Tag Archive Infertility in men

What is the possibility of getting healthy sperm after surgical sperm retrieval?

If a man is unable to produce sperm during ejaculation or in semen, surgical sperm retrieval is the primary method used by the doctor.

Infertility is known as “the strength of your reproductive organs, how fertile they are, how generative they are to help you with conceiving,”. It means that to proceed with any ART method, your doctor will analyze the fertility of both males & females and their capabilities to conceive through natural processes. The factor affects both males & females equally. Females may have specific fertility issues like egg production & incapabilities, uterus incapabilities to uphold the embryo, etc. Similarly, males may also have infertility issues like a decline in the formation of sperm or no sperm production.

Here at Vinsfertility Pvt Ltd, we help you with surgical sperm retrieval while working closely with the team of expert doctors. The procedure coincides with the egg collection from the female partner’s body and later receiving IVF or IUI for better results.

What could be the reasons for sperm retrieval in men?

Sperm retrieval is the only solution for males when pregnancy is the goal, and men who intend to have this result have little or no sperm in semen or ejaculation. In such a case, the doctor may suggest you collect sperm from other reproductive parts or tracts. For the best results, sperm retrieval is used with IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection).

If the intended parents are unable to conceive naturally for almost a year or two and have gone through other methods like IVF; in that case, analyzing sperm quality is the only solution.

Your urologist will analyze your semen under a microscope. And if it shows that there is no sperm in the semen (“azoospermia”), then surgical sperm retrieval may be needed.

What is the procedure of surgical sperm retrieval?

There are six different types of surgical sperm retrieval, and all work differently.

PESA (percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration)

The procedure is the least invasive and the simplest of all. Here, the doctor collects the sperm through a fine needle and directly from the epididymis- the connecting tube forming testicles. The doctor may follow the procedure while sedating you with general or local anesthesia. Your urologist may try NAB (needle aspiration biopsy) if the procedure doesn’t work.

TESE (testicular sperm extraction)

This procedure is the proxy of other methods where PESA and NAB fail. This one is an invasive procedure where the doctor takes out biopsies of the particular area of testes. The doctor may extract the testicular tissue while examining the content under a microscope. Using a small amount or number of sperm is enough to give hope for the child.

Micro-dissection TESE

This one is the new technique and is slowly replacing the other technique, TESE. This is optimal when men with no sperm in their semen approach doctors or urologists. This procedure is very similar to TESE, but here in this process, the doctor uses micro-dissecting.

TESA (testicular sperm aspiration)

Here, the doctor will help you with the insertion of a needle into the testicles using a biopsy ‘gun.’ After that, the sample of sperm and tissue is obtained using gentle suction. With the careful use of the microscope, the doctor may dissect the reproductive part, and like any other technique, they may store the sperm or culture them for future use, like for the IVF cycle.

Percutaneous biopsy

The procedure is similar to TESA, but a different needle or tool is used here. Sometimes, the process is known as a fine needle biopsy, where the doctor extracts or retrieves testicular tissues to fragment many sperms.

MESA (Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration)

This process requires general anesthesia and a microscope. When the other procedures fail, and any other method is not applicable to correct any obstruction; then your doctor may proceed with this. The procedure gives you an almost 70% success rate.

Does the procedure of surgical sperm retrieval produce any harm to the male testis?

If you cannot conceive and think that you may have some issues, there can be Azoospermia- the infertility cause in many men’s lives. Azoospermia is a condition where the testes of males develop blockages and doesn’t allow sperm to pass even during ejaculation or in semen. Surgical Sperm Retrieval is the process that a doctor follows when the intended man chooses to become a father after having infertility issues like Hyperspermia, and others.

  • Although the procedures are safe and secure, the side effects are rare. Once the doctor confirms that you have semen problems, the doctor may proceed with the surgical processes one-by-one. You may expect slight bleeding and infections.
  • A few men suffer because of a drop in their testosterone following surgical sperm retrieval. This can become a source of issues for sexual functions, muscle weakness, anxiety, and sleep.
  • If you or anyone you know suffers from all these problems, you may seek help from your nearest urologist.

What are the benefits of sperm removal in men?

Surgical Sperm Retrieval consists of various surgical & nonsurgical procedures. The doctor cannot directly jump over one method to help you. They will have to test one way and its effect and go step-by-step. This may take time, but compared to other fertility procedures, the process helps to check the male infertility, efficiency of the male’s sperm and fertility level. It gives a lot of additional information about the trial & error methods.

  • High success rates
  • The procedure is relatively painless.
  • Men with vasectomies can utilize the sperm retrieval method to have more kids.

How healthy is your sperm after sperm retrieval?

Having no sperm in semen or during ejaculation is known as Azoospermia. This is the kind of disease that is prevalent in more than 10% of infertile men. Among these, Nonobstructive Azoospermia (NOA) is the major cause for testicular failure. Impaired sperm production & testicular failure represent 60% of these cases.

Since reproductive and fertility alternatives are trial-and-error methods, doctors cannot tell you whether you will be able to conceive or not without understanding the formation of embryos with successful results. Even in the cases of IVF, the doctors require to retrieve 10-20 eggs at one time. This may require a cycle of injections, medicines, and trips to the laboratory.

Also, since the motive of sperm retrieval is to conceive, the urologist may coordinate with your male partner so that they can retrieve the fresh sperm & can later freeze them as per the need. When you choose to use IVF to conceive, the doctor may proceed with surgical retrieval to receive or retrieve the sperms and inject them directly into the egg of the female partner, and this process is known intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

How much does surgical sperm retrieval cost in India?

Although the cost may vary as per the various factors, particular data or cost limitations exist. Depending on the case’s complexity, the hospital may charge you for the preparation and the whole surgical procedure. Moreover, the cost for surgical sperm retrieval may begin from a minimum of ₹ 20,000.


Vinsfertility is one of the largest fertility centers, offering round-the-clock medical, fertility, comprehensive, and essential treatment under one roof. The medical team serves you with fine tools, technologies, cutting-edge facilities, the best infrastructures, and a couple of highly skilled doctors. The experienced medical staff of surgeons, doctors, urologists, and gynecologists help to have adequate surgical sperm retrieval and various other conceiving alternatives.


Why should you worry about male infertility?

Any health condition in a guy that makes it more difficult for his female spouse to conceive is considered infertility in males. Around 13 out of 100 couples can not get pregnant with unprotected sexual intercourse. There are multiple reasons for male infertility and among the various facts, one is that- over a third of infertility cases, the challenge is with the man. This is most usually due to challenges with sperm production or with sperm release.

What Happens Under Normal Conditions?

The man’s body makes tiny cells called sperm. During intercourse, ejaculation typically delivers sperm into the woman’s body.

If you worry about your fertility, you must get a thorough check of your hormonal levels. Sperm and male sex hormone (testosterone) are formed in the 2 testicles. The testicles are present in the scrotum, a sac of skin hanging right below the penis.

The sperm left the epididymis and entered a different pair of tubes just before ejaculation. These tubes are called the vas deferens. From the epididymis, each vas deferens travels to the bladder’s back in the pelvis. Each vas deferens joins the ejaculatory tube from the seminal vesicle. The sperm combines with the seminal vesicle and prostate fluid as you ejaculate. This forms semen. The semen also travels through the urethra and out of the penis.

The body’s ability to produce and deliver a regular quantity of sperm is essential for male fertility. The sperm goes into the female’s vagina. The sperm journey through her cervix into her uterus to her fallopian tubes. There, fertilization happens when the sperm meets the egg.

What are the causes of male infertility?

Problems can prevent sperm cells from developing. There may be chances that the sperm may get obstacles to swim and reach the egg in a female partner.Even the scrotum’s warmth can impact fertility. Infertility in males is primarily the cause of these following factors:

  • Issues with sperm
  • Varicoceles
  • Retrograde Ejaculation
  • Biological Infertility
  • Obstruction
  • Hormones
  • Medication
  • Issues With Sperm

The most frequent issues are sperm production and development. Sperm could:

  • Not fully develop
  • Be a strange shape
  • Not proceed correctly
  • Manufactured in relatively small quantities (oligospermia)
  • No sperm production at all (azoospermia)

Problems with sperm might result from genetic characteristics. A change in lifestyle may lead to the poor quality of sperms and their quality. Moreover, the specific habits like drug inhaling, smoking, drinking, etc affects your fertility rate. Other factors that contribute to low sperm counts include chronic illnesses including kidney failure, childhood infections like measles, and chromosomal or hormonal issues (such as low testosterone).

Low or no sperm production can also be the reason for damage to the male reproductive system. A blockage in sperm floating quality may happen to at least 4 out of every 10 men who may have been further suffering from azoospermia, or absolute lack of sperm. A blockage in the floating of sperm can also be the cause of any kind of illness or congenital problems.

  • Varicoceles

16 out of 100 guys, they are present with varicoceles issues. They affect more infertile guys than other males (40 out of 100). By obstructing appropriate blood drainage, they damage sperm development. Blood from your belly may be redirected into your scrotum because of varicoceles. The testicles become too heated to produce sperm at that point. Low levels of sperm may result from this.

  • Retrograde Ejaculation

When semen travels backwards in the body, it results in retrograde ejaculation. Rather than exiting through the penis, they enter your bladder. When you experience an orgasm, your bladder’s nerves and muscles fail to contract (climax). Normal sperm may be present in the semen, but when the semen is not of good quantity, the sperms cannot reach the vaginal portion of women.

  • Immunologic Infertility in males

Exactly how antibodies reduce fertility is still unknown. We are aware that they can hinder a sperm’s ability to reach the fallopian tube and enter an egg.

  • Obstruction

Blockage or any kind of obstruction can occur because of recurrent infections, surgery (such as a vasectomy), oedema, or developmental flaws.

  • Hormones

If there is poor sperm development, it may result in the poor circulation of the male hormonal content.

  • Chromosomes

When the fertilization takes place, half of the DNA carriers are sperms. Therefore, if there is any kind of chromosomal change with respect of quality & quantity, it can adversely affect the sperm quality.

  • Medication

Certain drugs may alter sperm function, generation, and delivery. To fight issues, your doctor may prescribe you certain drugs. These issues may include:

  • Arthritis.
  • Depression.
  • Digestion Issues.
  • Anxiety Or Depression.
  • Infections.
  • Blood Pressure.
  • Cancer.

Diagnosis for Male Infertility

Male fertility problems might be difficult to diagnose. Most often, sperm delivery or production issues can be the reason for such infertility issues in men. A thorough history and physical exam are the first steps in the diagnosis. Blood tests and testing on the semen may also be asked for by your healthcare practitioner.

  • Semen Analysis

An everyday lab test is examining semen. The test helps to determine the volume of sperm production and let the doctor help you with your complete sperm quality testing. Sperm analysis refers to the examination of the semen or the sperms, detecting whether sperm are in good condition (e.g., are moving, or having the perfect sperm motility). If the test results show aberrant sperm counts, your doctor or healthcare provider may suggest you perform the second test. You may have to put your reproductive organ into a sterile cup to collect sperm. A sample of semen will help to cross-check the quality of sperms.

  • Transrectal Sonography

Transrectal ultrasonography can be done with the help of ultrasound using the sound waves reflecting the complete physical analysis of the organ. The examination may also include the insertion of a probe into the rectus.

  • Sexual Biopsy

This test is essential when there are chances of no or few sperms in the semen of the man. Both general and local anaesthesia is acceptable for this test. The scrotum has a little cut in it. This is an in-office procedure where you will have to visit the clinic, where the procedure may include the insertion of a probe through the numbed scrotal skin. Here, the biopsy is used by the doctor which further possesses two uses. One is that it helps to collect the sperm and understand the quality and the second is that it helps to determine the causes of infertility issues in men.

  • Hormonal Profile

Your doctor or healthcare provider may also prescribe you a complete check of your hormonal profile. To find out how successfully your testicles produce sperm. High levels could indicate that your testicles are refusing to produce sperm despite your pituitary gland’s best efforts.

Conclusion- How infertility in males can be treated?

Treatment for male infertility depends on causes, and the reasons for infertility. This treatment may require drugs and surgery to retrieve the sperms or overcome the issues of sperm floatment. This would enable conception via regular sex. There are a few considerable therapies and these therapies are of three types:

  • Treatment for Male Infertility Without Surgery.
  • Surgery to Treat infertility in males.
  • Treatment for Male Infertility from Unknown Causes.

Most of the time, outpatient surgery can treat male infertility. Such infertility treatments are performed while sedated by IV or general anaesthesia. Although postoperative discomfort is often minor, recovery and follow-up can differ. Your healthcare professional may help you with a physical examination following varicocele repair. Since they are simply blocked off during surgery to stop unnatural blood flow, the veins often remain swollen. Every three months for at least a year, or until pregnancy, menstrual samples should be analyzed. Ask your doctor about ARTs if your varicocele reappears or if you continue to have difficulty getting pregnant.

Hyperspermia – Fertility Condition, Treatment (A Detailed Guide)

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Hyperspermia?
  3. The Science Behind Men’s Fertility
  4. Symptoms of Hyperspermia
  5. Hyperspermia, Male’s fertility & Miscarriage
  6. Hyperspermia & Ejaculation
  7. What can cause Hyperspermia?
  8. When to see a doctor for Hyperspermia?
  9. Can Hyperspermia Be Treated?
  10. Conclusion



In the male-dominated world, we often hear the news only related to female infertility. People,  although, underestimate the fact that males too bear infertility issues like Hyperspermia (हाइपरस्पर्मिया). When it comes to women’s health & infertility, there are lots of terminologies you may be reminded of. It can be menstruation, egg formation, ovulation, periods, menopause, age as the infertility issue, and many more. What men are gifted with is life-long sperm production.

What if this sperm production gets diminished!

Yes, this is where men have the ending point to their fertility. Healthy sperm production takes place up to the age of 35 or 36. Although it stays persistent throughout their lives, they do have problems with their healthy sperm making.

Males can too have sperms that are immature, abnormally shaped, and unable to swim. There can be chances that they may not produce enough sperm to be called fertile. Or they may not make any sperm at all.

Let’s further discuss the issues that men face too!

What is Hyperspermia?

(हाइपरस्पर्मिया क्या है?)

Hyperspermia is the fertility condition where a man produces many sperms through his semen production. Semen is a whitish fluid that secretes during orgasm in men. It may contain sperms and are produced or extracted from the prostate gland.

Another fertility issue a man suffers is hypospermia, which is the exact opposite of hyperspermia. Here, the man produces less semen than usual.

Hyperspermia is relatively rare; extremely uncommon than hypospermia. In developing countries like India, men do have more than 4% of sperm volume. Having hyperspermia doesn’t mean the man is unhealthy. But, it does refer to his infertility.

The Science Behind Men’s Fertility

(पुरुषों की प्रजनन क्षमता के पीछे का विज्ञान)

You may wonder that if hypersmeria is about high production of semen and sperm, then how is it related to infertility?

In general, the impact of hyperspermia depends on the concentration of sperm that men ejaculate through his prostate gland. In most cases, hypersmeria does not lead to infertility, but ….

A lot of things need to be considered here:

  • If the amount of sperm is proportional to the volume of semen produced during ejaculation or orgasm, then hyperthermia can lead to infertility.
  • If the semen is thinner: This means that the concentration of sperm is more dilated than usual. Here, the chances of fertilization are less because sperms have less power to reach the female’s fallopian tube and then fertilize the egg.
  • If hyperspermia is followed by sexual abstinence: Abstinence is meant by “spotting doing something that you enjoyed earlier”. Sexual abstinence is meant by the inability of the man to avoid genital contact. This means that men have high semen production, but they contain dead and damaged sperms. In such cases, the sperm holds the inability to swim and reach the female’s uterus. Therefore, with hypersmeria you can expect infertility.

Symptoms of Hyperspermia

(हाइपरस्पर्मिया के लक्षण)

It may feel tricky to talk about ejaculation, sexual power, sexual intercourse time and semen amount. But, these conditions do help a healthcare provider determine whether you have hyperspermia or not.

Men may not produce noticeable symptoms often. Therefore, the condition may go neglected. Of course, not all men will likely notice heavy semen production after ejaculation, or sexual intercourse.

There is a disagreement over the definition of hypersmeria. Many experts claim that hypersmeria occurs when men produce more than 6 to 6.5 mm of volume of ejaculation.

Quite often, men may not produce any symptoms and the doctor may likely discover the medical condition coincidentally or the physical examination including a questionnaire. 

Some of the symptoms of male infertility are:

  • Delay in ejaculation
  • Pain during ejaculation
  • Fatigue, & dizziness after sex
  • High sexual drive, still low fertility
  • Other symptoms like heavy production of semen while performing bowel movements

Other symptom may arise like:

  • Less intimate sexual timing
  • Inability to get involved in sexual intercourse
  • Unhappy partnership
  • Leakage in pants
  • Higher sexual drive than usual
  • Stretched penis
  • Weakness especially after sexual activities
  • Semen discharge that is yellow in color
  • Breathing problems after having sexual activities
  • You may feel extreme daytime sleep

Thus, if you notice a volume of ejaculation, and doubt that it is affecting your health, you can consider talking to our confidential doctors. At Vinsfertility, we treat issues related to both male and female partners. We are a leading fertility center available to hear from you. We provide solutions in the form of IVF, ICSI, Surrogacy, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, IUI, and all the possible infertility issues of both men & women.

Hyperspermia, Male’s fertility & Miscarriage

(हाइपरस्पर्मिया, पुरुष प्रजनन क्षमता और गर्भपात)

The key reason for a mother’s or female partner’s health is the healthy lifestyle of the man. If you often face abnormalities in mother-to-be and face issues like miscarriage, premature birth, and lot of other abnormalities related to egg fertilization, there can be chances that you may have hyperspermia.

It is true that hyperspermia affects your partner’s and your future child’s health. Although the male and female’s health contribute to the child’s health but large number of possibilities depend on men’s fertility.

The type of cell division occurring in the early stages of conception predicts the stages related to child’s development in the mother’s womb. This cell division takes place after the egg & sperms fertilize together. But, what if the quality of sperm is not as good as that of the egg of the female partner?

Men do have fertility issues and those issues can impact the health of both the child in the mother’s womb and the mother herself.

The factors that become important for any healthcare provider to determine the good fertility of a male partner are:

  • Sperm count
  • Sperm motility
  • The amount of cellular fluid in the sperm head

These factors help a man & woman lead to a healthy pregnancy.

Hyperspermia & Ejaculation

(हाइपरस्पर्मिया और स्खलन)

Do not get confused with the two different terms- Hyperspermia & Ejaculation. They both are different and have nothing to do with one another.

A man may ejaculate a lot, while others may not ejaculate even a bit the whole day. A man may expel too much semen while ejaculating while others may face issues in the extraction of semen during ejaculation.

Ejaculation is self-limiting. You may ejaculate at the number of times or occasions during the day.

Hyperspermia is a rare condition where a man produces abnormal levels of semen. Although the cause of hyperspermia is unclear, the abnormal rate of semen production can lead to infection, ultimately affecting the health of the prostate gland. This may cause inflammation in men and may also increase other impacts like itching, frequent ejaculation, frequent urination and abnormal bathroom trips.

The effect of frequent ejaculation is different for different people. It may seem to you that ejaculation harms  your health, but there is no evidence to prove the same. Therefore, nothing happens when you ejaculate or produce a large volume of semen. However, a man expelling large amounts or volumes of semen is rare.

What can cause Hyperspermia?

(हाइपरस्पर्मिया का कारण क्या हो सकता है?)

There is no exact cause of hyperspermia, but it is said that it can lead to how you perceive sexual activities. It can affect your mood, and may or may not let you be involved in intimate activities.

There can be some rare activities while you are going through hyperspermia. A few of the relatable facts about the medical condition are:

  • You may have long gaps between sexual intercourse.
  • Sperm building increases intensively.
  • Although various pills may be helpful for you, you may still feel elevated levels of semen and sperm production.
  • You may get an increase in active sperm production because of certain pills & medicines.
  • The use of steroids (no matter for what reason) can affect you with hyperspermia.
  • Eating food that is rich in protein, fiber, and nutrients can abruptly increase your semen production

When to see a doctor for Hyperspermia?

(हाइपरस्पर्मिया के लिए डॉक्टर को कब दिखाना चाहिए?)

If you are worried that you are producing too much semen, and you are unable to get your partner pregnant, with at least a trial for one year without success, you can talk or discuss the things with your doctor. 

Your healthcare provider may help you cross-check the sperm count and will have your physical examination. The tests may include:

  • Semen analysis: Your healthcare provider will ask for your semen sample. For this, you may be required to masturbate in a cup or produce semen through ejaculation. Your healthcare provider will send the sample to the laboratory for further testing.
  • Hormone tests: This will be done through a blood test. A blood test will give the estimate of testosterone and other male hormones. If there is low testosterone, then there is the sign for infertility.
  • Imaging: Your healthcare provider may also have the imaging test of your reproductive parts. For this, you will be required to have the ultrasound of your testicles. This may pose a problem to you as many feel shy or have negative thoughts. But, this can give the necessary information to your doctor.

Can Hyperspermia Be Treated?

(क्या हाइपरस्पर्मिया का इलाज किया जा सकता है?)

Since hyperspermia can lead to many fertility issues like:

  • Lower sperm count
  • Less ability of sperms to swim
  • Ability to make the partner get pregnant
  • Affecting the odds of conceiving

There can be lots of techniques, medicines, and therapies that may help you improve your sperm count. Your healthcare provider may utilize a technique called sperm retrieval. This is the method where your healthcare provider will pull sperm from your reproductive tract.

Once your healthcare provider is able to extract the healthy sperm, it can be injected directly into your partner’s egg, just like in the case of fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

You can also consult the medical executives of Vinsfertility. There are many doctors associated with Vinsfertility who may help you with fertility issues in males & females.



Hyperspermia is rare but can affect the fertility of men to a large extent. In turn, the fertility of a man affects the health of  a newborn; indeed, it can lead to miscarriage and premature birth or can also fake a pregnancy in  a woman. If you have trouble getting your female partner pregnant, then techniques like sperm retrieval with IVF & ICSI can help you increase the odds of a successful pregnancy.










Symptoms of infertility in Women:Cure and Treatment

Symptoms of infertility in Women 

For women, the primary signs of Infertility is unabling to conceive after trying for six month or above- there are several underlying factors like irregular menstrual, dysmenorrhea, Dark or pale menstrual blood is a sign that you’re not ovulating. Damage to fallopian tubes is also another factor enhancing in the role of fertility. Ageing is a key factor, when a woman is 30 years or above her fertility tends to decrease naturally. Apart from this, being underweight takes longer time to conceive causing hormone imbalances that affect ovulation. Pelvic infections is also a big concern to worry about because it doesn’t show symptoms for most women,as it is hard to identify caused by some STDs, like chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Types of Infertility-Primary/Secondary 

Infertility does have its stages/types as the quality and quantity of a woman’s eggs begin to decline with increasing age, as long as a person is healthy and maintaining good diet, regular exercise, free from work stress, it may hamper less impact on their reproductive system. According to the experts infertility has two categories- Primary and Secondary: 

  1. Primary- Couples who couldn’t succeed conceiveing a child for at least one time after trying for year or more with unprotected sex. 
  2. Secondary- Couples once able to conceive but failed to carry for the next time, reason could be due to fallopian tube damage, ovulation disorders, endometriosis and uterine conditions in women etc.


Food and medicine can also help to conceive such as:

PCOS diet to boost fertility

PCOS diet to boost fertility 

Women who are consuming PCOS diet will have a positive impact on their reproductive part, as it is naturally unprocessed, high fiber food, berries, and green leaves are the most vital food source for the body to function better. Choosing the right diet could decrease the severity of PCOS deficiency. Most women prioritize themself to live in good shape ignoring the sufficient required diet which is the key factor to boost fertility. Adapting to a PCOS diet that contains high protein, low carbs for overweight people is a gem and one step towards achieving motherhood.

Best fertility pills to get pregnant 

When couples are trying hard to conceive naturally but receive negative results continuously, some fertility drug pills can boost fertility although treatment depends on the cause, your age, how long you’ve lived infertile and personal preferences. Because infertility is a multiple disorder, treatment includes significant financial, physical, psychological, and time promises. Fertility drugs work like natural hormones; they trigger ovulation to stimulate a better egg or additional eggs. Some of the best drug pills are-(a)Clomiphene citrate (b)Gonadotropin medications (c) Metformin (d)Letrozole (Femara) (e) Bromocriptine (Cycloset) etc.


Note: If you have previously undergone IVF treatment and have been unsuccessful, we are here to help. For more information or to simply talk to fertility expert of the VinsFertility team, get in touch today by giving us a call on +91 9643264509 or via Email at- info@vinsfertility.com




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