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What Is The Test Tube Baby Cost In Delhi?

Test-Tube baby is the process of successful human reproduction through artificial means. This method works beyond manual, sexual, and human intercourse. In short, this means that the baby is born with the help of medical interventions and laboratory techniques. The science behind this method is mixing sperm (from a male partner) and Egg (from a female partner) in laboratory settings.

The Test Tube Baby Cost In Delhi includes the different cycles, medications, standard diagnosing, and the prescription by the doctors. The cost may go far off 2.5 lakh per cycle. Many couples often face issues while opting for such procedures because of cost. But we at Vinsfertility give you the exact and accurate rates for each process. We have helped couples suffering from infertility issues and the impotence to conceive naturally.

Let’s read further to seek knowledge regarding the cost of a test tube baby.

What is Test Tube Baby?

Test Tube Baby means having a baby without using manual intercourse, sexual energy, and human power. The procedure help to conceive the baby outside the female’s body. With the development of science & technology, it is now possible to develop the embryo by mixing the sperms & egg of both the intending parents or partners. The process is also known as  In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Earlier, when the things were in infancy stage, the process was known as “test-tube baby”. The process is now called In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), in which eggs and sperm are mixed in a petri dish. Many people have developed a myth that a test-tube baby means the baby being born in a test tube. Others are there who are not fully aware of the process. Let’s understand the things, definitions, and functions in detail. Understanding things will help you go with the right decision.

How is the Baby Born through Test Tube Baby Process?

Test-Tube baby is the process of at least five different cycles. At each stage, you must undergo medical testing for your body, semen, or even your Egg, as prescribed by the doctor. Although baby conception through test-tube is complex, you can get a baby born with a healthy body and mind, meaning that the success rate is good (if the age factor is appropriate). Moreover, the five different cycles of the process include the following:

# Step 1: Hormone Therapy & Egg Production

Here, the female partner is given various medicines, injections, and doses to promote the growth of eggs. One of the injectable hormones helping with this process is gonadotropins. The final method of this cycle is to have the matured Egg, which may require nearly 36 hours. Thereafter, using the HCG injections, the health practitioners may proceed with the egg collections with safe & secure methods.

# Step 2: Eggs Retrieval

After hormonal therapy, the Egg is retrieved from the female’s body with the help of a minor medical procedure. Your doctor may provide sedatives or anesthesia to prepare you or avoid any potential discomfort during the process. Next, your doctor or healthcare provider will take a vaginal ultrasound and needle testing to collect mature egg samples. These eggs will be needed to fertilize with the sperm.

# Step 3: Sperm Collection

Since sperms have very low lifespan, i.e, 72 hours after the retrieval; the day female egg is retrieved, the male’s sperms are sent for analysis. Sperm collection is another crucial test. The doctor may suggest your male partner to go through semen testing, helping to determine the infertility level of the male partner. Once the laboratory assistants are capable to retrieve the mature eggs from female’s body, they continue with the process of fertilization of both the sperms and the eggs to make an embryo.

# Step 4: Petri Dish

Here, the content (including the sperms & eggs) are taken in the petri dish. With the help of laboratory settings, the doctor mixes the content. You need to be patient at this level because there is the possibility that it may take time as dependency is high. At this time, your doctor may send the sample for testing multiple times for cross-checking the chances of baby birth.

Once the embryo starts developing, the healthcare provider may send the content for screening. This helps monitor the content, ensure whether the embryo is growing as it should be, and then transfer the content into the female’s uterus.

# Step 5: Final Transfer

The final step is to transfer the prepared embryo into the female partner’s uterus. Your doctor/healthcare practitioner will then utilize catheter to transfer at least two or three embryos in the female’s body. The mother-to-be is examined under the guidance, complete analysis of the hormones, injections and the overall support is given to the uterus, to strengthen its inner lining. The hormones at this stage increase the potential of the reproductive organs to store the growing fetus.

Is Test Tube Baby and IVF the same?

As stated above, both IVF and test-tube babies are the same procedures. Decades ago, the process was known as “Test-tube baby”. But, now it is known as IVF. The name came into being after the general idea that an embryo is formed in a test tube. Here, the healthcare practitioner may utilize petri dish to mix the reproductive content of both male & female partners. Hence, the name was coined test-tube baby or in-vitro fertilization, where in-vitro is meant “glass culture”.

You may have believed that IVF and test tube babies are different. Even many hospitals & fertility centers charge differently when it comes to service the procedure. Even today, there is a social stigma that overburdens the medical processes. Trust our brand value and gives us the chance to retrieve the eggs and help you with the further process of fertilization!

With the increasing trend of late marriages, baby birth is getting a problem. IVF or test tube baby is one procedure helping such people conceive and overcome infertility diseases with the help of medical interventions.

Who can have Test Tube Baby Process?

Babies add meaning to life; they complete you in all aspects. Be it the pressure from society, or the personal stigma, having a baby makes your life pleasurable. You can have a baby through a test tube or IVF, if:

  • You are suffering from any infection due to removal of reproductive part (s) for ectopic pregnancy.
  • The intending parent or female partner may have multiple follicles developed in your uterus.
  • The female partner has developed ruptured follicles, creating significant issues for space and conceiving the baby. In such cases, even after 6-8 cycles of fertility treatment, you may not develop a healthy or growing fetus.
  • With decreased ovarian reserve, you can proceed with a test tube baby.
  • If your age is above 35 or 38 and your uterus has lost its capability to hold a healthy baby
  • You have been going through various infertility issues like PCOS, PCOD, and any undetectable reason.

Moreover, the treatment for any infertility comes with emotional phases, willpower, confidence and trust in the doctor and the process, and mental stability. Also, you may require to uphold lot of strength, emotions, feelings and social stigma of not having a baby. This is because IVF or test-tube baby requires lot of trial & error methods. You need to go through lot of injections, laboratory testings, doses and other analysis. This is why many doctors suggest doing natural conceiving one more time before trying any artificial treatment.

What is Test Tube Baby Cost in Delhi?

The essential cost for one cycle of test-tube or IVF includes diagnosis, medication, hormonal injections, and different procedures prescribed by IVF doctors. The IVF cost in India is nearly INR 1 lakh to INR 2 lakh per cycle. In reality, it may rise to more than INR 15 lakh if you sum up the process and the number of cycles. Moreover, the method may vary from person to person and clinic to clinic, or even doctor to doctor. The doctor’s experience helps to determine the success rate of the medical procedure. It is not that after having a test-tube baby, your infertility will vanish. Indeed, it will only help you provide fertility support to conceive. 

Types of IVF or Test Tube Baby Procedure Average Cost (Without Medicines or Injections)** Tentative
IVF Programme Per Cycle INR 1.2 Lakh to INR 1.6 Lakh
IVF Treatment Cost with Intended Parents own Egg INR 1.2 Lakh to INR 2.2 Lakh
IVF Cost with Donor Egg INR 2.75 Lakh to INR 3 Lakh
IVF Treatment with Donor Sperm INR 2 Lakh
IVF with Other Treatments

(Like Laser Hatching, ICSI, PICSI or with PGS/PGD Technique)

Above INR 2 Lakh

To learn more about IVF Treatment Cost in Delhi, different procedures to conceive through medical interventions & learn about IVF/test-tube baby cycles, you can connect with the executives of Vinsfertility.

What Factors Decide the Test Tube Baby Cost in Delhi?

One cycle of test-tube includes a list of processes. The process of IVF includes the five other procedures, like –

  • IVF with Egg,
  • IVF with Sperm or Embryo Donor,
  • IVF with TESA, MESA or PESA
  • IVF with Laser Assisted Hatching
  • IVF with PICSI, IVF with PGD, or other techniques

If there is any infertility issue in males, there are still options to attain parenthood with the ICSI procedure. The typical cost for test-tube may rise above 2 lakh for one cycle, excluding the medications.

When Should You Choose Infertility Programs Like Test Tube Baby or IVF?

There are many reasons which contribute to male or female infertility. Infertility (in medical terms) is the inability to conceive. It further includes the various other definitions :

  • The inability of opposite-sex partner to conceive even after a trial of sexual intercourse for one year or unprotected sex for one year.
  • If you have gone through successful attempt of trial for the baby, and you are above the age of 35; the factor of age may further increase the inability to conceive.
  • The inability of the female partner to conceive after sexual activities for six months and a medical trial of artificial insemination over one year.
  • Defines the inability of a female partner to conceive even after three trials of medical interventions like artificial insemination over six months of time.

Any person going through the issues mentioned above is liable to take the help of medical interventions like IVF, ICSI, surrogacy, etc., only if they want to conceive or have babies.


You may often have the chance of failure even if you take the help of medical science and the process like a test-tube baby. Also, you may likely to face the physical challenge, emotional toll, or a lot of medical therapies to have a healthy baby. It will help if you speak to your gynecologist or healthcare provider to determine the best option. You can ask for support from the counselors, committees, or particular groups to go through the process.


To book appointment or consult our trusted doctors, connect with our executives at Vinsfertility and get a free consultation. You can reach us through a call on +91 8448879134 or can also email us at info@vinsfertility.com.












What is the ideal weight for IVF Pregnancy?

IVF treatments or in vitro fertilization is a sequence of processes to help you with conception. It is while a human egg is fertilized with sperm in a laboratory. If the fertilized egg (embryo) efficiently implants withinside the uterus, this could bring about pregnancy.  Extremely thin or too fat, both are not ideal for ideal weight for IVF Pregnancy.

What is the IVF process?

IVF is a process, with every IVF cycle happening with one menstrual cycle.

  • Blood test: On the first day of your menstrual cycle, you’ll have a blood test at your fertility center.
  • Hormone stimulation: On the second or third day of your menstrual cycle, your hormone stimulation therapy will begin. You will begin taking medications to stimulate your follicles to produce many eggs.
  • Trigger shot: Once your eggs have reached a specific size, you’ll get an injection containing hormones that cause your ovary to mature and release the egg.
  • Egg retrieval: Your eggs can be collected about 34 to 36 hours after the shot. 
  • Sperm sample: If you use your partner’s fresh sperm, they may offer a semen sample on the day of the egg collection. If this isn’t always possible, a surgical operation can assist in extracting sperm from the testicles. You may use frozen donor sperm.
  • Fertilization: Healthy sperm and eggs are added collectively to a dish and incubated overnight. 
  • Embryo transfer: Around 3 to 5 days after egg retrieval, your fertility expert will transfer an embryo into your uterus. Usually, one embryo is transferred. However, sometimes maybe more. In a few instances, your fertility expert will wait to transfer an embryo. Any appropriate quality embryos that aren’t transferred are probably frozen and will be used in the future, depending on your circumstances.
  • Pregnancy test: After the embryo transfer, you must wait two weeks to take a pregnancy test. Blood tests are more dependable than an off-shelf pregnancy test kit, so it is better to try this at your fertility center or via your GP.

Why get an IVF done?

IVF process is used to treat infertility and a few genetic troubles. It may assist people with sexually and gender-various (LGBTIAQ+) networks to begin a family, in addition to single individuals who would like to be parents.

You might consider IVF for many reasons, consisting of the case you or your has:

  • Low sperm count.
  • Troubles with ovulation due to situations such as polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Troubles with the fallopian tubes.
  • If both of you’ve got been sterilized.
  • Troubles with endometriosis.
  • A desire to avoid passing on inherited genetic problems to your children.

Some people might also select to apply donor sperm or eggs. For example, if a pair is vulnerable to passing on a critical genetic disease to their children, they will be advised to apply for donor sperm or donor eggs. 

People who have most cancers can, from time to time, have their wholesome eggs or sperm frozen earlier than most cancers remedy, damaging their fertility. These eggs or sperm may be thawed later and utilized in IVF as soon as the most cancers remedy is over. 

A severe weight, either too skinny or too heavy, is the most critical way of lifestyle, which affects reproductive fitness. Weight is described with the help of Body Mass Index (BMI), which accommodates weight and height. The best frame weight for being pregnant is a BMI between 19 and 28, which for 5-foot 5-inch females might be between 51 and 76 kg.

Underweight and Fertility

Underweight is described as an ideal weight for IVF Pregnancy much less than 19, equal to a 5-foot 5- inch girl weighing much less than 51 kg. Infertility is much more likely to arise in underweight than in everyday-weight girls because of ovulation dysfunction. The incidents of early miscarriage are likewise extended in underweight girls, more likely because of hormone imbalance.

Ideal weight for IVF Pregnancy & Obesity

Obesity described as a BMI over 30 is a common clinical situation wherein extra frame fats have collected to the extent that could damage fitness. A BMI of 30-35, which for a 5-foot 5-inch girl might be an ideal weight of between 81 and 95 kg, might also additionally lessen life expectancy by 2 to 4 years, while severe weight problems are described as a BMI of more than 40 which for a 5-foot 5-inch girl might be a frame weight over 95 kg reduces life expectancy for guys by most of 20 years and five years for girls. 

Obesity is most common because of a combination of excess calories, loss of physical activity, and genetic vulnerability, even though some cases are due to genetics, clinical issues, or psychiatric illness. 

Obesity is related to many sicknesses, specifically coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, respiration problems during sleep (apnea), cancers (breast and uterine), osteoarthritis, infertility, and miscarriage. An increased BMI can be related to ovulation dysfunction, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), increased use and dosages of ovulation induction medications, rotten egg and embryo excellent, implantation failure, and early pregnancy loss, most likely because of hormone imbalance related to each immoderate estrogen and androgen (male hormone) production. Men with weight problems have a better danger of sperm abnormalities with low testosterone production, low sperm counts, low motility, and unfavorable sperm morphology.

The Impact of Obesity on Egg Quality

Poor fertilization and embryo excellence and a better danger of implantation failure and early pregnancy loss also are related to each male and girl’s weight problems. IVF cost in Delhi had been mentioned to be a good deal as 33% much less for overweight girls, and plenty of applications do now no longer provide IVF offerings to girls with a BMI over 40 because of the very low possibility of being pregnant. In our IVF application, correctly excessive a hit being pregnant costs arise in girls whose ideal weight for IVF Pregnancy is extra than 20 but much less than 35. Obese girls who emerge as pregnant are more vulnerable to gestational diabetes, pregnant-prompted hypertension, pre-eclampsia, operative delivery, delivery trauma, anesthesia-associated issues, and negative wound healing.

It’s not usually easy to lose weight. However, a small amount of weight loss (standard 5 to 6 kg or extra than 5% of frame weight) can ameliorate reproductive characteristics in lots of those with reproductive difficulties.


IVF Treatment Cost in India

IVF Cost in India

IVF, sometimes referred to as “test tube baby” or “in-vitro fertilisation,” is a sophisticated technique used in reproductive assistive technologies. It is a non-surgical and non-invasive procedure that usually takes about 4 to 5 weeks, depending upon the individual patient’s condition.

The IVF cost in India can range from INR 90,000 to INR 3,00,000  for each IVF Cycle, which includes all the charges including the cost of medicines prescribed, injections, procedures, location clinic, Doctor’s Qualifications, IVF treatment type, medical condition, etc. The cost of IVF can fluctuate depending on your choice of the city, the hospital you choose to go for, and several other factors as well.

Why is India a preferred destination for IVF?

The birth of a test-tube baby in 1978 marked the beginning of successful IVF treatment in India. She was the world’s second baby born in a test tube. This demonstrates how good IVF care is in India.

Since then couples from all parts of the world travel to India for IVF treatment as the number and quality of treatments have improved in India. Most important factor which influences people to choose India as their preferred destination for IVF is the cost-effective treatment.

Travelling abroad for fertility treatment is referred to as reproductive tourism, which is also called fertility tourism.

This industry is still in its early stages in India. We are among the best five countries in the world for medical tourism. Thirty percent of individuals seeking treatment are thought to have this country as their preferred destination.

Factors affecting the cost of IVF:

There are enormous factors which affect IVF cost in India,

  • IVF cycles are necessary for a successful conception
  • Selecting a hospital or Fertility Clinic
  • Gynecologist’s consultation fees
  • Embryo freezing costs
  • Expense of donor semen and eggs
  • The price of preoperative diagnostic testing (which, if necessary, may include DNA fragmentation, PGT, PGD, and PGS).
  • Reasons for infertility problems
  • Costs for postoperative consultations
  • Required medication dosages based on age
  • Insurance for donors
  • Aspiration procedure for sperm

Components of IVF treatment cost:

Procedures Cost
Initial ConsultationINR 6,000 -
INR 12,000
Diagnostic TestsINR 17,000 -
INR 30,000
Ovarian StimulationINR 70,000 -
INR 90,000
MonitoringINR 15,000 -
INR 30,000
Egg RetrievalINR 32,000 -
INR 55,000
Sperm PreparationINR 15,000 –
INR 20,000
FertilizationINR 15,000 -
INR 30,000
Embryo CultureIncluded in Fertilization Cost
Embryo TransferINR 30,000 -
INR 35,000
Medications Post-TransferINR 10,000 -
INR 20,000
Pregnancy TestINR 1,000 -
INR 2,000
Total Estimated Cost for Standard IVF CycleINR 1.4 –
INR 2.0 Lakhs
IVF Treatment with Self EggINR 1.0 -
INR 2.4 Lakhs
IVF with Donor EggINR 2.75 –
INR 3.2 Lakhs
IVF with ICSIINR 1.5 -
INR 1.90 Lakhs
IVF Treatment with Donor SpermINR 2.3 Lakhs
IVF with Laser Assisted HatchingINR 2.5 Lakhs
IVF with PGD/PGS TechniqueINR 2.80 –
INR 3.4 Lakhs
IVF with TESA/PESAINR 2.80 –
INR 3.4 Lakhs

There are three main steps involved in IVF treatment:

  • Pre-treatment
  • The IVF Procedure
  • Post-Treatment

Pre-treatment: This step includes consultation fees (Consultation with a fertility specialist to determine the course of treatment and evaluate needs.) and diagnostic tests (Comprises assessments of the fertility state using blood tests, ultrasounds, semen analysis, etc.) involved in IVF treatment.

The IVF Procedure: This procedure includes the following:

  • Ovarian Stimulation: Medicines to increase the ovaries’ ability to generate eggs in large quantities.
  • Monitoring: Blood tests and ultrasounds on a regular basis to track the development of the eggs during ovarian stimulation.
  • Egg Retrieval: An operation to remove eggs from the ovaries.
  • Sperm Preparation: Preparing a sample of sperm for fertilisation.
  • Fertilisation: In vitro fertilisation of eggs and sperm in the lab.
  • Embryo Culture: Growing embryos in the lab for a few days post-fertilization.
  • Embryo Transfer: Placing the embryo(s) into the uterus.

Post-Treatment: This step includes Medications Post-Transfer (Hormonal support post-embryo transfer) and Pregnancy Test (Blood test to confirm pregnancy about two weeks after embryo transfer).

Types of Infertility Treatment in India:

IVF with Donor Egg: A couple may want to think about using donor eggs if they are unable to conceive after trying in vitro fertilisation with the woman’s eggs.

IVF with ICSI: A couple may want to think about using donor eggs if they are unable to conceive after trying in vitro fertilisation with the woman’s eggs.

IVF Treatment with Donor Sperm: IVF works similarly to a standard IVF cycle. The sole distinction is that donor sperm is used to fertilise the eggs rather than the male partner’s sperm fertilising the female partner’s eggs

IVF with Laser Assisted Hatching: The greater the embryo’s chances of attaching or implanting into the uterine wall, the easier it will be for it to hatch.

IVF with PGD/PGS Technique: Before their embryos are implanted, a couple undergoing infertility treatments like IVF might be recommended to have them genetically tested. PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) and PGS (preimplantation genetic screening) are the two tests performed on embryos. Only the embryos devoid of genetic defects are placed in the female’s uterus following the testing

IVF with TESA/PESA: Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA) and Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) are methods used when there are no sperm in the semen to extract sperm directly from the testes/epididymis.

IVF Cost in City:

S.No City Cost Range (INR)
1 Mumbai ₹1,40,000 – ₹ 2,50,000
2 Bangalore ₹1,50,000 – ₹2,65,000
3 Chennai ₹1,40,000 – ₹ 2,30,000
4 Delhi ₹90,000 – ₹ 1, 60,000
5 Nagpur ₹1,80,000 – ₹ 2,20,000
6 Hyderabad ₹1,30,000 – ₹ 1,90,000
7 Pune ₹90,000 – ₹1,20,000
8 Kolkata ₹1,10,000 – ₹1,80,000


Success rate of IVF in India based on female’s age:

The biggest factor influencing the success rate of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is the age of the woman. IVF success rates start to decline after the mid-30s, specifically after the age of 40. This is mainly due to the quality and quantity of women’s egg that decline naturally with age.

Some of the best and low-cost IVF centers in India:

  1. Ayushman Infertility Center, Delhi
  2. Vinsfertility, Delhi
  3. Saraogi Hospital, Mumbai
  4. Riah Fertility Centre, Mumbai
  5. Ayushman Hospital and Health Service, Delhi
  6. Morpheus Mulund Fertility Center, Mumbai
  7. Oasis Fertility Centre, Bangalore
  8. IVF Spring Fertility Clinic, Mumbai
  9. Indira IVF, Kolkata
  10. Chennai Fertility Center, Chennai


1. How much does IVF cost in India?

Ans: In India, the average cost of one cycle of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is between Rs. 90,000 and Rs. 3,00,000.

2. How many cycles of IVF are needed to get pregnant?

Ans: Women with high egg supply have a higher chance of producing a viable embryo during the first cycle and have a good chance of becoming pregnant whereas elderly and patients with low egg supply have to go through more than one cycle of IVF.

3. Are IVF babies normal?

Ans: From a physical and mental viewpoint, children conceived through in vitro fertilisation are no different from other children. They are also equally natural as other kids. IVF is a taboo topic, so many people still have misconceptions about it and are doubtful about it.

4. What is the difference between IVF and ICSI?

Ans: As assisted reproductive treatments (ART), IVF, and ICSI involve fertilising eggs outside the body using sperm. ICSI is utilised when male is the reason for infertility, and IVF is utilised when the reason for infertility is female.

5. Why do IVF babies look different?

Ans: When the egg or sperm are used from the donors in IVF, the child’s appearance may differ slightly from that of the intended parents because the DNA used in the process comes from the donor. In this case, the baby may inherit the donor’s eye colour, hair type, and other characteristics.

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