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Top 3 Surrogacy Centres in South Delhi with High Success Rate 2021

Surrogacy is a procedure, supported by a legal agreement. In surrogacy, a woman called as surrogate agrees to become pregnant for the couple who cannot carry a pregnancy themselves. The intended parents will ultimately become the legal parents of the child or children. The process of surrogacy is a substantial method...

The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill 2019: Why commercial surrogacy is Ban in India?

In 2016, a Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill was introduced and passed by Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Indian parliament, proposing to permit only heterosexual Indian couples married for at least five years with infertility problems to access altruistic or unpaid surrogacy and thereby further banning commercial surrogacy. The 2016 bill lapsed owing...


Who Required IVF? Is there any other procedure that can be tried before IVF? IVF is required by two main people as we know IVF is for male and female infertility. If the male has a problem with the sperm count or the quality so that means if there is oligospermia, oroligoasthenospermia, oligoasthenoteratospermia or if ther...

5 Best Surrogacy Doctors in Chennai with High Success Rate 2020

Surrogacy is a legal agreement which is signed between the surrogate and the intended parents. This agreement includes that the child will whole and solely be allotted to the intended parents after the successful delivery. This process includes the extraction of the egg and sperm from the intended parents which is later kept for fertilization in an...
