Tag Archive ivf cost in India

What Is The Test Tube Baby Cost In Delhi?

Test-Tube baby is the process of successful human reproduction through artificial means. This method works beyond manual, sexual, and human intercourse. In short, this means that the baby is born with the help of medical interventions and laboratory techniques. The science behind this method is mixing sperm (from a male partner) and Egg (from a female partner) in laboratory settings.

The Test Tube Baby Cost In Delhi includes the different cycles, medications, standard diagnosing, and the prescription by the doctors. The cost may go far off 2.5 lakh per cycle. Many couples often face issues while opting for such procedures because of cost. But we at Vinsfertility give you the exact and accurate rates for each process. We have helped couples suffering from infertility issues and the impotence to conceive naturally.

Let’s read further to seek knowledge regarding the cost of a test tube baby.

What is Test Tube Baby?

Test Tube Baby means having a baby without using manual intercourse, sexual energy, and human power. The procedure help to conceive the baby outside the female’s body. With the development of science & technology, it is now possible to develop the embryo by mixing the sperms & egg of both the intending parents or partners. The process is also known as  In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Earlier, when the things were in infancy stage, the process was known as “test-tube baby”. The process is now called In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), in which eggs and sperm are mixed in a petri dish. Many people have developed a myth that a test-tube baby means the baby being born in a test tube. Others are there who are not fully aware of the process. Let’s understand the things, definitions, and functions in detail. Understanding things will help you go with the right decision.

How is the Baby Born through Test Tube Baby Process?

Test-Tube baby is the process of at least five different cycles. At each stage, you must undergo medical testing for your body, semen, or even your Egg, as prescribed by the doctor. Although baby conception through test-tube is complex, you can get a baby born with a healthy body and mind, meaning that the success rate is good (if the age factor is appropriate). Moreover, the five different cycles of the process include the following:

# Step 1: Hormone Therapy & Egg Production

Here, the female partner is given various medicines, injections, and doses to promote the growth of eggs. One of the injectable hormones helping with this process is gonadotropins. The final method of this cycle is to have the matured Egg, which may require nearly 36 hours. Thereafter, using the HCG injections, the health practitioners may proceed with the egg collections with safe & secure methods.

# Step 2: Eggs Retrieval

After hormonal therapy, the Egg is retrieved from the female’s body with the help of a minor medical procedure. Your doctor may provide sedatives or anesthesia to prepare you or avoid any potential discomfort during the process. Next, your doctor or healthcare provider will take a vaginal ultrasound and needle testing to collect mature egg samples. These eggs will be needed to fertilize with the sperm.

# Step 3: Sperm Collection

Since sperms have very low lifespan, i.e, 72 hours after the retrieval; the day female egg is retrieved, the male’s sperms are sent for analysis. Sperm collection is another crucial test. The doctor may suggest your male partner to go through semen testing, helping to determine the infertility level of the male partner. Once the laboratory assistants are capable to retrieve the mature eggs from female’s body, they continue with the process of fertilization of both the sperms and the eggs to make an embryo.

# Step 4: Petri Dish

Here, the content (including the sperms & eggs) are taken in the petri dish. With the help of laboratory settings, the doctor mixes the content. You need to be patient at this level because there is the possibility that it may take time as dependency is high. At this time, your doctor may send the sample for testing multiple times for cross-checking the chances of baby birth.

Once the embryo starts developing, the healthcare provider may send the content for screening. This helps monitor the content, ensure whether the embryo is growing as it should be, and then transfer the content into the female’s uterus.

# Step 5: Final Transfer

The final step is to transfer the prepared embryo into the female partner’s uterus. Your doctor/healthcare practitioner will then utilize catheter to transfer at least two or three embryos in the female’s body. The mother-to-be is examined under the guidance, complete analysis of the hormones, injections and the overall support is given to the uterus, to strengthen its inner lining. The hormones at this stage increase the potential of the reproductive organs to store the growing fetus.

Is Test Tube Baby and IVF the same?

As stated above, both IVF and test-tube babies are the same procedures. Decades ago, the process was known as “Test-tube baby”. But, now it is known as IVF. The name came into being after the general idea that an embryo is formed in a test tube. Here, the healthcare practitioner may utilize petri dish to mix the reproductive content of both male & female partners. Hence, the name was coined test-tube baby or in-vitro fertilization, where in-vitro is meant “glass culture”.

You may have believed that IVF and test tube babies are different. Even many hospitals & fertility centers charge differently when it comes to service the procedure. Even today, there is a social stigma that overburdens the medical processes. Trust our brand value and gives us the chance to retrieve the eggs and help you with the further process of fertilization!

With the increasing trend of late marriages, baby birth is getting a problem. IVF or test tube baby is one procedure helping such people conceive and overcome infertility diseases with the help of medical interventions.

Who can have Test Tube Baby Process?

Babies add meaning to life; they complete you in all aspects. Be it the pressure from society, or the personal stigma, having a baby makes your life pleasurable. You can have a baby through a test tube or IVF, if:

  • You are suffering from any infection due to removal of reproductive part (s) for ectopic pregnancy.
  • The intending parent or female partner may have multiple follicles developed in your uterus.
  • The female partner has developed ruptured follicles, creating significant issues for space and conceiving the baby. In such cases, even after 6-8 cycles of fertility treatment, you may not develop a healthy or growing fetus.
  • With decreased ovarian reserve, you can proceed with a test tube baby.
  • If your age is above 35 or 38 and your uterus has lost its capability to hold a healthy baby
  • You have been going through various infertility issues like PCOS, PCOD, and any undetectable reason.

Moreover, the treatment for any infertility comes with emotional phases, willpower, confidence and trust in the doctor and the process, and mental stability. Also, you may require to uphold lot of strength, emotions, feelings and social stigma of not having a baby. This is because IVF or test-tube baby requires lot of trial & error methods. You need to go through lot of injections, laboratory testings, doses and other analysis. This is why many doctors suggest doing natural conceiving one more time before trying any artificial treatment.

What is Test Tube Baby Cost in Delhi?

The essential cost for one cycle of test-tube or IVF includes diagnosis, medication, hormonal injections, and different procedures prescribed by IVF doctors. The IVF cost in India is nearly INR 1 lakh to INR 2 lakh per cycle. In reality, it may rise to more than INR 15 lakh if you sum up the process and the number of cycles. Moreover, the method may vary from person to person and clinic to clinic, or even doctor to doctor. The doctor’s experience helps to determine the success rate of the medical procedure. It is not that after having a test-tube baby, your infertility will vanish. Indeed, it will only help you provide fertility support to conceive. 

Types of IVF or Test Tube Baby Procedure Average Cost (Without Medicines or Injections)** Tentative
IVF Programme Per Cycle INR 1.2 Lakh to INR 1.6 Lakh
IVF Treatment Cost with Intended Parents own Egg INR 1.2 Lakh to INR 2.2 Lakh
IVF Cost with Donor Egg INR 2.75 Lakh to INR 3 Lakh
IVF Treatment with Donor Sperm INR 2 Lakh
IVF with Other Treatments

(Like Laser Hatching, ICSI, PICSI or with PGS/PGD Technique)

Above INR 2 Lakh

To learn more about IVF Treatment Cost in Delhi, different procedures to conceive through medical interventions & learn about IVF/test-tube baby cycles, you can connect with the executives of Vinsfertility.

What Factors Decide the Test Tube Baby Cost in Delhi?

One cycle of test-tube includes a list of processes. The process of IVF includes the five other procedures, like –

  • IVF with Egg,
  • IVF with Sperm or Embryo Donor,
  • IVF with TESA, MESA or PESA
  • IVF with Laser Assisted Hatching
  • IVF with PICSI, IVF with PGD, or other techniques

If there is any infertility issue in males, there are still options to attain parenthood with the ICSI procedure. The typical cost for test-tube may rise above 2 lakh for one cycle, excluding the medications.

When Should You Choose Infertility Programs Like Test Tube Baby or IVF?

There are many reasons which contribute to male or female infertility. Infertility (in medical terms) is the inability to conceive. It further includes the various other definitions :

  • The inability of opposite-sex partner to conceive even after a trial of sexual intercourse for one year or unprotected sex for one year.
  • If you have gone through successful attempt of trial for the baby, and you are above the age of 35; the factor of age may further increase the inability to conceive.
  • The inability of the female partner to conceive after sexual activities for six months and a medical trial of artificial insemination over one year.
  • Defines the inability of a female partner to conceive even after three trials of medical interventions like artificial insemination over six months of time.

Any person going through the issues mentioned above is liable to take the help of medical interventions like IVF, ICSI, surrogacy, etc., only if they want to conceive or have babies.


You may often have the chance of failure even if you take the help of medical science and the process like a test-tube baby. Also, you may likely to face the physical challenge, emotional toll, or a lot of medical therapies to have a healthy baby. It will help if you speak to your gynecologist or healthcare provider to determine the best option. You can ask for support from the counselors, committees, or particular groups to go through the process.


To book appointment or consult our trusted doctors, connect with our executives at Vinsfertility and get a free consultation. You can reach us through a call on +91 8448879134 or can also email us at info@vinsfertility.com.












IVF Treatment Cost in India

IVF Cost in India

IVF, sometimes referred to as “test tube baby” or “in-vitro fertilisation,” is a sophisticated technique used in reproductive assistive technologies. It is a non-surgical and non-invasive procedure that usually takes about 4 to 5 weeks, depending upon the individual patient’s condition.

The IVF cost in India can range from INR 90,000 to INR 3,00,000  for each IVF Cycle, which includes all the charges including the cost of medicines prescribed, injections, procedures, location clinic, Doctor’s Qualifications, IVF treatment type, medical condition, etc. The cost of IVF can fluctuate depending on your choice of the city, the hospital you choose to go for, and several other factors as well.

Why is India a preferred destination for IVF?

The birth of a test-tube baby in 1978 marked the beginning of successful IVF treatment in India. She was the world’s second baby born in a test tube. This demonstrates how good IVF care is in India.

Since then couples from all parts of the world travel to India for IVF treatment as the number and quality of treatments have improved in India. Most important factor which influences people to choose India as their preferred destination for IVF is the cost-effective treatment.

Travelling abroad for fertility treatment is referred to as reproductive tourism, which is also called fertility tourism.

This industry is still in its early stages in India. We are among the best five countries in the world for medical tourism. Thirty percent of individuals seeking treatment are thought to have this country as their preferred destination.

Factors affecting the cost of IVF:

There are enormous factors which affect IVF cost in India,

  • IVF cycles are necessary for a successful conception
  • Selecting a hospital or Fertility Clinic
  • Gynecologist’s consultation fees
  • Embryo freezing costs
  • Expense of donor semen and eggs
  • The price of preoperative diagnostic testing (which, if necessary, may include DNA fragmentation, PGT, PGD, and PGS).
  • Reasons for infertility problems
  • Costs for postoperative consultations
  • Required medication dosages based on age
  • Insurance for donors
  • Aspiration procedure for sperm

Components of IVF treatment cost:

Procedures Cost
Initial ConsultationINR 6,000 -
INR 12,000
Diagnostic TestsINR 17,000 -
INR 30,000
Ovarian StimulationINR 70,000 -
INR 90,000
MonitoringINR 15,000 -
INR 30,000
Egg RetrievalINR 32,000 -
INR 55,000
Sperm PreparationINR 15,000 –
INR 20,000
FertilizationINR 15,000 -
INR 30,000
Embryo CultureIncluded in Fertilization Cost
Embryo TransferINR 30,000 -
INR 35,000
Medications Post-TransferINR 10,000 -
INR 20,000
Pregnancy TestINR 1,000 -
INR 2,000
Total Estimated Cost for Standard IVF CycleINR 1.4 –
INR 2.0 Lakhs
IVF Treatment with Self EggINR 1.0 -
INR 2.4 Lakhs
IVF with Donor EggINR 2.75 –
INR 3.2 Lakhs
IVF with ICSIINR 1.5 -
INR 1.90 Lakhs
IVF Treatment with Donor SpermINR 2.3 Lakhs
IVF with Laser Assisted HatchingINR 2.5 Lakhs
IVF with PGD/PGS TechniqueINR 2.80 –
INR 3.4 Lakhs
IVF with TESA/PESAINR 2.80 –
INR 3.4 Lakhs

There are three main steps involved in IVF treatment:

  • Pre-treatment
  • The IVF Procedure
  • Post-Treatment

Pre-treatment: This step includes consultation fees (Consultation with a fertility specialist to determine the course of treatment and evaluate needs.) and diagnostic tests (Comprises assessments of the fertility state using blood tests, ultrasounds, semen analysis, etc.) involved in IVF treatment.

The IVF Procedure: This procedure includes the following:

  • Ovarian Stimulation: Medicines to increase the ovaries’ ability to generate eggs in large quantities.
  • Monitoring: Blood tests and ultrasounds on a regular basis to track the development of the eggs during ovarian stimulation.
  • Egg Retrieval: An operation to remove eggs from the ovaries.
  • Sperm Preparation: Preparing a sample of sperm for fertilisation.
  • Fertilisation: In vitro fertilisation of eggs and sperm in the lab.
  • Embryo Culture: Growing embryos in the lab for a few days post-fertilization.
  • Embryo Transfer: Placing the embryo(s) into the uterus.

Post-Treatment: This step includes Medications Post-Transfer (Hormonal support post-embryo transfer) and Pregnancy Test (Blood test to confirm pregnancy about two weeks after embryo transfer).

Types of Infertility Treatment in India:

IVF with Donor Egg: A couple may want to think about using donor eggs if they are unable to conceive after trying in vitro fertilisation with the woman’s eggs.

IVF with ICSI: A couple may want to think about using donor eggs if they are unable to conceive after trying in vitro fertilisation with the woman’s eggs.

IVF Treatment with Donor Sperm: IVF works similarly to a standard IVF cycle. The sole distinction is that donor sperm is used to fertilise the eggs rather than the male partner’s sperm fertilising the female partner’s eggs

IVF with Laser Assisted Hatching: The greater the embryo’s chances of attaching or implanting into the uterine wall, the easier it will be for it to hatch.

IVF with PGD/PGS Technique: Before their embryos are implanted, a couple undergoing infertility treatments like IVF might be recommended to have them genetically tested. PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) and PGS (preimplantation genetic screening) are the two tests performed on embryos. Only the embryos devoid of genetic defects are placed in the female’s uterus following the testing

IVF with TESA/PESA: Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA) and Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) are methods used when there are no sperm in the semen to extract sperm directly from the testes/epididymis.

IVF Cost in City:

S.No City Cost Range (INR)
1 Mumbai ₹1,40,000 – ₹ 2,50,000
2 Bangalore ₹1,50,000 – ₹2,65,000
3 Chennai ₹1,40,000 – ₹ 2,30,000
4 Delhi ₹90,000 – ₹ 1, 60,000
5 Nagpur ₹1,80,000 – ₹ 2,20,000
6 Hyderabad ₹1,30,000 – ₹ 1,90,000
7 Pune ₹90,000 – ₹1,20,000
8 Kolkata ₹1,10,000 – ₹1,80,000


Success rate of IVF in India based on female’s age:

The biggest factor influencing the success rate of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is the age of the woman. IVF success rates start to decline after the mid-30s, specifically after the age of 40. This is mainly due to the quality and quantity of women’s egg that decline naturally with age.

Some of the best and low-cost IVF centers in India:

  1. Ayushman Infertility Center, Delhi
  2. Vinsfertility, Delhi
  3. Saraogi Hospital, Mumbai
  4. Riah Fertility Centre, Mumbai
  5. Ayushman Hospital and Health Service, Delhi
  6. Morpheus Mulund Fertility Center, Mumbai
  7. Oasis Fertility Centre, Bangalore
  8. IVF Spring Fertility Clinic, Mumbai
  9. Indira IVF, Kolkata
  10. Chennai Fertility Center, Chennai


1. How much does IVF cost in India?

Ans: In India, the average cost of one cycle of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is between Rs. 90,000 and Rs. 3,00,000.

2. How many cycles of IVF are needed to get pregnant?

Ans: Women with high egg supply have a higher chance of producing a viable embryo during the first cycle and have a good chance of becoming pregnant whereas elderly and patients with low egg supply have to go through more than one cycle of IVF.

3. Are IVF babies normal?

Ans: From a physical and mental viewpoint, children conceived through in vitro fertilisation are no different from other children. They are also equally natural as other kids. IVF is a taboo topic, so many people still have misconceptions about it and are doubtful about it.

4. What is the difference between IVF and ICSI?

Ans: As assisted reproductive treatments (ART), IVF, and ICSI involve fertilising eggs outside the body using sperm. ICSI is utilised when male is the reason for infertility, and IVF is utilised when the reason for infertility is female.

5. Why do IVF babies look different?

Ans: When the egg or sperm are used from the donors in IVF, the child’s appearance may differ slightly from that of the intended parents because the DNA used in the process comes from the donor. In this case, the baby may inherit the donor’s eye colour, hair type, and other characteristics.

Top 20 Best IVF Centres in India with High Success Rate

Best IVF Centre in India

Globally, there has been an increase in the demand for IVF treatments. Globally, infertility issues are on the rise, and sedentary and bad lifestyle choices are to blame. One of the oldest and most popular treatments for couples looking to conceive is in vitro fertilization (IVF).

The likelihood of conception has increased for couples with infertility problems like endometriosis, ovarian failure, obstructed fallopian tubes, ovulation abnormalities, and decreased sperm production due to advancements in technology and IVF success rates.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a type of assisted reproductive technology that involves retrieving eggs from a woman’s ovaries and fertilizing them with the retrieved male sperm. IVF process includes ovulation induction, egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo transfer, and implantation into the uterus. After performing these steps successfully, a positive embryo is formed.

To know more about IVF process in detail, please refer Various steps of the IVF process

When to choose IVF?

  • Prolonged infertility: If there is an inability to get pregnant even after trying for many years or you have faced 2-3 failed pregnancies then you should choose IVF.
  • Endometriosis: In endometriosis there is development of uterine lining outside uterus making it difficult for embryo implantation in such cases IVF is chosen so that embryo is directly placed into uterus reducing the complications.
  • Genetic disorders: If you or your partner face some kind of genetic disorders then you can choose IVF using donor eggs or sperm method depending on which of the either partner is the cause of inheritance and also to ensure that the embryo is free of any kind of genetic abnormality you can go for Pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT).
  • Ovulation disorders like PCOS and PCOD, blockage of fallopian tubes or uterine fibroids can be reasons of choosing IVF.
  • LGBTQ+ and surrogacy: IVF can help LGBTQ+ community people to achieve their dream of parenthood via surrogacy.
  • Male infertility: Factors like low sperm count, poor sperm motility can be reasons of male infertility. Using IVF with ICSI (Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection can help overcome male infertility.

Have you been looking for best IVF centres in India with high success rates that can make your dream of becoming parents come to life? We, at Vinsfertility will help you in achieving your dream of parenthood. Here you can find the list of Top 15 Best IVF Centre in India 2024 with IVF Cost in India,  IVF success rate in India and best IVF doctor in India.

The best IVF centres in India are chosen based on IVF success rates in India, treatment quality, patient’s opinion, doctor’s qualification, and location accessibility:

    1. Elixir Fertility Center, Delhi, India (Best IVF Centre in India)
    2. Fertility Research Centre, Delhi, India (Best IVF Centre in India)
    3. Vins Fertility & IVF Centre, Delhi, India  (Best IVF Centre in India)
    4. Akanksha IVF Centre, Delhi, India (Best IVF Centre in India)
    5. Aarush IVF & Endoscopy Centre, Mumbai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)
    6. Morpheus Andheri International IVF Center, Mumbai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)
    7. Nova IVF Fertility, Mumbai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)
    8. IVF Spring Fertility Clinic, Mumbai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)
    9. Aakash Fertility Centre & Hospital, Chennai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)
    10. Indigo Women Center, Chennai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)
    11. Jananam Fertility Centre, Chennai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)
    12. Chennai Fertility Center, Chennai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)
    13. Indira IVF, Kolkata, India (Best IVF Centre in India)
    14. Care IVF, Kolkata, India (Best IVF Centre in India)
    15. Motherhood Fertility, Kolkata, India (Best IVF Centre in India)

1. Elixir Fertility Center, Delhi, India (Best IVF Centre in India)

  • Address & Directions: #5, Vardhaman Royal Plaza, LSC Gujranwala Town 1, New Delhi, Delhi 110009
  • IVF Doctors: Dr. Puneet Kochhar (Gynecologist & IVF Specialist)
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs.130,000
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs.21,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs.1,500,000
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Reviews & Rating: 53 Google reviews
  • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
  • Book Free Appointment: +91 9643264509
  • Website: https://www.elixirfertility.com/

Elixir IVF Centre is a standalone IVF Centre in Delhi NCR with an excellent and experienced team of IVF specialist and embryologists, who can offer you today’s most advanced and effective procedures in IVF treatment. Our IVF Specialists and embryologists have been trained and have worked in some of the Best IVF Centers of the world, including the UK, Germany, Singapore, and India. Elixir Fertility Centre in Delhi aims to give you the best chance of having a healthy baby while providing you a calm environment to make you feel at home.

As our patient, you will be guided with complete transparency through selecting options and going through your treatment plan. Elixir Fertility IVF Center is a specialized infertility treatment that has a great combination of experts with vast experience (in the field of infertility and recurrent miscarriages), and most recent and advanced treatment modalities. Our highly experienced team of IVF specialists and embryologists has been trained in various world-class infertility centers in different countries of the world such as Germany, the UK, Singapore, and India. Thus, we provide you the best chance of having a baby through IVF and other assisted reproductive techniques.

Delhi offers many other best options and provides a range of Best IVF centres in Delhi.

2. Fertility Research Centre, Delhi, India 

  • IVF Doctors: Dr. Priyanka Gupta (Infertility Specialist, Obs & Gynae, Gold Medalist)
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs.130,000
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs.21,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs.1,500,000
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Reviews & Rating: 
  • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
  • Book Free Appointment: +91 9643264509
  • Website: 

Fertility Research Centre, for Assisted Reproduction, offers world-class treatment in India following all the advanced procedures, techniques, and equipment, which have been making a significant mark to its high success rate. Fertility Research Centre has a team of IVF specialists, Embryologists, Ultrasonologists and Andrologists. Dr. Priyanka Gupta who established it is an IVF expert for reproductive medicine & technology and has completed 25 successful years in the field of assisted reproduction, reproductive medicine, and reproductive technology with an expandable experience and to keep performing the successful treatments. Now performs around 1500 fertility treatment cycles every year with the astonishing success rate of 55-81%* (varies depending upon case to case).

Fertility Research Centre has successfully delivered more than 11,000+ ART healthy babies. We have done more than 860 Surrogacy procedures, 4,875 Egg Donor procedures, 2,265+ Post-Menopausal procedures, and more than 2,800+ Twin, babies.  Fertility Research Centre in Delhi India is a super-Specialty center that has all facilities all under one roof, dedicated exclusively to the treatment of childlessness & Infertility. Our focus is that each & every couple must be able to experience & enjoy every moment of parenthood because we believe that everyone deserves to have their own happy family.

3. Vinsfertility Centre, Delhi, India (Best IVF Centre in India)

  • Address & Directions: 3rd Floor, WZ-20, Nangli Jalib, Janakpuri East, New Delhi, Delhi 110058
  • IVF Doctors: Dr. Sharma, etc.
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs.114,000 to Rs.253,000
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost:  Rs.6,000 to Rs.44,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs.1,080,000 to Rs.1,760,000
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, Infertility Treatments, etc.
  • Reviews & Rating: 4.6 – 348 Google reviews
  • Fertility Success Rate: 70%
  • Book Free Appointment: +91 9643264509
  • Website: https://www.vinsfertility.com

Vins IVF Centre is a highly Advanced IVF Clinic in Delhi with the endeavor to provide “High Success at Low Cost” Fertility Treatment. It is our VISION to set benchmarks in the field of Fertility management globally, through cutting edge technology, most advanced treatment protocols, & a highly acclaimed team of doctors, embryologists & support staff. It is our MISSION to achieve high success rates at the lowest cost, through highly customized fertility care, internationally accepted protocols & best global practices. We strongly believe in bringing transparency & honesty to Fertility care in India. We carry out egg donation & surrogacy through our sister concern WSC. This makes Vinsfertility a comprehensive Fertility Centre providing 360-degree fertility solutions under 1 roof. We are one of the few recognized professionally run healthcare centers in India. Vinsfertility offers comprehensive Infertility, Surrogacy, and Test Tube Baby Solutions in India. Highly Accomplished Team of Vins IVF. We work on the ethos of C-A-T, ie. Compassion (C), Accountability (A), Transparency (T). We strive tirelessly to send back each one of you with a healthy baby. We understand, there cannot be a stronger human emotion than the desire ‘to have Your Little One!’ Vinsfertility is our endeavor to be part of your journey towards parenthood.

Dr. Sharma is a world-class Senior Fertility Doctor & IVF Consultant in Delhi. After her MS in Obs. & Gynae., she has done a Post Doctoral Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine from one of the premiers Assisted Conception Centres of India at Bangalore. As an IVF Consultant Delhi, she has an extensive domestic & international (UK) experience of over 7 years exclusively in the field of reproductive medicine. She follows global treatment protocols to match international standards & achieve high success rates.

4. Akanksha IVF Centre, Delhi, India (Best IVF Centre in India)

Akanksha IVF Centre

  • Address & Directions: IVF Specialist Dr. K.D. Nayar Room No 711, Mata Chanan Devi Hospital, C-1 Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi, Delhi 110058
  • IVF Doctors: Dr. K.D Nayar (IVF Specialists)
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs.130,000
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs.21,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs.1,500,000
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Reviews & Rating: 74 Google reviews
  • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
  • Book Free Appointment: +91 9643264509
  • Website: https://www.akankshaivfcentre.com/

Akanksha IVF center and our state of ART laboratory are motivated to make this life-changing journey as simple and stress-free as possible. Akanksha IVF established in 2002 to provide the best possible outcome for every couple who seeks our help. Akanksha IVF center supports patients to achieve parenthood which is also incredibly important for increasing chances of success and also for the support and future pathways offered to the patient. Our chief consultant Dr. K.D Nayar is a well-known name in the field of IVF and a renowned infertility specialist having several years of experience, efficiency to do work.

He has also obtained prestigious training from abroad. Dr. K. D. Nayar is credited with several national & international awards. Dr. K. D. Nayar heads the biggest and experienced team in Delhi including 4 Clinical consultants, 4 Embryologists, Counselor, Andrologistand 18 staff members, which is enough skilled to perform high results. Here the couple is investigated together to ascertain the various factors that are in any way affecting their ability to conceive. After a detailed history and physical examination, investigations are planned which may vary from couple to couple which helps in deciding the most suitable treatment options from among the various Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) available at Akanksha i. e. IUI, IVF (Test Tube Baby), Surrogacy Services, Egg sharing / Donation and Embryo Freezing.

5. Aarush IVF & Endoscopy Centre, Mumbai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)

Aarush IVF

  • Address & Directions: Gautam Buddh Marg, Malad, Orlem, Lourdes Colony, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064
  • IVF Doctors: Dr. Mukesh Agrawal | Director, etc
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs.130,000
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs.21,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs.1,500,000
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Reviews & Rating: 32 Google reviews
  • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
  • Book Free Appointment: +91 9643264509
  • Website: https://www.aarushivf.com/

At Aarush IVF & Endoscopy Centre we have just the right personnel in the form of Dr. Mukesh Agrawal, Dr. Simi Kawar, Dr. Shilpa Saple, Mrs. Nidhi Agrawal and Ms. Shreya Agrawal. At Aarush IVF, Mumbai, our goal is to provide patient-centric fertility treatment with state-of-the ART facilities at an affordable cost. Over 20 years of experience in the field of IVF. Credited with first test-tube baby of Western suburbs of Mumbai. We believe each case is unique, complete evaluation based on the patient profile, past treatment is taken, necessary investigations are suggested and the treatment plan is tailored. ICMR registered fertility center in Malad & Mira Road (Mumbai). FIQH accreditation in Excellent category, ISO-2000 certified, FOGSI recognized training center for Infertility & Endoscopy.

Dr. Mukesh Agrawal | Director | MD, DNB, DGO, DFP, DICOG. Dr. Mukesh Agrawal completed his graduation from Seth G. S Medical College and K.E.M hospital Mumbai. After acquiring the necessary skills infertility management in UK and Singapore he started his first venture New Hope Fertility and IVF Centre way back in 1998. He is credited to accomplish the first successful IVF pregnancy in the western suburbs. Apart from regularly updating his knowledge by attending national and international conferences, he has conducted many CMEs and workshops of IUI, IVF training. He is certified by FOGSI for training in advanced Infertility and Endoscopy courses. He has trained more than 200 doctors from all over the country.

Mumbai offers many other best options and provides a range of Best IVF centres in Mumbai.

6. Morpheus Andheri International IVF Center, Mumbai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)

Morpheus Andheri International IVF Center

  • Address & Directions: #2 Ashok Nagar Society, 11th NS Road, Juhu Scheme, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400049
  • IVF Doctors: Dr. Sheetal Sawanka
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs.130,000
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs.21,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs.1,500,000
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Reviews & Rating: 18 Google reviews
  • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
  • Book Free Appointment: +91 9643264509
  • Website: https://www.morpheusivf.com/

We at Morpheus IVF offer world-class solutions infertility treatments with the help of cutting edge tools and the experience of leading gynecologists and resourceful German doctors to deliver result-oriented and cost-effective plans to leverage the ideal outcome. Morpheus IVF is India’s leading chain of Indo – German fertility centers. Morpheus IVF is the first company to set up an organized chain of IVF clinics in India. Backed by the vast experience of our German Doctors along with a team of leading Gynaecologists from India, the fertility centers are among the best IVF clinics in India. The team of Gynecologists in India brings to you more than 100+ years of experience in the field of fertility management.

Morpheus IVF Embryology Labs are equipped with the latest State-of-the-art equipment imported from leading suppliers across the world. Our IVF labs adhere to internationally accepted protocols and quality systems for the handling of eggs and sperms. We offer a unique program titled “Double Your Chances of Pregnancy” for IVF / ICSI treatment. It is a clinically result-oriented and cost-effective treatment plan. Under this program, you get the second cycle at no extra procedural cost, if the first cycle does not lead to clinical pregnancy (conditions apply). Dr. Sheetal Sawankar is General Manager – Gynecology & Fertility at Morpheus Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. and also operates as Medical Director of Morpheus Juhu Fertility Center. She has pursued her Diploma in Reproductive Medicine & Embryology from the International School of Medicine in Keil, Germany. She also completed her Masters in Reproductive Medicine from Homerton University Hospital Foundation Trust, London, UK. Dr. Sheetal has extensive experience in handling various fertility problems like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Endometriosis and Recurrent Implantation failure and has a special interest in Minimal Stimulation IVF and natural cycle IVF for poor responders.

7. Nova IVF Fertility, Mumbai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)

Nova IVF Fertility

  • Address & Directions: Near, Unit No. 101, 1st Floor, Sharayan Audeus Building, Above Hard Rock Cafe Andheri West, Off Link Road, Veera Desai Road, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400053
  • IVF Doctors: Dr. Ritu HindujaDr. Sulbha Arora
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs.130,000
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs.21,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs.1,500,000
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Reviews & Rating: 78 Google reviews
  • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
  • Book Free Appointment: +91 9643264509
  • Website: https://www.novaivffertility.com/

Nova IVF Fertility is India’s leading chain of fertility and IVF centers and has the vision to be the best-in-class in the field of infertility treatments. Our core ethos is patient satisfaction and safety. Our mission is to provide standardized, high-quality fertility treatments cost-effectively and transparently. With a vision to provide best-in-class fertility treatment, all Nova IVF centers in India are equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure. The treatment cost of IVF at Nova IVF Fertility centers are affordable and completely transparent. The Nova centers across India provide financial guidance and counseling for their patients.

The team at the Nova IVF Fertility center in Kankaria is made up of highly qualified fertility consultants, in-house embryologists, clinical counselors, and all the support staff who come together and strive to give you the best experience with everything related to your fertility treatment. This center has an andrology lab where the assessment of the semen samples is carried out. The highly qualified team of counselors also provide counseling to all their patients. Nova IVF Fertility also in following cities Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Coimbatore, Delhi, Hisar, Hyderabad, Indore, Jalandhar, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Pune, Surat, Vijayawada.

8. IVF Spring Fertility Clinic, Mumbai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)

IVF Spring Fertility Clinic

  • Address & Directions: 3rd Floor, 3C Trust House, Global Hospital Annexe Building, Dr. Ernest Borges Rd, Parel East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012
  • IVF Doctors: Dr. Anjali Ajit Deval
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs.130,000
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs.21,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs.1,500,000
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Reviews & Rating: 32 Google reviews
  • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
  • Book Free Appointment: +91 9643264509
  • Website: https://ivfspring.com/

IVF Spring is a leading accredited fertility clinic, established in 2014 and located in the pulsating Mumbai City. We are a reputed name in the Indian Medical Industry for the best IVF treatment in Mumbai; we specialize in all types of fertility treatments. Our center is led by the acclaimed Dr. Anjali Deval -leading infertility specialist and gynecologist in India with over 15 years of experience, supported by a team of dedicated expert consultants, nurses, healthcare assistants, and embryologists. Dr. Anjali Deval’s personalized treatment approach with advanced technology has achieved superior pregnancy success rates and healthier babies Our Doctors in Mumbai are the best in India for you to get pregnant as they ensure the patients are individually attended; they are the best IVF doctors in Mumbai without a doubt. Best IVF clinic in Mumbai, IVF Spring Fertility Centre also promises a whole new experience of tranquillity when going through infertility. IVF Spring understands your infertility struggles, and so we make sure to balance your optimism with realism.

Dr. Anjali Ajit Deval is the Director of IVF Spring Fertility Center Mumbai. With 15+ years’ practice experience as an infertility specialist and gynecologist, she is a fertility expert and under her guidance, the clinic has grown into a leading fertility center in Mumbai. She started the center in 2013. Before this, Since 2013 she has been practiced with many leading Hospitals in Mumbai like Fortis, Hiranandani Hospital, Metropolis Healthcare Ltd. She completed her post-graduation from Sion Hospital, Mumbai University and has done her MBBS from MGM College Indore University. A very strong person academically Dr. Anjali Deval has published many research papers and has written in the Mid-Day for 5 long years where she has been advising people on infertility and gynecology.

9. Aakash Fertility Centre & Hospital, Chennai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)

Aakash Fertility Centre and Hospital

  • Address & Directions: 10, 100 Feet Road, Opp. Hotel Ambika Empire, Vadapalani, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600026
  • IVF Doctors: Dr. K.S. Jeyarani Kamaraj
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs. 130,000
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 21,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs. 1,500,000
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Reviews & Rating: 829 Google reviews
  • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
  • Book Free Appointment: +91 9643264509
  • Website: https://www.aakashfertilitycentre.in/

Aakash Fertility Centre & Hospital is the first hospital exclusively focused on reproductive medicine in India. Aakash Hospital Chennai is located at Vadapalani and has been a beacon of hope to many who have been unsuccessful at having kids. The hospital has state of the art, fully equipped modern Operation Theatres to perform Microsurgeries for tubal repair, Laparoscopic surgeries, etc. The hospital offers a range of infertility investigation and treatment for both men and women and include such Biochemistry, Hormone Assays, tubal patency tests, Ultrasonogram Semen analysis, testicular biopsy, IUI (Insemination), IVF (Test Tube Baby), Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm injection, Micro Surgery for Tube Repair, Semen Banking, Embryo Freezing, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, Erectile Dysfunction Shockwave Therapy (EDST), Assisted Hatching and PGD. 

Dr. Kamaraj is a Consultant in Sexual Medicine. He graduated from Madras Medical College Chennai, he completed his DMRD (1986-1988) from Stanley Medical College, Madras University, and MD (General medicine) from Coimbatore Medical College. Ph.D. (Reproductive Medicine) ( First Ph.D. in Reproductive medicine in India)(1997-2002) Apollo Hospital, Chennai, TN.DR.M.G.R.Medical University, he did his Masters in Health Sciences ( Sexual and Reproductive Medicine) Annamalai University.

Chennai offers many other best options and provides a range of Best IVF centres in Chennai.

10. Indigo Womens Center, Chennai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)

Indigo Womens Center

    • Address & Directions: No. 995, B – H, AJ Block 2nd St, Anna Nagar, Ranganathan Garden, Anna Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600040
    • IVF Doctors: Dr. Sarat Battina (reproductive medicine and consultant gynecologist)
    • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs. 130,000
    • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 21,000
    • Surrogacy Cost: Rs. 1,500,000
    • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
    • Reviews & Rating: 495 Google reviews
    • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
    • Book Free Appointment: +91 9643264509
    • Website: https://indigowomenscenter.com/

Indigo Womens Center is a NABH Accredited, ISO certified hospital dedicated to women’s health. Established in 2016, we have rapidly become the best destination for fertility treatment in Chennai. Our hospital’s strategy is“patients first”, where we give top priority to quality healthcare above everything else. Our core services include Fertility treatment (IVF/IUI/ICSI), Laparoscopic Services, Maternity, Weight Loss Programs, Diagnostics, and Aesthetics. We don’t believe in invasive marketing; we are driven by patient satisfaction which is the single most important reason for our rapid growth. Each patient is her own best advocate. Unfortunately, due to the large amounts of misinformation provided online, there is confusion regarding healthcare delivery and treatments. For this reason alone, we always urge patients to get a second opinion wherever possible. For a free consultation, feel free to Contact Us and one of our doctors will get back to you regarding the treatment options available to you. Our goal is to educate patients by providing evidence-based information on the best treatments available.

Our doctor, Dr.Sarat Battina has performed the “FIRST GIFT BABY” of Tamil Nadu in 1989.For a complete list of all fertility services provided at our hospital. Our hospital is comfortably located in the heart of Chennai, in Anna Nagar. We are conveniently located between two metro stations (Thirumangalam metro station and Tower Metro Station). We also provide ample parking in and around our hospital. Being one of the best hospitals in Chennai, we are proud of our IVF live birth rates which have consistently been one of the highest in Tamil Nadu. However, don’t take our word for it. We are proud of the IVF success rate and we have been the highest in Tamil Nadu. However, don’t take our word for it. Do your bit of research online about Dr.Sarat Battina or Indigo womens center.

11. Jananam Fertility Centre, Chennai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)

Jananam Fertility Centre

  • Address & Directions: 22, 10, 11, 1st St, Kazura Garden, Neelankarai, Tamil Nadu 600115
  • IVF Doctors: Dr. Vani Sundarapandian
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs. 130,000
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 21,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs. 1,500,000
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Reviews & Rating: 534 Google reviews
  • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
  • Book Free Appointment: +91 9643264509

Why Choose Jananam Fertility Centre, Chennai, In this fast-paced world what most of us seek is personalized care and answers to the most difficult questions. From the moment you enter our hospital to the moment you step out, we strive to give unwavering individualized care and crystal clear transparency. Each member of our team cherishes in the miracle that is birth. This leads to them working day in and day out towards making this miracle happen for couples. To aid this unwavering intent we are equipped with ISAR & ISO 9001 certifications. Our cleanroom labs are clad with antimicrobial wall cladding and are primed for optimal performance which ensures that only quality embryos are prepared. At the end of the day, this results in our great success rates across different types of fertility treatments. Our success rates have always been on the upward trend thanks to our constant efforts to keep pace with newer and advanced technologies.

We, at Jananam, pride ourselves on providing individualized care to couples. We consider it our duty and privilege to ensure that each couple receives a tailor-made treatment plan and attention to further their chances of success. At Jananam, we believe in crystal clear communication with couples about their treatment plan and cost. Our counselors, doctors, and the team will walk you through the process and answer your queries every step of the way. When we decided to start a fertility center in Chennai, we knew it was a huge responsibility. But then, we also realized it was a great opportunity as well. An opportunity to be one of the best fertility hospitals in Chennai by making a significant difference in the lives of couples.

12. Chennai Fertility Center, Chennai, India (Best IVF Centre in India)

Chennai Fertility Center

  • Address & Directions: 79/129, Nelson Manickam Road, Opp Raymond Showroom, Aminjikarai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600029
  • IVF Doctors: Dr. V M Thomas (IVF & Infertility Specialist), Dr. Punithavathi NDr. Gautam. B. HanjiDr. Smisha Sridev
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs. 130,000
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 21,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs. 1,500,000
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Reviews & Rating: 373 Google reviews
  • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
  • Book Free Appointment: +91 9643264509
  • Website: https://chennaifertilitycenter.com/

Chennai Fertility Center is one of the best fertility centers in Chennai founded and managed by Dr.Thomas the renowned Embryologist and fertility specialist. Chennai Fertility was founded in the year 20013 by Dr.Thomas after the realization of the need for quality fertility care and specialization in solving the issues couples faced concerning infertility. Dr.Thomas is one of the forerunners who brought infertility treatments, he brought in the most high-end and cutting edge fertility treatments within a highly appealing hospital atmosphere. Chennai Fertility Center has the best progress over the years with the number of patients flowing in and getting the kind of care & treatment they deserve. Chennai Fertility Center is known to be that one source of healthcare solution with unparalleled quality of care, highest success rate and immensely experienced physicians for the specialty. Chennai Fertility Center over the years has achieved unshakable trust with the added strength of Dr.Thomas’s practice, state-of-the-art infrastructure and excellent capabilities of the team at Chennai Fertility Center.

There are several high-end and rare treatments at Chennai Fertility Center that are performed with excellent accuracy and utmost care to achieve success for the patients. The best part about Chennai Fertility Center is that all facilities under one roof. Chennai Fertility Center (CFC) is a top-rated fertility center in Chennai dedicated to helping childless couples to build families. We take pride in calling ourselves the best fertility hospital in Chennai with the most effective IVF treatment. Over 23,000+ IVF/ICSI babies delivered worldwide. Schedule your Appointment Today. Chennai Fertility Center (CFC) has centralized laboratory facilities for IVF treatment. Our fertility specialists have extensive expertise in treating all types of fertility from basic to complex fertility services. We have the highest success rate in ART pregnancies. We’re proud to say again that our team is currently holding a record of 23000+ successful deliveries across the globe and we are consistently recognized as the best fertility clinics with top IVF specialists in Chennai.

13. Indira IVF, Kolkata, India (Best IVF Centre in India)

  • Address & Directions: 3rd Pataka House, 57-B, Mirza Ghalib St, Park Street area, Kolkata, West Bengal 700016
  • IVF Doctors: Dr. Akanksha Jangid (Gynaecologist & IVF Specialist),  Dr. Shreya Bhattacharya
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs. 130,000
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 21,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Not available
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI etc.
  • Reviews & Rating: 137 Google reviews
  • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
  • Book Free Appointment: +91 9643264509
  • Website: https://www.indiraivf.com/

At Indira IVF Hospital, we have been creating miracles of birth for the past 40 years. With the most advanced medical technologies, state-of-the-art infrastructure and personalized care, our nationally recognized infertility specialists can work closely with you to develop a tailored fertility solution to optimize the chances of your pregnancy. Indira IVF is the brainchild of Dr. Ajay Murdia (a career spanning more than three decades), which has now grown into one of the leading fertility chains in India from its humble beginnings with IVF centers across the length and breadth of the Indian peninsula. We, at the Indira IVF group of fertility clinics, know that you both are going to be a marvelous parent this world has ever known and yet you have no one to shower all this love to. Since infertility has challenged you, we are here to change all that for you and you are going to come out stronger from it. We are equipped with world-class technology and state-of-the-art infrastructure, which caters to a host of infertility treatments like IVF (In vitro fertilization), Laser Assisted Hatching, Cryopreservation, ICSI, IUI, Blastocyst culture and transfer, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy including donor programs.

Indira IVF center is the pioneer in providing affordable yet creditable infertility curation to the common people for the first time in India. It is armed with the state-of-the-art infrastructure, advanced equipment and a pool of renowned physicians. We started with a two-room clinic back in 1988 and today we stand tall as one of the most esteemed and prestigious IVF service providers in the country and beyond. We are deeply committed to providing all the primary and ancillary services related to your treatment under the same roof because we understand the significance of a concerted, meticulous and well-oiled network for your pregnancy success. Dr. Ajay Murdia is a renowned IVF specialist whose research has been published in a well-known medical journal called “The Lancet” in the UK. With a vision to eradicate infertility from India, Dr. Ajay Murdia established Indira IVF in the year 1988. Initially, the main focus of Indira IVF was male infertility, although now it aims to provide advanced fertility centers across India for both men and women. For affordable treatment to common people, “Closed Working Chamber”, an advanced IVF technique imported from Australia, was introduced to increase the chances of conceiving in May 2011.

14. Care IVF, Kolkata, India (Best IVF Centre in India)

    • Address & Directions: 88B, Sarat Bose Rd, Near Shishu Mangal Hospital, Garcha, Ballygunge, Kolkata, West Bengal 700026
    • IVF Doctors: Dr. Aditi Kanungo (Infertility Specialist and Laparoscopic Surgeon Medical Director, Care IVF)
    • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs. 130,000
    • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 21,000
    • Surrogacy Cost: Rs. 1,500,000
    • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
    • Reviews & Rating: 203 Google reviews
    • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
    • Book Free Appointment: +91 9643264509
    • Website: https://www.careivfkolkata.com/

Rated the No.1 Fertility Center In Kolkata and East India two years in a row by TOI Survey 2015 & 16 and Rank Top 10 all India, Care IVF group is the most trusted IVF center in the East. We have garnered a lot of respect and credibility from our patients via countless reviews, ratings, success stories and testimonials. With 7 Fertility Experts, 12 Counsellors, 50 plus associate consultants, 4 centers across Eastern India, 2 surrogate houses, one of the Largest Sperm and Oocyte banks in India and a growing city-wide presence in Eastern India, Care IVF is dedicated to the goal of helping couples have healthy babies. Care IVF is also the Centre of Excellence in Medical Ultrasound and is the 1 st and only center in Eastern India to offer Live Ultrasound Training Programs for doctors covering Infertility Imaging, Basic and Advanced Ultrasound diagnosis in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility, 3D-4D Doppler and Fetal Echo.

This success can be further increased with the use of Advanced Assisted Reproductive Techniques available at Care IVF. The rate of success in IVF can be further improved up to 65% if coupled with one or a combination of Advanced Procedures like ERA (Endometrial Receptivity Array), LAH (Laser-Assisted Hatching) and FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer). Care IVF is the first center to start Pre Genetic Screening and Pre Genetic Diagnosis of Embryos using CGH Technology. Recommended for Couples who have a family history of Genetic Disease and for Couples with advanced age (> 35). Care IVF has a highly experienced panel of Infertility specialists who handle on an average more than 1000 IVF cycles per year and 2000 IUI procedures per year. Infertility Specialists at Care IVF are specialized in handling PRE IVF evaluation, all clinical protocols about IVF treatment like Follicular scans, Ovarian stimulation, Oocyte retrieval, Endometrium stimulation, and monitoring, Embryo Transfer, pregnancy monitoring, delivery, and postpartum Care and Management.

Kolkata offers many other best options and provides a range of Best IVF centres in Kolkata

15. Motherhood Fertility, Kolkata, India (Best IVF Centre in India)

Motherhood Fertility

  • Address & Directions: 1st floor, P 30, CIT Scheme, Kankurgachi Municipal Market (VIP), Kadapara, Phool Bagan, Kankurgachi, Kolkata, West Bengal 700054
  • IVF Doctors: Dr. Rohit Gutgutia
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs. 130,000
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 21,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs. 1,500,000
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Reviews & Rating: 175 Google reviews
  • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
  • Book Free Appointment: +91 9643264509

Rhea Healthcare Private Limited, operating under the brand name Motherhood Hospitals, provides comprehensive care for women and children in services ranging from Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Foetal care, Neonatology, Paediatrics, and Fertility care. Rhea Healthcare Private Ltd is a subsidiary of Asia Health Care Holdings, a company with significant interests in single-specialty healthcare platforms such as women & child care, fertility care, and comprehensive oncology care, across India and South Asia. Rhea Healthcare Private Ltd has acquired a majority stake in Papilio Healthcare Private Limited, a Kolkata based healthcare provider, specialized in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) through IUI and IVF.

Having rechristened as “Motherhood Fertility (East) Private Limited” (MFPL), the new entity will focus on being the leading fertility healthcare service provider in West Bengal and entire Eastern India with further plans to expand into neighboring countries such Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar. We are currently present at Kankurgachi, Kasba, New Town, Siliguri, Patna, and Ranchi. Motherhood Fertility has a specialized team in eastern India, comprising of senior members who have vast experience in infertility, with over 100 years of collective experience. The professional teams backing the organization has been working in this space and are well-versed with the technicality of procedures and are trying their level best to make the experience patient-friendly, as a whole. Our full-time Fertility specialists, Embryologists, Gynaecologist, Radiologists, Paediatricians, Laparoscopic Surgeons are efficient in dealing with all aspects of reproductive technology and striving tirelessly to achieve better outcomes for our patients.

16. Jaslok Hospital & Research Center – Jaslok Fertiltree (Best IVF Centre in India)

      • Address and Directions: 15, Dr. G. Deshmukh Marg, Mumbai- 400026
      • IVF Doctors: Dr. Firuza Parikh
      • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs. 130,000
      • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 21,000
      • Surrogacy Cost: Rs. 1,500,000
      • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
      • Reviews & Rating: 4.9 – 624 Google reviews
      • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
      • Book Free Appointment: 022 40173014
      • Website: https://www.jaslokhospital.net/

Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre has its fertility brand called Jaslok Fertiltree, which is doing really commendable work in Mumbai. This is a completely dedicated centre to treat all kinds of infertility issues that a man or a woman may face. They have nearly 50 members in their Surrogacy, Genetics and IVF teams, where 11 IVF-qualified doctors and 8 proficient embryologists are experts in every aspect of IVF research and treatments, such as Oocyte, PGT, IMSI & ICSI, Ovarian cortex freezing. Their genetic team consists of 11 specialists who pioneered a lot of new techniques that were never done before in India. They had the first set of babies across India through Cumulus Aided Transfer, Laser Hatching, TESA and ICSI. In fact, their generics laboratory has a lot of ‘firsts’ in various translocations, which is indeed a rare thing. They even have the first of the BRCA1 & BRCA2 mutation-free babies born to their technological credits. They also get references from everywhere for the matching sib of Thalassemia HLA, which allows them to deliver babies that are thalassemia-free. With their extraordinary medical achievements, they are also the first in the nation to bring AI for pregnancy rate improvements by clicking static images of the embryos in the womb.

In their decades of 33-year journey of delivering IVF treatment, by 2023 they already crossed the mark of treating 20,000 patients.  The director of Jasok Fertiltree, Dr. Firuza Parikh is also the director of Genetics and Assisted Reproduction at Jaslok Hospital. Their vision is to get IVF technology within the reach of everyone, whosoever may need it. The IVF centre not just has patients coming from Mumbai and Maharashtra but from the entire nation as well as foreign countries.

17. Apollo Fertility Centre (Best IVF Centre in India)

  • Address and Directions: Dharani Devi building, Plot No. 565, Road No. 92, Jubilee Hills Co-Op building Society Ltd Hyderabad – 500034
  • IVF Doctors: Dr. Yadavalli Lakshmi Prasanna, Dr. Avani Manam, Dr. Priyank Salecha, Dr. Aradhya Achuri, Dr. Sunitha Ilinani
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs. 130,000
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 21,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs. 1,500,000
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Reviews & Rating: 4.6 – 590 Google reviews
  • Fertility Success Rate: 75%
  • Book Free Appointment: 18605004424
  • Website: https://www.apollofertility.com/hyderabad

Apollo runs a huge chain of hospitals across India, where one of its wings exclusively caters to IVF and Reproductive Medicine. The Apollo Fertility Centre based out of Banjara Hills of Hyderabad city is considered one of the most impact-making IVF hospitals that has advanced HSG & ICSI, IUI treatments and experienced IVF specialists. They provide various specialized and effective investigative procedures that offer infertility solutions to women and men, who want to have children but are sadly failing to have one. The success of Apollo Fertility Centre is based on the combination of a direct patient-centric method that is delivered by their proficient team, who are all experts in their designated reproductive medicine areas. Their state-of-the-art technologies with specific clinical protocols which are pretty closely monitored, give the patients the opportunity to increase their probability of getting pregnant.

The 40 years of clinical excellence that Apollo has, combined with their unbeatable expertise in IVF, Apollo Fertility has offered hope as well as happiness to more than 28,000 couples from India and abroad. Their positive intervention that enhances the pre-fertility and post-fertility quality of treatment is delivered with utmost guidance and care. All their protocols are perfectly designed to tackle both man’s and woman’s infertility issues, which is combined with surgical, clinical as well as the most important aspect of them all, psychological intervention. Their team has experts in Reproductive medicine, Fertility, Reproductive endocrinology, Andrology, Embryology, counsellors and Laparoscopic surgeons who help in fertility enhancement.

18. Cloudnine Hospital 

    • Address and Directions: Cloudnine Fertility Hospital – Ground Floor, MSJ House, Plot No. A-2, Mayfield Gardens, Sector 47, Gurgaon, Gurugram, Haryana 122003
    • IVF Doctors: Dr. Kishore Kumar, Mr. Rohit M. A.
    • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs. 130,000
    • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 21,000
    • Surrogacy Cost: Rs. 1,500,000
    • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
    • Reviews & Rating: 4.6 – 590 Google reviews
    • Fertility Success Rate: 70%
    • Book Free Appointment: +91 9972899728
    • Website: https://www.cloudninefertility.com/

Cloudnine Hospital is based out of Gurgaon and it is known for its advanced fertility technologies. They have given some really complex yet commendable solutions to their patients, who lost all hope before reaching Cloudnine. Led by Dr. Kishore Kumar and Mr. Rohit M.A., the fertility treatment team utilizes time-lapse embryo monitoring technology, LAH technology, Preimplantation genetic testing or PGT, Preimplantation genetic screening or PGS, Preimplantation genetic diagnosis or PGD, technology for fragmenting sperm DNA, Micro testicular sperm extraction or micro TESE and Intracytoplasmic sperm injection technology to solve the issues of couples who suffer from infertility issues.

Cloudnine doesn’t believe that one plan could fit all patients. Hence, they tailor a perfect-fitting treatment plan to resolve the infertility issue of their patients. They tend to consider a wide range of different factors prior to customizing a treatment plan for their patients, where they scale their medication roster gradually over many months so things do not overly escalate, and pose difficulties to the patients. Their techniques have seen a descent success rate that ranges from 60% to 70%, among the patients who have stayed consistent on their treatment programme for a full year without fail. Their efficient team does not fail to meet the solution, whatever the infertility problem the patient may be suffering from.

19. P. D. Hinduja National Hospital & Medical Research Centre (Best IVF Centre in India)

  • Address & Directions: 8-12, Swatantryaveer Savarkar Rd, Mahim West, Mahim
  • IVF Doctors: Dr. Indira Hinduja
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs. 130,000
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 21,000
  • Surrogacy Cost: Rs. 1,500,000
  • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
  • Reviews & Rating: 4.0 – 2100 Google reviews
  • Fertility Success Rate: 78%
  • Book Free Appointment: 022 4510 8111
  • Website: https://www.hindujahospital.com/

The IVF division of P.D. Hinduja National Hospital & Medical Research Centre is part of a tertiary-care, multi-speciality hospital in the western suburbs of Mumbai. The hospital was established in 1951 by a businessman and philanthropist Parmanand Deepchand Hinduja who collaborated with Massachusetts General Hospital, which happened to be the chief teaching hospital of the Harvard Medical School in Boston. At the moment, this hospital is run and owned by Hinduja Group’s Hinduja Healthcare Limited, which is based in London. The IVF division is directly led by Dr. Hinduja, who happens to be an obstetrician, gynaecologist, an infertility specialist. She pioneered the GIFT technique (Gamete intrafallopian transfer) with which a child was born on 4th January 1988, while she is also the first doctor in India to deliver the first IVF test tube child at KEM hospital on the 6th August 1986. One of the Oocyte donation methods developed for premature and menopausal ovarian failed patients had the nation’s first child through this technique was born on 24th January 1991.

Recently, in 2023, Hinduja Hospital ranked overall 6th best hospital in India, 3rd best hospital in private hospitals as well as in Western India and the best multi-speciality hospital across the Indian metropolitan cities. It is also the cleanest and tidiest hospital in entire Mumbai. The IVF division offers a multitude of fertility treatments to its patients. Gynaecological treatments, Obstetrics, Laparoscopy, IVF, hysteroscopy, ICSI, TESA, MESA, FET and IUI are some of those treatments. There is no infertility problem that they can’t resolve when their team comes together to find an infertility solution.

20.Saishree IVF Infertility and Test Tube Center (Best IVF Centre in India)

    • Address & Directions: 251/252, Opp, Telephone Exchange, Ramban Society, Near Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Cho Maharashtra, Maharashtra 411007
    • IVF Doctors: Dr. Yeshwant Mane, Dr. Girish Pote, 
    • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Cost: Rs. 130,000
    • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Cost: Rs. 21,000
    • Surrogacy Cost: Rs. 1,500,000
    • Services Offered: IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.
    • Reviews & Rating: 4.7 – 91 Google reviews
    • Fertility Success Rate: 75%
    • Book Free Appointment: +91 9356939128

SaiShree Infertility & Test Tube Baby Centre in Pune is counted among the top hospitals across India that are situated in Tier-2 cities, which are expanding rapidly. They have expertise in infertility treatment and prevention. Their doctors are highly adept at various methods of treatment as well as their infertility centre has qualified and experienced medical team members working as a close-woven unit that infuses their clinical excellence to enhance the patient’s chances of achieving parenthood. Their cutting-edge infrastructure as well as the latest technologies are at work in full swing when they have to deliver an accurate IVF treatment for their patient in their Pune IVF centre. Their dexterous team always strives to provide the best possible infertility treatment.

Even though they are fairly new, in the 3 years since their inception, their team has delivered above 300 babies through IVF treatment. They are always in pursuit of successfully achieving excellent outcomes for their patients, where they deploy nothing but the best and most advanced technologies that deliver the desired results. Since they render personalized care with carefully monitored treatment methodologies, their success rates are at par with the international IVF treatment standards. Their consistent results have made them recognized. They have always been attentive to the financial and health conditions of their patients, and they ensure that their patients receive a tailor-made solution at an affordable cost.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ):

1. How do I choose the best IVF Centre in India?

Ans: Factors to consider while choosing IVF centre in Delhi

  • Success rate of the clinic you choose
  • Location of the clinic
  • A detailed cost breakdown
  • Expertise of doctors and their qualifications
  • Facilities and support services offered by the clinic
  • Availability of genetic testing and preservation of eggs and embryos

2. Which type of IVF is best?

Ans:  In conventional IVF, medicines are used to stop the menstrual cycle and then restart it. Stimulating chemicals are then used to generate immature egg cells. It is the procedure when sperm surround eggs in a petri dish in a lab after the eggs are extracted from the ovary.

3. What is the riskiest part of IVF?

Ans: Embryo transfer or implantation is considered as the riskiest part of IVF. Because if this step fails then the whole process has to be repeated again.

4. Which cycle of IVF is most successful?

Ans: Success rate of IVF cycle depends on the age of the woman undergoing IVF. Women under the age of 35 have success of IVF in one or two cycles whereas women above the age of 40 have to go for a greater number of IVF cycles which can reach up to 5 or 6.

5. What is most painful in IVF?

Ans: Every injection has the potential to cause a mild, transient stinging sensation. During this stage of the IVF procedure, this is frequently the most painful part for you.

6. What is the age limit for IVF?

Ans: According to Assisted Reproductive Technology Act, for males to undergo IVF treatments, they have to be 55 years of age or younger, and females must be under 50 to receive IVF treatments.


It is always a matter of great difficulty to choose the Best IVF Centre in India 2023 that will suit your requirements. Looking into the IVF centre’s track record of successful results, their previous patient reviews, cost and the one that is located close to you should be a great choice to arrange for a consultation. And you may take it from there.

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