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IVF Doctors for Ethiopian Patients

  • January 15, 2021

Best IVF Doctors in India for Ethiopian Patients

በሕንድ ውስጥ ምርጥ የአይ ኤፍ ሐኪሞች ለኢትዮጵያ ሕሙማን

Vinsfertility is one of the globally recognized IVF centers in India and is offering the best infertility treatment services worldwide. We are maintaining a high success ratio of our fertility treatment with the help of experienced successful doctors in India. We are working with the latest technology and highly skilled IVF specialists who are serving the best treatment to Ethiopian patients. If you are looking forward to availing of the cheap and reasonable IVF treatment then have a look at our pricing that we have mentioned on our page IVF cost in India for Ethiopian Patients. We ensure that once you get in touch with our executives over the phone you won’t have to go anywhere else as we will serve you in the best possible manner. Ethiopian couples who are looking for infertility treatment in India with easy access by road and air then Vinsfertility can help you in finding the same according to your comfort zone.

Vinsfertility በሕንድ በዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃ ከሚታወቁ IVF ማዕከል አንዱ ሲሆን በዓለም ዙሪያ ምርጥ የመሃንነት ሕክምና አገልግሎቶችን ይሰጣል ፡፡ በሕንድ ውስጥ ልምድ ባካበቱ ውጤታማ ሐኪሞች በመታገዝ የመራባት ሕክምናችን ከፍተኛ የስኬት መጠን እንጠብቃለን ፡፡ ለኢትዮጵያ ህመምተኞች ምርጥ ህክምናን ከሚያገለግሉ የቅርብ ጊዜ ቴክኖሎጂዎች እና ከፍተኛ ችሎታ ካላቸው IVF ባለሙያዎች ጋር እየሰራን ነው ፡፡ ርካሽ እና ምክንያታዊ የሆነውን የአይ ኤፍ ሕክምናን ለማግኘት በጉጉት የሚጠብቁ ከሆነ በሕንድ ውስጥ ለኢትዮጵያ ሕሙማን (አይኤፍኤፍ) ወጪ በገፃችን ላይ የጠቀስነውን ዋጋችንን ይመልከቱ ፡፡ ከሥራ አስፈፃሚዎቻችን ጋር በስልክ ከተገናኙ በኋላ በተሻለ ሁኔታ እናገለግልዎታለንና ወደ ሌላ ቦታ መሄድ እንደማያስፈልግ እናረጋግጣለን ፡፡ በህንድ ውስጥ የመሃንነት ህክምናን የሚፈልጉ በመንገድ እና በአየር በቀላሉ ማግኘት የሚችሉ ኢትዮጵያዊ ጥንዶች (Vinsfertility) እንደ ምቾት ዞንዎ ተመሳሳይ ነገር እንዲያገኙ ይረዱዎታል ፡፡

Highlights of Our IVF Treatment in India for Ethiopian Patients

ለኢትዬጵያ ህሙማን የህንድ ውስጥ አይ ኤፍ ሕክምናችን ዋና ዋና ነጥቦች

Our IVF centers for Ethiopian patients are situated at easy to access road and air. Our tied- up center has top-class successful fertility specialists in the country. We are well equipped with the latest ART techniques and other advanced facilities. We have performed Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Magnetic Activated Sperm Sorting (MACS), Pre-genetic Testing (PGT), and Cryopreservation depending upon the needs of the Ethiopian patient.

ለኢትዬጵያ ህሙማን የእኛ አይ ኤፍ ማዕከሎች ለመንገድ እና አየር ለመድረስ ቀላል ናቸው ፡፡ የታሰረው ማዕከላችን በአገሪቱ ውስጥ ከፍተኛ ደረጃ ያላቸው ውጤታማ የወሊድ ስፔሻሊስቶች አሉት ፡፡ እኛ የቅርብ ጊዜዎቹን የአርት ቴክኒኮች እና ሌሎች የላቁ መገልገያዎችን በሚገባ ታጥቀናል ፡፡ እንደ ኢትዩቲዩሪን ኢምዩሽን (አይዩአይ) በቪትሮ ማዳበሪያ (አይኤፍኤፍ) ኢንትራሳይቶፕላሲም ስፐርም መርፌ (አይሲአይሲ) ማግኔቲቭ አክቲቭ ስፐርም ስፕሪንግ (ኤም.ኤስ.ኤስ) ቅድመዘረመል ምርመራ (ፒጂቲ) እና ክራይዮፕሬዘርቬሽን በኢትዮጵያ በሽተኛ ፍላጎት ላይ ተመስርተናል ፡፡

We have experts, embryologists, and counselors who are specialized in offering successful fertility treatment. We ensure that every Ethiopian couple will have the best experience and support during their fertility journey. We work with a vision to provide best-in-class fertility treatment in various centers across the metro cities that are well equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and labs. Our center follows international guidelines and maintains standards in delivering high-quality fertility treatment to you.

ስኬታማ የመራባት ሕክምናን ለማቅረብ ልዩ ባለሙያተኞች ሽሎች እና አማካሪዎች አሉን ፡፡ እያንዳንዱ ኢትዮጵያዊ ባልና ሚስት በመራባት ጉዞአቸው ወቅት ምርጥ ተሞክሮና ድጋፍ እንደሚያገኙ እናረጋግጣለን ፡፡ እጅግ በጣም ዘመናዊ የመሰረተ ልማት አውታሮች እና ላቦራቶሪዎችን በሚገባ በተገጠሙ የሜትሮ ከተሞች ባሉ የተለያዩ ማዕከላት ውስጥ በክፍል ውስጥ ምርጥ የመራባት ህክምና ለመስጠት ከራዕይ ጋር እንሰራለን ፡፡ ማዕከላችን ዓለም አቀፍ መመሪያዎችን በመከተል ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው የመራባት ሕክምናን ለእርስዎ ለማድረስ ደረጃዎችን ይጠብቃል ፡፡

Services Offered By Our Successful Fertility Doctors :-

በእኛ IVF ሐኪሞች የሚሰጡ አገልግሎቶች

  •         Infertility assessment  |  የመሃንነት ግምገማ
  •         Blood Tests  |  የደም ምርመራዎች
  •         Semen Analysis  |  የዘር ፈሳሽ ትንተና
  •         Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA)  |  የኢንዶሜትሪያል ተቀባዮች ድርድር (ኢራ)
  •         Intrauterine insemination (IUI)  |  በማህፀን ውስጥ የማዳቀል (IUI)
  •         In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)  |  በቪትሮ ማዳበሪያ (አይ ኤፍ)
  •         Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)  |  ኢንትራቶፕላፕላስሚክ የዘር ፈሳሽ መርፌ (አይሲአይሲ)
  •         Magnetic Activated Sperm Sorting (MACS)  |  መግነጢሳዊ ገባሪ የወንድ የዘር ፈሳሽ (MACS)
  •         Cryopreservation
  •         Donor Program : Sperm / Egg / Embryo  |  ለጋሽ ፕሮግራምየወንዱ የዘር ፍሬ / እንቁላል / ፅንስ
  •         Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

Our Best IVF Treatment Fertility Doctors for Ethiopian Patients

የእኛ ምርጥ የአይ ኤፍ ሕክምና ሐኪሞች ለኢትዮጵያ ሕሙማን

We have the best IVF Doctors for Ethiopian patients who are 24/7 hr working with us to treat the infertility of the patients. You will avail the best IVF treatment with the best fertility doctor in India without any hassle. Here are some top doctors that are working in India and are very much famous to treat infertile Ethiopian couples with approx success rate of about 80 %.

የታካሚዎችን መሃንነት ለማከም ከእኛ ጋር የሚሰሩ 24/7 ሰዓት ለሚሆኑ ለኢትዮ patientsያ ህመምተኞች ምርጥ የአይ ቪ ኤፍ ሐኪሞች አሉን ፡፡ ያለምንም ችግር በሕንድ ውስጥ ካሉ ምርጥ የወሊድ ሐኪም ጋር በጣም ጥሩውን የአይ ቪ ኤፍ ሕክምናን ያገኛሉ ፡፡ እዚህ በሕንድ ውስጥ የሚሰሩ እና የማይቻሉ ኢትዮጵያዊ ጥንዶችን በ 80% ገደማ በተሳካ ሁኔታ ለማከም በጣም ዝነኛ የሆኑት ከፍተኛ ሐኪሞች እነሆ ፡፡

1.    Dr. Bharati Dhorepatil

2.    Dr. Rita Bakshi

3.    Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour

4.    Dr. Pooja Gupta

1. Dr. Bharati Dhorepatil

  •         Specialties: MBBS, DGO, DNB – Obstetrics & Gynecology Infertility Specialist, Gynecologist, Obstetrician, Laparoscopic Surgeon (Obs & Gyn), FICS, FICOG
  •         Experience: 38 Years Experience Overall  (33 years as a specialist)
  •         IVF Treatment Success Rates: 80%
  •         IVF Centre: Nova Fertility Center, New Delhi
  •         Book an Appointment | Phone: +919643264509
  •         Address: S.No. 12, Nova IVF Fertility, 1/1, 1/2 C, Valkan Society, Kranti Nagar, Kharadi, Pune, Maharashtra 411014

Dr.Bharati Dhorepatil is a Gold Medalist from Government College Miraj-1982 , Pioneering & Formation of an independent maternity hospital & IVF center in Pune. Has helped more than 10,000 couples conceive. She has achieved a fellowship and has become a Post Graduate Fellow Guide to train many young gynecologists in the field. She has a lot of innovations on her name like the IGD Score ( Individualize Gonadotropin Dose ), to individualize ART treatment, Green IVF( Natural Cycle IVF). Labor Program designed to optimize C-Section to a great mark. She has done pioneering work in Microlaparoscopy in India. She has been the front runner in prestigious medical organizations like IMA, FOGSI, IFS, POGS. She was involved in many patient education programs like Health talks & Blogs about Women’s Health, Infertility, Cancer prevention Education, Breast Cancer awareness, Menstrual Hygiene.

2. Dr. Rita Bakshi

  •         Specialties: MBBS, MD – Obstetrics & Gynaecology, DGO Gynecologist, Obstetrician, Infertility Specialist
  •         Experience: 35 Years Experience Overall  (33 years as a specialist)
  •         IVF Treatment Success Rates: 75%
  •         IVF Centre: International Fertility Center, New Delhi
  •         Book an Appointment | Phone: +919643264509
  •         Address: H-6, 1st Floor, Green Park, New Delhi, Delhi 110016

Dr. Rita Bakshi has over 31 years of experience working in the fertility industry. As the founder of the International Fertility Centre (IVF Centre India), she oversees all management operations of the company. A thought leader in the industry, she is frequently interviewed on the subjects of egg donation and surrogacy and travels around the globe promoting the highest level of professional standards in a constantly evolving field. She’s also the founder of Adiva Group of Hospitals. She completed her MBBS in 1983 from Lady Harding Medical College, New Delhi. She did her Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGO) in 1987 from St. Stephen’s Hospital, Delhi. She completed her M.D in 1990, from Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi. She did her 1-year diploma from St. Stephen Hospital, Delhi, two years MD from Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi.

Achievements and Works

  •         Performed more than 6000 cesarean sections, 3000 Hysterectomies including non-descent Hysterectomies even up to 16-week size uterus.
  •         Has done more than 1000 cases of IVF annually at all the centers with a success rate of over 45%.
  •         Have Done Tubal recanalization using a microscope with an excellent result.
  •         Have successfully dealt with male infertility, testicular biopsy, frozen sperm ICSI.
  •         The success rate of over 80% in Egg Donor Surrogacy.

She is trained in the art (Assisted Reproductive Techniques) & IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) from Inst. of reproductive medicine, Kolkata under the doyen & pioneer of IVF. Dr. B.N. Chakravorty. She has a diploma in art from KKIVF Hospital Singapore, and a diploma in endoscopy from KIEL, Germany. She has worked as a specialist and head of the department in a public sector undertaking hospital for more than15 years. She has done more than 4000 art cycles with a success rate of over 50%. She has also done more than 4000 cesarean sections, 3000 hysterectomies including non-descent hysterectomies of even up to 16-week size uterus. She has exceptional results in egg donor surrogacy having a success rate of over 85 %.

3. Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour

Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour

  •         Specialties: MBBS, MRCOG (UK), MD – Obstetrics & Gynaecology, DNB – Obstetrics & Gynecology Gynecologist, Obstetrician, Infertility Specialist
  •         Experience: 16 Years Experience Overall  (16 years as a specialist)
  •       IVF Treatment Success Rates: 70%
  •       IVF Centre: Surrogacy Fertility Center, New Delhi
  •       Book an Appointment | Phone: +919643264509
  •       Address:  4, Greater Kailash-1, M Block, Greater Kailash I, Greater Kailash, New Delhi, Delhi 110048

Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour is the founder and director of SCI Healthcare and SCI IVF Hospital and Multispeciality Centre and consultant fertility specialist. Dr. Sachdev-Gour has practiced as an obstetrician and gynecologist, and infertility specialist for the past ten years. She completed her medical and obstetrical qualifications in Mumbai in 2000 and was involved with treating the first cases of legal surrogacy in India. Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour is the founder and director of SCI Healthcare Hospital and Multispeciality Centre and consultant fertility specialist. Dr. Sachdev-Gour has practiced as an Obstetrician and Gynecologist, and Infertility Specialist for the past 16 years. She completed her medical and Obstetrical qualifications in Mumbai in 2000 and was involved with treating the first cases of legal surrogacy in India.

                                                       Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour has spent four years in the United Kingdom as an IVF clinical research fellow at the prestigious Hammersmith Hospital as well as practiced as a Gynecologist and Obstetrician at Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. She gained membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (UK) in May 2005. In 2007 Dr. Sachdev Gour returned to Delhi to consult with an IVF specialist with Delhi’s premier Infertility treatment centers. She now leads the SCI Healthcare and SCI IVF Hospital surrogacy and IVF programs. Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour’s distinguished work has brought local and international attention to SCI Healthcare IVF and surrogacy programs. Through her medical expertise and dedication to excellence, hundreds of couples from around the world are now parents. 

4. Dr. Pooja Gupta

  •         Specialties: MBBS, DNB – Obstetrics & Gynecology, Gynecologist, Obstetrician, Infertility Specialist, Diploma reproductive medicine, Kiel, Germany
  •         Experience: 21 Years Experience Overall (14 years as a specialist)
  •       IVF Treatment Success Rates: 75%
  •       IVF Centre: Seeds of Innocence – Best IVF Centre & Surrogacy in Delhi
  •       Book an Appointment | Phone: +919643264509
  •       Address:  3, opp. Aurbindo College, MMTC Colony, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110017

Dr. Pooja Gupta is a high-risk pregnancy and infertility consultant who is currently working in Seeds of Innocence. She has worked in Pushpanjali Crosslay Hospital, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, and Shanti Gopal Hospital, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad as well. Her main area of interest is dealing with high-risk pregnancy & managing cases related to advanced infertility. Dr. Pooja Gupta has been trained extensively in India, at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi. She completed her MBBS in 1998 from S. N. Medical College, Agra. She was awarded Ravi Chandra Smriti Gold Medal for excellent performance in MBBS. She is a Diplomate of the national board of examinations and was awarded mnams by the national academy of medical sciences, New Delhi in the year 2006. She has undergone vast exposure & training in reproductive endocrinology & IVF in the department of reproductive endocrinology & IVF, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi between Nov 2006 to Apr 2007. She was also trained for handling high-risk pregnancy & perinatology in high risk pregnancy clinics, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi between May 2007 to Oct 2007. She is a life member of the Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology Society of India, a member Association of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Delhi & Ghaziabad. She has published and co-authored numerous scientific research papers in international and national journals of repute. 

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