations for infectious agents are included in the protocol to safeguard the gestational carrier and the child from health-prolonging threats.
  Test Definition Specimen
Analysis Semen Analysis This test measures sperm count, motility, and morphology for an assessment of fertility. Semen sample.
Genetic Testing
Karyotyping Detects chromosomal abnormalities Blood sample
Genetic Carrier Screening Determines the existence of hereditary genetic disorders. Blood sample or saliva.
Infectious Disease Screening
HIV, Hepatitis B & C, Syphilis Determine infectious diseases that affect fertility or the safety of pregnancy. Blood sample
Rubella and Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Testing for immunity or active infection. Blood sample
Additional STD Screening (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea) Identify sexually transmitted infections. Urine sample or urethral swab
Blood Type and Rh Factor   Determine blood type and Rh to determine compatibility in pregnancy. Blood sample
Hormonal Testing Testosterone Levels Testosterone levels are measured to check the state of reproductive features. Blood sample
Also, surrogacy requires a lot of medical procedures to be done on the mother and father to test the fertility level and other health requirements. Female tests include ovarian reserve tests, uterus health tests, and hormonal profiling; male tests include sperm analysis and genetic counseling.
Guaranteed Surrogacy Program

Low-cost surrogacy centers in Gurugram

At Vinsfertility, we believe that adding value transforms something ordinary into extraordinary. We treat your dream as our own, making it our highest priority to turn your aspirations of parenthood into reality. In today's world where money matters the most, we provide you with the best surrogacy facility at a low cost. There are numerous low-cost surrogacy clinics in Gurugram for couples wishing to achieve parenthood with cost-efficient and highly experienced medical teams. The choices allow different things for different people. Surrogacy in Gurugram, includes legal advice, medical procedures, and complete support, usually at a lower cost compared to other cities.
  1. Prime IVF Gurugram

Prime IVF is a leading fertility center that provides advanced procedures such as IVF, IUI, egg freezing, and donor programs, equipped with the latest technology and staff. Individualized treatment, cutting-edge facilities, and costs characterize this facility and offer a more welcoming environment for couples who come to it with a call for help in creating their family.
  • Address & Directions: 4636 B, Near Manipal Hospital, Sector 23A, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122017
  • Surrogacy Doctors: Dr. Nishi Singh (Gynecologist, Infertility Specialist), etc
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost:  Rs. 1,00,000-3,50,000 lakhs
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 8,000-15,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs. 18,00,000-23,00,000 lakhs
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Rating: 4.0/5.0
  • Success Rate: 85%
  • Book Free Appointment: +918448879134
  1. Neelkanth premia Gurugram

Neelkanth Hospital is at Gurgaon, a multispecialty medical center having every kind of medical equipment. Highly qualified medical professionals deliver services here to provide total medical support under one roof. The services provided by this hospital are maternity care, general surgery, pediatrics, critical care, and reproductive therapies. The treatment here is patient-centered, affordable, and through state-of-the-art equipment, up-to-date operating rooms, and diagnostic facilities. Neelkanth Hospital has therefore branded itself in the region by giving attention to caring as much as it would to quality treatment.
  • Address & Directions: 1, Main Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road, D.L.F. Phase-III
    Neelkanth Hospitals Private Limited Near Guru Dronacharya Metro Station, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122002
  • Surrogacy Doctors: Dr Bindu Garg (Gynecologist, Infertility Specialist), etc
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost:  Rs. 1,00,000-3,50,000 lakhs
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 7000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs. 18,00,000 lakhs
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Rating: 3.8/5.0
  • Success Rate: 80%
  • Book Free Appointment: +918448879134
  1. SCI International Hospital Gurugram

SCI International Hospital is well-known for its procedures in IVF and excellent success rates. Modern facilities, highly trained medical professionals, and individual treatment all are available. This center shines in the wide range of infertility treatments, including IVF, IUI, egg donations, and many more with safe and efficient outcomes. The patients are of top priority of SCI International Hospital and, therefore, committed to helping a couple become parents.
  • Address & Directions: Plot No. 7, Golf Course Rd, Sector 43, Gurugram, Haryana 122002
  • Surrogacy Doctors: Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour (Gynecologist, Infertility Specialist),
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost:  Rs. 1,50,000 lakhs
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 10,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs. 19,00,000 lakhs
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Rating: 4.5/5.0
  • Success Rate: 87%
  • Book Free Appointment: +918448879134
  1. Cloudnine Hospitals Gurugram

Cloudnine Hospitals, Gurgaon is one of the best maternity, gynecology, fertility, pediatric, and neonatal places. Here, you can find the full service for women and kids ranging from high-risk pregnancy management to neonatal intensive care and ultra-modern fertility treatment. This place is counted among the premier infrastructures equipped with modern amenities that call for high-grade medical expertise as well as personal care.
  • Address & Directions2nd Floor, Anamika Enclave, 94/4, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road, Sector 14, Gurgaon, Haryana 122001
  • Surrogacy Doctors: Dr. Shalu Gupta (Gynecologist, Infertility Specialist), etc
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost:  Rs. 1,50,000 lakhs
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 18,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs. 19,00,000 lakhs
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Rating: 4.5/5.0
  • Success Rate: 89%
  • Book Free Appointment: +91 8448879134
Gurugram not only aids you with the top-notch surrogacy facility but also makes sure you are not paying a hefty amount for the same. Surrogacy in Gurugram costs you decent with utmost care and attention.
Low-cost surrogacy centers in Gurugram

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Surrogacy law in Gurugram

  1. Act: India formulated and implemented legislation on surrogacy with the enactment of the Surrogacy Regulation Act, 2021 as well as Surrogacy Regulation Rules 2022.
  • The Act legalizes only altruistic surrogacy which in basic terms allows no compensation or any monetary gain to the surrogate mothers except for the medical and insurance costs which are incurred by the surrogate mother.

      2 .Eligibility: A couple opting for Surrogacy as an option should be married for 5+ years.

      ·Couples with a surviving biological child are generally allowed to pursue surrogacy only under exceptional circumstances.

      3. Medical Records: The act also provides that there should be some medical reason for undertaking gestational surrogacy by either the couple or both.

  1. Registered clinics: The legislation stipulates that no surrogate or surrogate-related activities shall be performed in the country except in registered clinics.
  2. Age: The age limit for the intended mother should be 25-50 years, whereas the age limit for the intended father is 26-55 years.  
  • The age limit for a surrogate mother is usually fixed in the range of 25-35 years, she should already have at least one child of her own and she has never been pregnant on someone’s behalf before.
  • A widowed or divorced woman can pursue surrogacy if she falls into the age category of 35-45 years.
The procedure for widowed or divorced women to pursue Surrogacy includes

a. First step is going through the legal procedure and attaining the final approval from the state board.
b. Followed by choosing a surrogate followed by a sperm donor.
c. If the intended mother has viable eggs, then the procedure continues with the same or
d. The intended mother can also opt for the option of choosing an egg donor
e. Followed by IVF and embryo implantation inside the surrogate.
  1. Indian Citizenship: The new law now permits all Indian citizens residing outside India, including holders of the OCI card to undertake surrogacy in India, removing earlier prohibitions. 
Below are mentioned some restrictions under the Surrogacy laws in India
Not eligible to apply for Surrogacy in India Single women/men, unmarried couples, LGBTQ+, and foreigners not holding Indian citizenship.
Type of Surrogacy Commercial Surrogacy is no longer practiced in India.
Surrogate’s Obligation
The surrogate must carry the child till the end of the pregnancy fulfilling the terms and conditions of legal contracts between the surrogate and the intended parents.
Single Donor The use of only one donor gamete is permissible.
Required Genetic Connection
The gamete must come from at least one of the parents, who will contribute to the creation of the embryo. The use of an embryo donor is not permissible.

India's Surrogacy Regulation Act, 2021 and 2022 permit altruistic surrogacy without compensation for surrogate mothers, requiring 5+ years of marriage, exceptional circumstances, one donor gamete, registered clinics, and OCI card holders.
Surrogacy Law For Guaranteed Surrogacy in Gurugram | Surrogacy Cost in Gurugram

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Questions & Answers

What is the cost of surrogacy in Gurugram?

Asked by: Aarav Mehta

Ritika: The cost of surrogacy in Gurugram typically ranges between INR 10,00,000 and INR 16,00,000, depending on the clinic, medical treatments, and surrogate care.

Is there a guarantee of success with surrogacy in Gurugram?

Asked by: Priya Sharma

Aarav: While no clinic can provide a 100% guarantee, reputed surrogacy clinics in Gurugram offer high success rates due to advanced medical technologies and experienced specialists. Success largely depends on the surrogate’s health and the intended parents' fertility conditions.

Ritika: Many clinics in Gurugram offer multiple IVF attempts within their surrogacy packages, increasing the chances of a successful outcome. It’s best to discuss the terms and conditions with the clinic before proceeding.

Are there any hidden costs in surrogacy packages in Gurugram?

Asked by: Aryan Gupta

Sneha: Reputable clinics in Gurugram provide transparent pricing, ensuring there are no hidden costs. It's recommended to review all details upfront.

Vikram: It’s always a good idea to confirm package inclusions, such as medical tests, surrogate care, and post-birth legal procedures, to avoid surprises.

Share Your Testimonial

Our Proud and Happy Parents at Vinsfertility

Rahul & Ankita Rahul & Ankita

Choosing Vinsfertility for our surrogacy journey in Gurugram was the best decision we ever made. From the very first consultation to the birth of our baby, the team was professional, empathetic, and incredibly supportive. They ensured the entire process was transparent, with a detailed explanation of costs and procedures. The care provided to the surrogate mother was exceptional, and we were kept informed at every step. Thanks to Vinsfertility, we are now a happy family, and we will always be grateful for their efforts.

Manish & Pooja Manish & Pooja

Our surrogacy journey in Gurugram was filled with hope and trust, thanks to Vinsfertility. The team went above and beyond to make us feel comfortable and confident. The surrogacy costs were shared clearly upfront, and there were no hidden surprises along the way. They were always available to answer our questions, no matter how small. The dedication of the Vinsfertility staff and their attention to detail ensured a smooth and joyful experience. We now have our little bundle of joy, and we couldn’t be happier!

Siddharth & Kavya Siddharth & Kavya

We are forever grateful to Vinsfertility for making our dream of becoming parents a reality. The entire surrogacy process in Gurugram was handled with utmost care and professionalism. The team explained every aspect thoroughly, including the cost breakdown, and there were no surprises or uncertainties. Their continuous support and compassion made the journey stress-free for us and the surrogate mother. Thanks to Vinsfertility, we are now proud parents of a beautiful baby, and we recommend their services to anyone considering surrogacy.

About Our Doctor

Dr. Sunita Singh Rathore

Dr. Sunita Singh Rathore is an obstetrician and Gynecologist working as a consultant at Vinsfertility Hospital New Delhi. She brings with her over 18 years of proven experience and is a name one can trust in reproductive medicine, boasting of her art in managing difficult fertility cases.

  • Specialist in Complex Fertility Cases
  • Over 18 years of experience
  • Compassionate, personalized care
  • 1,000+ successful live births
  • Exceptional patient outcomes
  • Renowned in reproductive medicine
Dr. Sunita Singh Rathore
Dr. Sunita Singh Rathore

Gynecologist & IVF Specialist

Call us anytime

+91 8448879134

Dr. Rathore in Business Meeting Team Discussion

18+ Years of Expertise in Reproductive Medicine

Dr. Sunita Singh Rathore is known for empathetic and personalized treatment. Patients are taught knowledge, which is taken through risky pregnancies, advanced fertility treatments, and even the most complicated gynecological issues. Empathetic and an expert, she delivers excellent results, helping patients achieve health and the joy of parenthood.

Expert Team

Our team of specialists is dedicated and highly experienced in the field of reproductive health and surrogacy services.


We are committed to maintaining honesty and ethical standards at every stage of our surrogacy and fertility services.

Modern Facilities

Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art, high-tech facilities, delivering first-class care for all treatments related to infertility.

Patient Support

We provide complete support and assistance at every step of your path to parenthood.

Have a question? Check out the FAQ

Find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about our services and surrogacy options.

Is Surrogacy legal in Gurugram?

Yes, surrogacy is available in Gurugram. However, there is a restriction where only altruistic surrogacy is permitted in compliance with the Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021. Commercial surrogate mothers are banned in the country and services are only available to married Indian heterosexual couples who meet certain criteria of health.

Does health insurance cover surrogacy in India?

In general, health insurance takes care of the surrogate female and covers her health costs for that period. However, the inclusion of the entire surrogacy process will be left to one’s policy.

How long does the surrogacy process take?

The total duration of a surrogacy cycle, which includes the time needed to complete all legal contracts, invasive medical procedures, as well as the actual pregnancy and childbirth, is typically in the range of 12 to 18 months in time.

What happens if the first IVF attempt fails?

If this does not succeed, the first cycle of IVF should not necessarily be the final one. More cycles may be scheduled depending on the treatment guidelines of the facility and the surrogate program.

Is the child biologically related to the surrogate mother?

No. The law applies strictly to gestational surrogacy, whereby the embryo is created using the eggs and/or sperm of the intended parents or donors. There is no biological relationship between the infant and the surrogate mother.

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