Myths About Surrogacy

Myths About Surrogacy

What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a rapidly growing assisted reproductive technique (ART) which is helping realize the dream of parenthood for many childless couples. However, there are certain myths about surrogacy prevailing in society. This article will help you understand surrogacy better and clear various misconceptions you might have regarding it. 

Surrogacy Myths and Facts-


  • Myth: People who opt for surrogacy don’t want to get pregnant.

Fact: Surrogacy is a personal, emotional, and expensive procedure for the intended parents. Becoming a mother is one of the biggest joys, so why would a woman worry about a temporary weight gain? Surrogacy is often the last resort, people only opt for surrogacy when they fail to conceive a child after trying several other Artificial Reproductive Techniques multiple times. It is chosen after a long lost battle with infertility and when surrogacy is the only way left to have a child biologically related to them.

  • Myth: Surrogate babies have DNA from the surrogate.

Fact: Babies being genetically connected to the surrogate mother is one of the most common myths in society. However, there is no truth to it. The child will only have the DNA of the intended parents (unless donor sperm, eggs or both are used) because surrogacy involves IVF (in vitro fertilization), in which an embryo created in a lab is implanted in the surrogate’s mother. And thus there is no sharing of genetic material between surrogate and baby. This is known as Gestational Surrogacy. The surrogate mother only carries the baby in her womb for 9 months. And gives it to the intended parents at the time of birth.

  • Myth: Surrogate mother can change her mind and keep the baby.

Fact: Before starting with surrogacy procedure, a legal agreement is to be signed between the intended parents and the surrogate. This agreement states that the surrogate mother will have no right over the baby and once it is born, the parental rights will be transferred to the intended parents. In most cases, the name of the intended parents is put on the birth certificate at the hospital. Furthermore, since the surrogate is not genetically related to the baby, there is no basis on which she can claim parental rights.

  • Myth: Parents face difficulty in bonding with their baby born through surrogacy.

Fact: Any true bond with the baby can actually be formed only after its birth. Once the intended parents are given the baby, the bond will start cultivating itself, as they are the ones who will nurture and love the baby for the rest of their lives. And even though the parents cannot experience pregnancy, they can still feel the movement of the baby and be a part of several milestones like- ultrasounds, baby showers, at the time of birth, and many more. 

  • Myth: A mother cannot breastfeed a child born through surrogacy.

Fact: Intended mothers think that since they do not carry the baby in their own womb, they cannot breastfeed the baby once it is born. But it is possible, in fact, it is highly recommended as it helps the mother in developing a bond with the baby. To make breastfeeding possible, the doctor prescribes medication that induces lactation and proper hormones. The intended mother must put time and effort to induce lactation for breastfeeding their baby like any other mother.

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