Dr. K.D Nayar has been actively dedicating his career to the cause of Infertility management for the past almost 30 Years. Several leading IVF specialists across India have trained under Dr. K.D Nayar in Infertility management. He commands a lot of respect in the medical community. Dr. K.D Nayar uses the latest technologies & techniques worldwide to give his patients the joy of parenting. His high success rates speak volumes about his expertise in IVF procedures. He has worked internationally in various hospitals of repute at very senior positions, to gain extensive & rich experience in the very challenging areas of Infertility management. This has armed him with a rich experience to deal with practically every possible problem in the area of infertility, IVF & its solutions.
While Dr. K.D. Nayar spends a lot of his time updating himself & contributing to his rich experience to the cause of infertility management, he has presented several International & national conferences & workshops on Infertility & Reproductive Medicine. He continues to update, upgrade & effort continue to bring the latest technologies & techniques in the very challenging area of Infertility management to provide the joy of parenthood to more & more couples. Dr. KD Nayar has been presenting papers & posters in both international & national conferences for the past several years. Dr. K.D Nayar is committed to the cause of infertility management. A lot of testimonials from his satisfied patients speak volumes about the smiles he has been bringing to many of his patients.
IVF Specialist Dr. K.D. Nayar Room No 711, Mata Chanan Devi hospital, C-1 Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi, Delhi 110058, , Janakpuri New Delhi, Delhi - 110058 India
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