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Everything You Need to Know About Surrogacy Agencies

Everything You Need to Know About Surrogacy Agencies

Payment Schedule of Surrogate Mother (Payment is Non-Refundable)
INR 10,00,000/-
Advance INR 50,000/-
At the time of Agreement INR 70,000/-
At the time of ET INR 1,00,000/-
At the of time Positive Heartbeat INR 2,50,000/-
At 12th week INR 2,00,000/-
At 6th week INR 2,00,000/-
At the time of delivery INR 1,30,000/-
Extra Compensation
For the preparation of surrogate's uterus and till heartbeat- medicine, scan and lab test, and travelling at the time of ET with the coordinator and Husband (if required) As per the actual prices
LSCS INR 1,00,000/-
Twins INR 2,00,000/-
In case if 1st attempt fails, then for 2nd and 3rd Attempt (Till ET)-
Restarting with Same Surrogate INR 50,000/-
Restarting with New Surrogate INR 50,000/-
Surrogate Mother, Agent, Sub- Agent, Coordinator, Agency, Surrogacy Agreement, Documents and Fooding and Stay at Surrogate home.
IVF, Egg Donor, In case if Anything in the Treatment is OUT of Vinsfertility Surrogate Agency, like- Medicine, Investigation, traveling, Scanning, USG, OPD, IPD, ICU, NICU, Delivery, LSCS, etc.

Most people dream about having a baby at least one point in their lives. However, some people are unable to fulfill this dream due to infertility. And like any other loss, the loss due to Infertility is grieved. But, thanks to the technical advances in the world, you can still bring your own baby into the family. Assisted Reproductive Techniques have made it possible now, these include- IVF, Surrogacy, ICSI and many more.

What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a way of having a biological baby through commitment, dedicated and unwavering love. It is an arrangement between the intended parents and the surrogate mother, in which the surrogate mother carries the baby for 9 months in her womb for a couple who is unable to conceive and then gives them the baby once it is born.

However, there’s still some controversy about using a surrogate mother to have a baby. The legal process is also very tricky and varies from state to state. Even though surrogacy is a burning issue in India, our country is one of the top world destinations for surrogacy. Hence, surrogacy is always an option for you if you are facing fertility issues or have other reasons. This is because India has one of the best surrogacy agencies in the world, which provide the treatment at affordable prices with the highest success rates. Find out how it works and see if it’s right for you.

Most common type of Surrogacy-

Gestational Surrogacy is one of the most common types of surrogacy. It makes sures that your child will not be biologically related to the surrogate mother, also known as the gestational carrier. It involves the use of IVF, a treatment in which the eggs and sperm of the intended parents or donors are used to make the embryo, which is then transferred to the womb of the surrogate mother.

Why is Gestational Surrogacy becoming more common these days?

Gestational Surrogacy is becoming more popular these days, as it does not allow the baby to have any genetic ties with the surrogate mother as their egg is not used to make the embryo.

Who Uses Surrogacy to Have a baby?

There are numerous reasons due to which someone might consider having a surrogacy, they are-
  • Medical reasons like problems with the uterus, a hysterectomy in the past, or a severe heart condition which makes the intended mother unable to carry the baby herself.
  • Failure(s) in IVF treatment or other assisted reproductive techniques is also one reason why someone might think about surrogacy.
  • Age plays a pivotal role in conception, in most cases women above the age of 37-38 find it hard to conceive. And even if they can get pregnant at this age, most prefer to go for surrogacy to avoid any chances of birth defects in the baby, as the quality of eggs deteriorate with age.
  • Surrogacy is also an option for same sex couples, or single people,who wish to have a baby.

Surrogacy for Gay Men 

If a gay couple decides to have a baby via surrogacy, they can use a traditional surrogate, in which one of them uses their sperm to fertilize the surrogate’s egg through artificial insemination. The surrogate then carries the baby and gives birth. A gay couple might also choose an egg donor, fertilize that donated egg, and then have the embryo implanted in a gestational surrogate to carry until birth.

How to Choose a Surrogate?

This is a big concern of intended parents, because they want to ensure that the surrogate who will carry their baby will be healthy, so that their baby is in safe hands. Vinsfertility ensures that the surrogate is properly screened before being chosen for surrogacy. They have to be-
  • Physically healthy
  • Above the age of 25
  • No disease
  • No surgical or medical history
  • Healthy uterus with normal shape and size
  • Must already have children of her own

What questions to ask a Surrogate Agency before selecting them?

It is natural to have some questions before selecting a Surrogate Agency.  This helps you decide on a very crucial decision in the process of surrogacy, because the surrogate mother will be the one who will carry your baby for the next 9 months. They are-
  • Requirements for getting a surrogate mother from the surrogate agency.
  • How does the agency find the best matched surrogate for you?
  • What services will they provide to you and the surrogate mother?How is your legal protection ensured?
  • What is the payment procedure for the services you use?
  • What is the course of action if something unexpected happens?

What facilities will the surrogate mother be provided at the surrogate home?

To deliver a healthy baby, it is ensured that the surrogate and the baby are well taken care of in a Covid Free environment. Surrogate home fulfills all the needs of the surrogate mother like- lodging, food including all necessary nutrients like- protein, vitamins, iron and calcium. The surrogate mother is given space and time to rest properly without any stress. She is given the necessary pregnancy drugs and medication and is also called for routine checkups to monitor the growth progress of the baby. There is also a provision of meditation and yoga programs for the surrogate mother.

Guidelines for Selecting a Surrogate

According to the guidelines laid down by ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research), the surrogates should get a medical exam to check that they are likely to have a healthy, full-term pregnancy. They should also get tests that check for infectious diseases such as Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HIV, Cytomegalovirus, and Hepatitis B and C.

Surrogates should get tests to make sure they have immunity to measles, rubella (German measles), and chickenpox. Also, you may want to ask that they get a medical procedure to visually “map” the uterus, which can help the doctor check their potential to carry a pregnancy.

The cost of surrogacy can range from 10,00,000 INR to 15,00,000 INR. A lot of different things go into the price, such as whether the surrogates have their own medical insurance or whether you need to buy a surrogacy-pregnancy policy for them.

Dr sunita singh Rathour

Dr. Sunita Singh Rathour

Welcome to Dr. Sunita Singh Rathour, a premier destination for comprehensive surrogacy solutions and reproductive healthcare. Located in 5th Floor, Ayushman Hospital Sector 10 Dwarka, New Delhi, Delhi, 110075, a region renowned for its excellence in surrogacy services, we are proud to offer world-class facilities and an impressive 80% success rate. At Dr. Sunita Singh Rathour, we understand that surrogacy is a deeply personal journey. Our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience. We specialize in: 1. End-to-end surrogacy programs 2. Fertility assessments and consultations 3. Legal support for surrogacy agreements

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