Tag Archive cost of IVF in Hyderabad

Factors To Consider When Checking IVF Cost In Hyderabad

When considering IVF Cost In Hyderabad, there are many aspects to discuss. It would help if you were physically, emotionally and mentally strong. Still, the factors that concern the financial element of Assisted Reproductive Technology are a serious consideration for many intending parents. Many countries provide insurance coverage to the intended parents for such ART-related techniques. It is a complex procedure because you must go out of your pocket for significant investments. We have broken down the price of each IVF cycle into separate components. This will help you understand the factors, the cost and the things you can expect.

What is the maximum cost of IVF Treatment in Hyderabad?

An IVF cycle, including ovulation, egg retrieval, and embryo transfer, ranges from INR 12,35,817 to INR 24,00,000. IVF Treatment Cost in Hyderabad depends on the patient’s individual medical needs. Medications can consume up to 35% of the total charges of IVF.

This can be daunting for anyone of us. Such investments are out of the reach of a middle-class person, especially if they want to avail of the services of IVF before attempting to go with other options.

It is a serious issue to talk about in developing countries like India. Earlier, ART was considered a women-related niche by various insurance companies, but in reality, many fertility issues develop because of men. Countries like India do not cover any insurance for IVF and other fertility treatments. However, as of 2022, the only government facility that covers such treatments is BMB Nirbhaya Scheme by Bharatiya Mahila Bank. Apart from covering maternity expenses, the scheme also covers critical illness or hospitalization and provides a range of Rs one lakh to Rs five lakh.

Who is the right candidate for fertility treatment like IVF, test-tube baby or others?

IVF Cycle is the most successful, emerging and trending infertility treatment. It may help you fight the issues (for all kinds of patients) and can be an alternative if you are suffering from the following:

  • Ovulation problems
  • Pelvic adhesions
  • Fallopian tube damage
  • Endometriosis
  • Prolonged infertility
  • Poor semen quality
  • Unexplained infertility

IVF is the technique serving the medium to provide preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) of embryos. If a female partner has immature or no egg production, IVF doesn’t generally overcome the function and cannot help you fight long-term issues like the incapability of the uterus to carry a fetus, new egg production, and maintaining a pregnancy.

Assisted reproductive technologies (ART), which include IVF, help you with the availability of choice- either you take the help of a donor egg or donor sperm or seek help from a gestational carrier or surrogate the baby. These choices may help you or your partner to overcome almost all biological infertility limitations. You can use this technique even if you are a single mother, single father, or want to build any non-traditional family like LGBTQ.

If you or anyone you know intends to take advantage of IVF facilities, consider connecting with the medical executive of Vinsfertility, where you will be given an estimate of cost, a consultation and various other things to tackle.

Is there any potential risk that concerns the use of IVF?

IVF doesn’t necessarily involve using fertilization between the female’s egg & male’s sperm. It is possible to use sperm, eggs, and even embryos from any stranger or person willing to do so. But, there are lots of problems that may come with the choice of IVF. These problems or complications with the use of IVF may include:

Multiple births: It can be hectic for parents who intend to have only one child. In general, the doctor prepares more than one embryo, so pregnancy chances are not exhausted. Other common complications can be low birth weight, early labour, and low cognitive state of the child.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome: This leads to painful ovaries, bloating, vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea, and even abdominal pain. These side effects may come after using fertility drugs to induce ovulation.

Ectopic pregnancy: It is the implantation of the fetus or embryo outside the uterus or usually in the fallopian tube. This drawback is seen in nearly 2-3% of cases.

To know more about the best IVF doctor in Hyderabad, you can consider talking to the specialists in Vinsfertility. Moreover, the process that seems simple to you is generally very complex. Various factors may stop this procedure from carrying. These factors can be:

  • low sperm count
  • a blocked or obstructed fallopian tube
  • a damaged or diseased uterus
  • suboptimal or poor quality or immature egg production

When the female’s egg and the male’s sperms are unable to meet, the quality of the fertilized egg dies. In that case, IVF can be the best option.

Factors To Consider When Checking IVF Cost In Hyderabad

#1 Healthcare in Hyderabad

Estimates suggested that in 2009-10, the revenue collected from medical tourism was nearly three crores in Hyderabad, which is now somewhere between Rs 15 crore and Rs 18 crore yearly. In the last few years, there has been an overridden pandemic and the rush to hospitals because of the low oxygen rate. This has led to increased ratings and availability of services by the private healthcare institutions in Hyderabad and other Low-cost IVF Centres in Hyderabad. According to the sources, even patients from neighbouring States like Odisha, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Maharashtra, and Karnataka have come to Hyderabad to avail of medical services during or after the pandemic (source: telanganatoday.com).

To cope with this situation or the increasing demand for healthcare needs, the hospitals and laboratories in Hyderabad have upgraded their facilities, and certification has become mandatory for such healthcare centres or laboratories.

The pandemic saw a significant rise in health facilities, healthcare institutes, and even the availability of interned or low-level doctors. This has led to the development of satellite branches in districts, becoming the referral centres for tertiary care facilities in Hyderabad.

#2 Hyderabad As An Attractive Place for Foreign Investments

2020 has proved the best for countries like India, where US-based healthcare systems have proposed more than $100 million investments to conduct more than 2,000 technologies.

As per the reports of thehindubusinessline.com, Hyderabad became the first development centre for the US company providence India, joining Microsoft & other global innovation centres in Hyderabad. This has grown the availability of employees to at least 5,000.

#3 Know the Different Types of Fertility Treatments and their Different Aspects

Fertility treatments include medications for hormone change & ovulation. Sometimes, the use of minor surgeries for immature ovaries, PCOS and PCOD can be done to combine the whole procedure. ART is a particular technique that may help you conceive the baby successfully. It may include different methods, making it easier for the sperm to fertilize with the egg and allowing egg implantation in the lining of the uterus.

The two most common fertility treatments used or authored by the government of Hyderabad are:

  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI): In this method, the healthcare practitioner inserts the healthy sperm directly into the uterus of the present female partner who is ovulating.
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF): Here, the eggs are taken from the healthy or unhealthy ovaries of the woman and fertilized in the laboratory with the healthy sperm of the male partner. The embryo is developed, and the embryo is then transferred to the uterus of the female.

Other methods include cryopreservation, egg or embryo donation, and gestational carriers, including the process like Surrogacy & Surrogacy + IVF. 

Before you consider checking the IVF Cost In Hyderabad, you should go through the website of the fertility centre or the approaching website. Infertility is not only related to IVF; there is something more significant to consider. It depends on the factors counting the fertility of both men & women. It may include treatments like Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), IVF and ICSI. There is a 15% chance that the intending parents will succeed with IUI, a much cheaper alternative to IVF.

#4 Do a Little Research and Choose an Ethical IVF Center

This is a crucial step to consider before availing of any medical facility in advance or especially when you have time & money to take care of. You can choose the best and the most ethical standardized IVF centre that may follow all the national guidelines assuring the patients’ success. You can select the schedule as per your wish and seek the support of the family and even your workplace so that your work can support you when you are available for the treatment.

#5 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Fertility Center or Clinic

Before moving from one place to another for medical purposes, there are many things to consider. You can prepare a list of the questions to ask the doctor. Check the way of responding of your respective gynaecologist or healthcare provider. A doctor must be calm and polite to the patient while ethically attending to them.

  • How long have the doctor, nurse, or technician been working in the centre? Who is the one to blame when you encounter any mistake by the staff?
  • Which procedure is best for you, and how often can you use the method? Be sure to cross-check the infertility remedies and the latest technology of the hospital or the fertility centre.
  • Do you follow any age limit or getting proceed with fertility treatment? What ethical issues do you follow to ensure the successful treatment of your patients?
  • When, why and at what age can you take the facilities like freezing eggs & embryos? How many eggs do you need to fertilize successfully with the sperm?
  • Who will be the donor who will be the person, either man or a woman?
  • What does the treatment cost, and why should you choose the plan strictly if you want something else for yourself?

#6 Know About the Nutritional Diet and Healthy Eating

Fertility treatments are not easy to cope with. It would help if you had a lot of patience and a healthy diet to support your body. You need to maintain a balanced diet and foods to boost the conceiving, whether it is about man or woman. You can ask for healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle or any special preparation before opting for fertility treatments like IVF. There are many foods, proteins, vegetables, and fruits to avoid taking during fertility treatment. Ensure that you take fibre-rich, dark leafy beans, greens and nuts in your diet.

#7 Understand the Different Aspects- Including the Worst Scenario

Understand what fertility treatment is. Do complete research from your end and get to know the website. There are lots of procedures in fertility treatments, and these can be (IUI), IVF or ICSI. Even if you are not in favour of taking the facilities of IVF, try to know the different aspects of your fertility treatment- including both the good and bad elements.


Managing stress is the most important before opting for any fertility technique. You need to be emotionally supported and morally strong. You must discuss everything with your doctor and ask about any rehabilitation you need to control your stress & mental health issues. Make a list of the things you want to ask and want to be involved in your fertility treatment. Discuss in advance and let the doctor know about your choices. This will make the process more comfortable and straightforward. Moreover, the IVF cost in Hyderabad is a one of the lengthy and deep process to discuss. This is because, it may depend on your health issues and the various aspects concerning how costly the IVF procedure will be.


  1. https://blog.scrcivf.com/factors-affecting-ivf-cost
  2. https://www.forbes.com/health/family/how-much-does-ivf-cost/
  3. https://www.arcfertility.com/ivf-what-is-it-and-when-should-it-be-considered/
  4. https://yanaivf.com/treatments/ivf/
  5. https://nyulangone.org/locations/fertility-center/in-vitro-fertilization-egg-freezing-embryo-banking/in-vitro-fertilization
  6. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/pregnancy/fertility-treatments
  7. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/parenting/getting-pregnant/5-things-to-keep-in-mind-before-you-begin-your-ivf-journey/articleshow/85620880.cms
  8. https://www.healthshots.com/preventive-care/reproductive-care/remember-these-5-things-before-you-begin-your-ivf-journey/
  9. https://www.webmd.com/infertility-and-reproduction/guide/choosing-a-fertility-clinic

IVF Cost in Hyderabad

Top Class Affordable Fertility Centers in Hyderabad, India

IVF has give hope to countless couples who are striving to conceive.Vinsfertility is one of the best infertility treatment consultant company in India. IVF is one of the most talked-about treatments for infertility issues. In ART fertilization process is carried out outside the body of the female. Most of the time the cost of treatment depends on multiple factors about how complex the condition of the couple is. Vinsfertility has a team of the best doctors at Fertility Centres in Hyderabad. The treatment of infertility issues usually depends on medical expertise and many other factors. Once you reach us we will offer the best competitive rates, top-class services.

How Much Does IVF Cost In Hyderabad?

The IVF treatment in Hyderabad is quite affordable, all you need to do is to reach us to get complete details about the low-cost IVF centres in Hyderabad with high success rate 2024We offer a commitment to providing the highest quality medical care which has resulted in an outstanding reputation of our firm with consistent achievement of excellent pregnancy. We also offer a very low cost to those who are unable to afford standard IVF treatment cost in Hyderabad. We provide you the opportunity to achieve pregnancy by using the world’s most advancing infertility treatments at a much lesser cost.

What Are Factors That Might Affect the IVF Treatment Cost in Hyderabad?

  • Number of IVF cycles required for successful conception
  • Consultation charges of the gynaecologist
  • Choice of Hospital/Fertility Clinic
  • Cost of freezing embryos
  • Cost of donoreggs and semen
  • Cost of preoperative diagnostic tests[ which may include PGT , PGD, PGS and DNA fragmentation
    etc. as required]
  • Cause of fertility issues
  • Post-surgery consultation charges
  • Doses of medicine required according to age
  • Female partner’s age
  • Testicular Sperm Aspiration rate
  • Donor insurance

These factors play a vital role in affecting the overall cost of IVF Center in Hyderabad.

IUI Treatment Cost in Hyderabad

The cost of IUI treatment in Hyderabad ranges from about 10k to 30k depending upon the expertise and success rate of the doctor. With the increasing demand for IUI, couples who don’t have a child search for Fertility specialists in HyderabadPeople have started opting for infertility treatment to fulfill their wish of parenthood. Please make a note that Vinsfertility is an independent transparent organization that doesn’t promote any doctor or hospital. We have jotted down the best IUI centres according to their IUI ratings, treatment cost, and service details.

Cost of IVF treatment along with advanced procedures:

Initial ConsultationINR 5500 –
INR 11,000
Consultation with a fertility specialist to determine the course of treatment and evaluate needs.
Diagnostic TestsINR 16,000 -
INR 27,000
Comprises assessments of the fertility state using blood tests, ultrasounds, semen analysis, etc.
Ovarian StimulationINR 58,000 –
INR 83,000
Medicines to increase the ovaries' ability to generate eggs in large quantities.
MonitoringINR 20,000 –
INR 32,000
Blood tests and ultrasounds on a regular basis to track the development of the eggs during ovarian stimulation.
Egg RetrievalINR 35,000 –
INR 53,000
An operation to remove eggs from the ovaries.
Sperm PreparationINR 9,000 –
INR 17,000
Preparing a sample of sperm for fertilisation.
FertilizationINR 20,000 –
INR 35,000
In vitro fertilization of eggs and sperm in the lab.
Embryo CultureIncluded in Fertilization CostGrowing embryos in the lab for a few days post-fertilization.
Embryo TransferINR 25,000 -
INR 38,000
Placing the embryo(s) into the uterus.
Medications Post-TransferINR 12,000 –
INR 19,000
Hormonal support post embryo transfer.
Pregnancy TestINR 1,000 –
INR 2,000
Blood test to confirm pregnancy about two weeks after embryo transfer.
Total Estimated Cost for Standard IVF CycleINR 1.2 Lakhs–
INR 2.6 Lakhs
Cost for Standard IVF
IVF Treatment with Self EggINR 1.5 Lakhs –
INR 2.5 Lakhs
Single Cycle Cost
IVF with Donor EggINR 2.45 Lakhs –
INR 3.2 Lakhs
A couple may want to think about using donor eggs if they are unable to conceive after trying in vitro fertilisation with the woman's own eggs.
IVF with ICSIINR 1.65 Lakhs –
INR 2.1 Lakhs
A specialised kind of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is mainly used to treat severe cases of male-factor infertility. In ICSI, a single sperm gets injected directly into an adult egg.
IVF Treatment with Donor SpermINR 2.3 Lakhs (approximately)IVF works similarly to a standard IVF cycle. The sole distinction is that donor sperm is used to fertilise the eggs rather than the male partner's sperm fertilising the female partner's eggs.
IVF with Laser Assisted HatchingINR 2.5 Lakhs (approximately)The greater the embryo's chances of attaching or implanting into the uterine wall, the easier it will be for it to hatch.
IVF with PGD/PGS TechniqueINR 2.75 Lakhs –
INR 3.9 Lakhs
Before their embryos are implanted, a couple undergoing infertility treatments like IVF might be recommended to have them genetically tested. PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) and PGS (preimplantation genetic screening) are the two tests performed on embryos. Only the embryos devoid of genetic defects are placed in the female's uterus following the testing.
IVF with TESA/PESAINR 2.9 Lakhs –
INR 3.8 Lakhs
Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA) and Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) are methods used when there are no sperm in the semen to extract sperm directly from the testes/epididymis.


What is the cost of IVF in Hyderabad?

The average IVF in Hyderabad ranges from INR 99,700 to Rs 1,70,000 per cycle. The IVF cost depends on the fertility clinic, IVF procedure, and medical services.

Are IVF babies healthy?

Childrens conceived using ivf or normally have an equal chance of getting genetic disorders or abnormalities.Therefore , there is no such chance of an ivf baby being unhealthy or more prone to abnormalities.

How long is the IVF process?

However, the woman’s IVF procedure actually begins weeks earlier. IVF is a series of procedures rather than a single treatment. The duration of an IVF cycle typically ranges from 6 to 8 weeks, with each patient’s journey differing based on their unique circumstances. The way your body reacts at each stage is what changes.

Does IUI hurt?

The majority of people report that the IUI process is more like discomfort than pain. But it’s important to keep in mind that every person has a unique experience. Your total comfort can be affected by a number of factors, including your personal pain threshold, your anxiety level, and the skill of the medical professional doing the procedure.

Does Testing Harm the Embryos?

Preimplantation genetic testing is revolutionary for prospective parents who wish to know more about the embryo’s health prior to transfer. With its ability to detect chromosomal abnormalities and heritable genetic disorders, PGT can improve the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. There are very few risks to the embryo, and the process usually goes well.

What Are The Restrictions During IVF?

You can better support yourself during IVF treatment by assuming responsibility for your general health and well-being. Alcohol, caffeine, Strenuous or aggressive physical activity should be avoided.

Should We Have Genetic Testing during IVF?

We can select only embryos that exhibit no chromosomal or genetic abnormalities by screening your embryos prior to implantation for these issues.
This is particularly crucial if you have previously experienced issues following embryo implantation, since aberrant genetics in the embryo can result in unsuccessful implantation or miscarriage. While there is no such thing as a guarantee, the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby is significantly increased with PGD.

What is embryo donation?

A non-autologous embryo will be given to a couple as part of the embryo donation procedure. It essentially indicates that neither the sperm nor the egg donor will have any genetic ties to the couple receiving the embryo. You are adopting a frozen, fertilised embryo in which unrelated donors provided the sperm and egg. Thus, an embryo donation might be regarded as a donation from a third party. Using a donor egg and unrelated sperm, embryos are created as part of the embryo donation process.

What is assisted hatching in IVF?

The technique known as assisted hatching is mainly used to help couples who have previously experienced one or more unsuccessful IVF cycles. These unsuccessful cycles have frequently happened as a result of the embryo not implanting properly in the uterus.
Assisted hatching is probably going to be recommended as a way to increase the likelihood of a successful pregnancy for women whose chances of getting pregnant again are poor.

Top 10 Best IVF Centers in Hyderabad with Highest Success Rate

Are you a couple tired of facing issues related to conception? Looking for the best IVF centers to provide you with solution to all your concerns? Then, you are at the right platform.

Infertility is a major problem faced by thousands of people and the emotions people face while not able to conceive is so heart-wrenching.

Every couple or individual is unique and faces different kind of infertility issue and so are their requirements and finding the best IVF centers in Hyderabad according to your needs can be exhausting at times.

In IVF, female eggs and male sperm are fertilized together in a lab to make an embryo, and then the fertilized embryo is transferred to the woman’s uterus. Today, more and more couples are seeking IVF treatment due to its success rate and affordable price. To get a complete knowledge on what exactly IVF is and how it works you can visit vinsfertility.

In some cases, a gestational carrier, a woman who has an embryo implanted in her uterus might be used, this process is known as Surrogacy. For detailed information on In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)CLICK HERE

IVF treatment is chosen by a couple who is facing infertility or genetic problems. These problems could be-

  • Endometriosis
  • Blocked or damaged Fallopian tubes
  • Problems with Ovulation
  • Uterine Fibroids
  • Previous tubal sterilization or removal
  • Weakened sperm production and functioning
  • Unexplained infertility

Why Choose Vinsfertility?

Vinsfertility is an aspiring health consultant that provides finest infertility treatments to patients, clients and couples who are dreaming of welcoming their own child in this world but fail to do so. Their reasons can be many and we have solutions for all. Here, we offer excellent solutions for your infertility problems and our prime aim is to support each patient with a gratifying outcome. Every couple who dreams of having their own family deserves to have that and we at Vinsfertility support you in fulfilling your parenthood dream.

Vinsfertility has the finest IVF specialists and the list of hospitals who have an excellent success rate in infertility treatments, especially through IVF. We at Vinsfertility offer our clients absolute certainty in the pricing system so that the treatment can be suitable as well as affordable for each patient.

Factors affecting the cost of IVF:

  • The quantity of IVF cycles necessary for a fruitful conception
  • Gynaecologist’s consultation fees
  • Selecting a hospital or Fertility Clinic
  • Embryo freezing costs
  • Expense of donor semen and eggs
  • The price of preoperative diagnostic testing (which, if necessary, may include DNA fragmentation, PGT, PGD, and PGS).
  • Reason for infertility problems
  • The cost of post-operative consultation
  • Required medication dosages based on age
  • Insurance for donors
  • Aspiration procedure for sperm

Factors to consider while choosing best fertility clinic:

  • Affordable cost of treatment: Always go for the clinic that provides you the treatment at and affordable range with a detailed and clear-cut cost breakdown and always look out for the offers and packages provided by them and financial aid if available.
  • Success rate of IVF: Success rate is a very important factor to keep at priority while looking for the fertility clinics, always inquire about the number of cases they have achieved successfully. Higher will be the success rate of the clinic more will be its experience in a particular domain.
  • Latest technology and Equipment’s: The fertility clinic you choose should have a well-established laboratory with latest advancements and maintains high standards of safety, quality control and hygiene.
  • Experienced faculty and staff: It should be always made sure that the clinic you are choosing has highly experienced doctors and other staff who can provide you with care, support and guidance during the entire process.
  • Reviews and ratings: Checking for reviews and ratings on google can give you an insight on the performance of the clinic. Look out for the testimonials if available or ask about referrals from friends if anyone has undergone treatment or you can check out other social media platforms for more information.
  • Access and location: IVF procedure are long and will require many visits to the clinic. Always look for the clinic which is not too far from your place. 

How Much Helpful Is IVF Procedure?

Internationally, the average IVF victory rate is about forty percent in young females. In India, the success rate of IVF ranges from thirty percent to thirty-five percent. The possibility of success rates also escalates in females younger than thirty-five years of age.

These days, oftentimes the clinics have included a “freeze all” procedure, in this process the embryos evolve later when ICSI or conventional IVF are frozen and not eggs. With the use of new age reproductive techniques, the IVF success rates in India have escalated greatly. Endometrial receptivity analysis (ERA) is one such approach that can be obliging in patients with repeated insemination failure by examining the endometrium at a molecular extent.

Top IVF Centres In Hyderabad With High Success Rate

You will find IVF cost in Hyderabad much more affordable when compared to other cities. Here is the list of top IVF centers in Hyderabad and IVF specialists with high success rates in 2021-

  1. Medicover Fertility, Hyderabad
  2. Kiran Infertility Centre
  3. Nova IVF Fertility Center, Hyderabad
  4. Dr Padmaja Fertility Centre
  5. Iswarya Fertility Centre, Malakpet
  6. Hyderabad Women & Fertility Center
  7. Oasis Fertility Centre, Hyderabad
  8. Sridevi Fertility
  9. Sree Fertility Centre
  10. Angels Fertility

1. Medicover Fertility, Hyderabad

Medicover Fertility

Medicover Fertility is the European leader in infertility treatment and has over 24 years of experience in treating childless couples. It is known to be the best IVF clinic in Hyderabad. Since its launch in Hyderabad, it has been spreading smiles in the lives of these couples by addressing their fertility issues. The IVF centre in the Hi-tech City of Hyderabad has a world-class infrastructure with all the essential departments staffed with an in-house team of experienced & renowned IVF consultant, Embryologist, paramedics & administration teams, who are the best in the field of IVF & fertility treatments.

Dr. Aliya Reddy has done MBBS, DGO, and is Certified in Gynaecological Endoscopy. She is a distinguished medical professional and highly experienced member of the Medicover Fertility team with experience of 30 years. She did her MBBS from Guntur Medical College and DGO in Obstetrics & Gynaecology from the same college. She is certified in Gynaecological Endoscopy from Kiel School, Germany, and trained in Ultrasound.

Services offered:

  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) 
  • IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)
  • ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
  • Egg, Sperm and Embryo Freezing
  • Donor Programmes
  • Surrogacy
  • Advanced IVF Laboratory with 7 Hepa Filters
  • Advanced Fertility Treatments

Esteemed Panel of Doctors:

  • Dr. Aliya Reddy
  • Dr. Nancy Kumar

Address: HUDA Techno Enclave, HITEC City, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081

Ratings: 4.7/5 (121 reviews)

IVF Success Rate: 75%

FOR ENQUIRY, CONTACT HERE – +91 9643264509

2. Kiran Infertility Centre, Hyderabad

Kiran Infertility Centre

Kiran Infertility Center over the past 3 decades has emerged as a comprehensive and complete institution of excellence in the field of infertility treatment bringing smiles to the faces of thousands of proud parents from India and from 51 different countries across the globe who dreamt of being blessed with a beautiful baby or babies. With a combined work experience of more than 200 years in the super-specialty of Infertility, Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Genetics, and Embryology KIC has been consistently providing the best possible treatment and care for patients suffering from infertility.

Dr. Kiran D Sekhar is one of the eminent Gynaecologist and Obstetricians in India. She is Senior Consultant- Gynaecology & Female Fertility at Sai Kiran Hospital, Hyderabad. Dr Kiran completed her graduation and post-graduation from Osmania General Hospital Hyderabad, and has a unique and rare distinction of ranking first in her M.B.B.S and her M.D. post-graduate examinations. She was awarded 11 gold medals by then Chief Minister of united Andhra Pradesh Shri. Channa Reddy in 1972.

Infertility Services offered:

  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • IUI
  • ICSI
  • Embryo Donation
  • Assisted Hatching
  • Surrogacy
  • Egg Freezing
  • Cryopreservation
  • Blastocyst Culture

Esteemed Panel of Doctors:

  • Dr. Kiran D Sekhar
  • Dr. Pratima Grover

Address: #6-2-966/4, Lane No 10, Opp. Hindi Prachar Sabha, Besides Nirmala High School, Khairatabad, Hyderabad, Telangana 500004

Ratings: 4.8/5 (293 reviews)

IVF Success Rate: 65%

FOR ENQUIRY, CONTACT HERE – +91 9643264509

3. Nova IVF Fertility Center, Hyderabad

Nova IVF Fertility Center

Nova IVF Fertility Centre inaugurated one of its best fertility clinics in Hyderabad in 2014 in Banjara Hills and later on added another fertility clinic in Kukatpally. With over 35,000 IVF pregnancies in the last 8 years, the NIF clinic in Hyderabad, Banjara Hills, takes care of patients. The centre offers both male and female fertility treatments.

Dr. Chandana Reddy Lakkireddi has done MBBS, MD in Gynaecology & Obstetrics and Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine. She is a Senior Fertility Consultant and has been practicing reproductive medicine for more than 20 years. She has achieved prestigious FRCOG by Royal college. Dr. Lakkireddi has had extensive training in IVF and Infertility under the eminent IVF Specialists Dimitrios Nikolaou and Julian Norman-Taylor, London.

Services offered:

  • In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
  • IUI 
  • ICSI
  • Counseling
  • Andrology
  • Endoscopy
  • Infertility Assessment
  • Embryo / Egg / Sperm Donation
  • Vitrification
  • Embryoscope
  • Blastocyst Culture

Esteemed Panel of Doctors:

  • Dr. Chandana Lakkireddi
  • Dr. Hima Deepthi V
  • Dr. Lakshmi Chirumamilla
  • Dr. Radhika Pentyala

Address: Nova IVF Fertility, Plot No.6-3-251/6A , Beside GVK One, Road No.1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500 082

Ratings: 4.6/5 (838 reviews)

IVF Success Rate: 70%

FOR ENQUIRY, CONTACT HERE – +91 9643264509

4. Dr. Padmaja Fertility Centre, Hyderabad

Dr. Padmaja Fertility Centre

Dr. Padmaja Divakar Fertility Centre was established by Dr.Padmaja. She set up two-Test Tube Baby Centers, one at St.No.7, Habsiguda, Hyderabad, and one in the suburbs at Bhongir to serve all Local, Domestic and Foreign clients also. They have a wonderful team, who joins Dr.Padmaja with their expertise, skills, up-to-date knowledge and training, and some of the stalwarts in the field supported by 100 other well-trained paramedic staff. They serve foreign clients from the USA, UK, and Canada, Australia too.

Dr. Padmaja Divakar has done MBBS, DGO. She has a passion for this Fertility Medicine and has 15 years of experience as a Gynecologist and Obstetrician, she has nurtured this to mitigate the distress and depression among the Less Fortunate Childless Couples worldwide. She updates herself by attending all Local, National, and International conferences like ESHRE (Europe), ASRM (America), ISAR (India), ASPIRE (Asia), and believes in pooling up knowledge, skills, expertise.

Services offered:

  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • IUI and ICSI
  • Surrogacy
  • Laser Hatching
  • PGD/PGS Genetic Tests
  • Embryo Donation
  • HSG/Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy
  • Egg (Oocyte) Donation
  • Andrology
  • Blastocyst Culture
  • Semen Banking

Esteemed Panel of Doctors:

  • Dr. Padmaja Divakar

Address: NGRI Metro Stn, Street Number 7, Habsiguda, Hyderabad, Telangana 500007

Ratings: 4.9/5 (3951 reviews)

IVF Success Rate: 61%

FOR ENQUIRY, CONTACT HERE – +91 9643264509

5. Iswarya Fertility Centre, Malakpet, Hyderabad

Iswarya Fertility Centre

Iswarya Women’s Hospital has evolved over the years, since its founding in 1986, into a regional leader in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Infertility. Today, the hospital is a referral center providing tertiary services to handle high-risk conditions in women. They provide the cheapest cost for all services like IVF, ICSI, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, and all other treatments.  They have introduced MSOME (Motile Sperm Organelle Morphology Examination) IVF.

Dr. Priti Nair has done MBBS, DGO, DNB in Obstetrics & Gynecology. She is an Obstetrician, Gynecologist with experience of 2 years. Dr. Priti Nair practices at Iswarya Fertility Centre in Malakpet, Hyderabad, and Iswarya Fertility Centre in Kukatpally, Hyderabad. She completed MBBS from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik in 2010, DGO from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik in 2014, and DNB in Obstetrics & Gynecology from National Board of Education, New Delhi in 2016.

Services offered:

  • In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • IUI
  • ICSI
  • PGD – PGS
  • Surrogacy
  • PCOS
  • Endometriosis -Chocolate cysts
  • Fibroids
  • Tubal Blocks
  • Adenomyosis
  • Azoospermia
  • Male Infertility

Esteemed Panel of Doctors:

  • Dr. Priti Nair

Address: 16-2-741/D/5, Beside T.V. Tower Moosarambagh, X, Malakpet Rd, Asmangarh, Bank Colony, New Malakpet, Hyderabad, Telangana 500036

Ratings: 4.9/5 (124 reviews)

IVF Success Rate: 65%

FOR ENQUIRY, CONTACT HERE – +91 9643264509

6. Hyderabad Women & Fertility Center

Hyderabad Women & Fertility Center (HFC) was launched with the commitment to offer standardized Infertility Treatments in Hyderabad in the year 2015. They have national and international recognition for infertility-related treatments and IVF services. Hyderabad Women & Fertility Centre (HFC) is committed to offering the Best IVF Treatment to couples at affordable prices in Hyderabad.

Dr. Swapna Chekuri has done MBBS, MS in Obstetrics & Gynecology. She is a Fertility Specialist & Laparoscopic Surgeon with an experience of more than 15 years. Dr.Swapna chekuri is a consultant Gynecologist at Aware Global Hospitals & one of the best-known and reputed hospitals in Hyderabad. She is Director of the “Hyderabad Women & Fertility Center” at Kothapet.

Services offered:

  • IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)
  • IUI
  • ICSI
  • Infertility workup
  • Laser-assisted hatching
  • Donor Programme
  • Blastocyst Culture and Transfer

Esteemed Panel of Doctors:

  • Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Address: NGRI Metro Stn, Street Number 7, Habsiguda, Hyderabad, Telangana 500007

Ratings: 4.7/5 (228 reviews)

IVF Success Rate: 70%

FOR ENQUIRY, CONTACT HERE – +91 9643264509

7. Oasis Fertility Centre, Hyderabad

Oasis Fertility Centre

Oasis Fertility is a comprehensive healthcare provider where specific attention to infertility treatments is given. Oasis is a renowned clinic where consultation, investigation and treatment are given properly to its valuable patients. They also take immense pride in our strict adherence to standards and quality. Oasis is an ISO 2001 certified organization and diligently follows the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) guidelines.

Oasis Fertility Centre is a chain of state of art fertility clinics spread across India in 10 cities in Vijayawada, Warangal, Chennai, Vizag, Vadodara, Ranchi, Pune, Guntur, and Pune. The centre provides consultation, investigation, and treatment all in a single day (depending upon the problem). OFC is an ISO 2001 certified organization and follows all the guidelines stated under the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).

They offer a wide array of personalized fertility treatments like IUI, IVF, IVM, donor treatments, PGT based on the couple’s age, health status, BMI, medical history, etc. Androlife is our dedicated male fertility clinic that specializes in treating male infertility. Our centre boasts of 60% success rates in IVF treatment greater than the global success rate of 44%. We have been ranked No.3 in India by the All India Times Lifestyle & IVF Clinics Ranking Survey 2020-21. We firmly believe in ethics, integrity and transparency and have adopted several technologies that help us provide services on par with international standards.

Services offered:

  • In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • IUI (Intra- Uterine Insemination)
  • ICSI – IVF
  • Blastocyst Culture
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Ovulation Induction
  • Advanced Sperm Extraction

Address:  8-2-269/3/1/4, Near NATCO Pharma, Banjara Hills Road No. 2, Hyderabad, Telangana – 500034

Ratings: 5/5 (58 reviews)

IVF Success Rate: 55%

FOR ENQUIRY, CONTACT HERE – +91 9643264509

8. Sridevi Fertility Centre, Hyderabad

Sridevi Fertility Centre

Established as Sridevi Hospitals in 1980, the now Sridevi Fertility Centre is the brainchild of Dr. G. Saraswati Devi and Dr. E.L. Manohar Rao. Sridevi Fertility and Test Tube Baby Center are among the pioneers to introduce advanced technologies in the field of fertility practices like IVF, IUI, and ICSI to the city of Hyderabad. They offer the most effective fertility solutions to couples aspiring to fruitful parenthood.

Today, after 22 years, 1500+ Successful IVF Surgeries, 8000+ happy couples, and national recognition as ‘Best IVF Clinic in Hyderabad’, Sridevi Fertility continues to be a beacon of hope for childless couples in Hyderabad.

Dr. Swetha Thumula MS has done MBBS, MS in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. She is a Gynecologist, Obstetrician, Infertility Specialist with experience of 10 years as a specialist. Dr. Swetha Thumula has immense and excellent training in the field of Assisted Reproduction and Advanced Infertility from well-reputed centers in and around the U.S.A for a period of 2 years. She has gained excellent clinical training and actively participated in various research programs in Assisted reproduction and Reproductive Endocrinology.

Services offered:

  • In Vitro fertilisation (IVF)
  • IUI – Intrauterine Insemination
  • ICSI or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
  • Assisted Hatching
  • Ovulation Induction
  • Surrogacy
  • Cryopreservation
  • Donor Programmes
  • Laparoscopy
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Oocyte Retrieval

Esteemed Panel of Doctors:

  • Dr. Swetha Thumula MS (OBG)
  • Dr. G. Saraswathi Devi MD (OBG)

Address: DNO: 1-10-224/A IAS study circle, Ashok Nagar Road, RTC Cross Road, Hyderabad, Telangana 500020

Ratings: 4.4/5 (22 reviews)

IVF Success Rate: 65%

FOR ENQUIRY, CONTACT HERE – +91 9643264509

9. Sree Fertility Centre, Hyderabad

Sree Fertility Centre

Sree Fertility Centre is an Infertility Treatment Clinic in Hyderabad that provides IVF, IUI, ICSI, IMSI, Male & Female infertility, IVM, FET, PESA – TESA, vitro fertilization & infertility treatment in Hyderabad, India. A dedicated team of IVF specialists is committed to delivering the highest standards of infertility treatment under complete privacy and confidentiality. Research and Innovation are the cornerstones of the culture at SREE IVF Centre at Srinagar & Kondapur.

Dr. Durga Aruna has done MD DGO Fellow Reproductive Medicine, DMAS, FMAS. She is an Infertility and Reproductive Medicine Specialist based in Hyderabad. Dr. Aruna finished her MBBS from Ahmedabad, Gujarat in 1995. She specializes in IVF and reproductive Endoscopic surgeries. She was awarded Prestigious Bharata Mahila Shiromani Award by healthcare international in 2017.

Services offered:

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • IUI(Intra Uterine Insemination)
  • ICSI (Micromanipulation)
  • IMSI Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI)
  • IVM (In-Vitro-Maturation Of Oocytes)
  • Oocyte Vitrification
  • Blastocyst Transfer
  • FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer)
  • Assisted Laser Hatching
  • TESA(Testicular Sperm Aspiration)
  • Male Infertility

Esteemed Panel of Doctors:

  • Dr. Durga Aruna
  • Dr. Aaishwari Durge

Address: 8-3-1109/1/6, Plot # 3 1st & 2nd Floor, Hari Priya Villa Opp SBI bank, Keshava Nagar, Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad, Telangana 500073

Ratings: 4.9/5 (156 reviews)

IVF Success Rate: 55%

FOR ENQUIRY, CONTACT HERE – +91 9643264509

10. Angels Fertility, Hyderabad

Angels Fertility

Angels Fertility offers a wide range of fertility treatments like IVF, IUI, ICSI, etc. Fertility Treatment and care at Angels has conducted in a state-of-the-art facility with class 10000 labs and under the guidance of an Experienced Embryologist, where all your needs are met. This cohesive environment provides the highest quality of care and successful outcomes for patients. Another reason to choose Angels Fertility Center is its efficient Treatment at an Affordable Cost.

Dr.Sumina Reddy M has done MBBS, MS, DNB, FMAS, FRM. She is a Gold Medalist (Ms- Obgyn 2014). She specializes in Fertility and Reproductive Medicine with an experience of 13 years. She pursued her under-graduation from a renowned Osmania Medical College and post-graduation in OBG from Gandhi Medical College with many academic accolades and highest honors. Later she completed her advanced training in Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery and Reproductive Medicine.

Services offered:

  • IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)
  • ICSI Procedure
  • Frozen Embryo Transfer
  • Blastocyst Culture
  • Embryo Freezing
  • TESA
  • M TESA
  • Fertility Preservation
  • Hysteroscopy/ Laparoscopy

Esteemed Panel of Doctors:

  • Dr. Sumina Reddy M
  • Dr. Sumbul Ali

Address: 1st floor, WestField Center, Delux Colony, Toli Chowki Hyderabad, Telangana 500008

Ratings: 4.7/5 (54 reviews)

IVF Success Rate: 65%

FOR ENQUIRY, CONTACT HERE – +91 9643264509

To book your appointment with our trusted doctors or for a free consultation call on +91 9643264509

Or mail us at info@vinsfertility.com

Not only IVF, Hyderabad has gained immense popularity in terms of Surrogacy also, it provides a list of Best surrogacy centres in Hyderabad and surrogacy cost in Hyderabad is affordable as well.

To know about the cost of IVF in Hyderabad, click here

To know about the Best IVF Doctors in Hyderabad, click here


  1. Is IVF pregnancy safe?

Ans: For the majority of couples, IVF is a secure and successful process. But it’s critical to understand that there are risks involved with treatment, for both mom and the child. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of treatment with your doctor if you are thinking about undergoing IVF.

  1. What are the 3 types of IVF?

Ans: The three types of IVF include:

  • Natural IVF
  • Conventional IVF
  • Mini IVF 
  1. Who should not go for IVF?

Ans: Age can significantly affect the success rate of IVF and can raise complications as well. Women over the age of 45 are generally advised to not go for IVF using their own eggs as very few women conceive at this age. Also, women with hormonal problems and fibroid tumours are generally not suitable for IVF.

  1. What are the side effects of IVF?

Ans: Side effects of IVF may include:

  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Bloating
  • Mild abdominal and pelvic pain
  • Emotional stress
  1. Which part of IVF is painful?

Ans: Probably not, since you’ll be unconscious for the entire process. After egg retrieval, there could be some discomfort, though. It’s normal to feel some cramps after the eggs are removed and all other injections can cause a stinging sensation which might cause slight discomfort.

  1. Do you bleed if IVF fails?

Ans: If in case of IVF, implantation fails stomach pain and heavy bleeding can occur but not all women experience this.

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